Little Monser
Forgot to vote, fuck :/
BEYONCE - 65.2%
Voted Madge.
Now who the heck nominated me tho?
Unlike the British youth population, I have voted.
Thanks <3
Soulscribe could have gotten my nudes without nominating me tho.Some people really wants your nudes it seems Pupi
Why are you here and not playing TMS#FE?
best taste...
Voted Madge.
Now who the heck nominated me tho?
I voted for you
You consistently post bops in here and I am forever thankful
you got my nomination
though if you nominate me for worst taste it shall be recanted
Don't shame me
Edit: idk if this is shady or not lol
It's not, lol. Thank you <3
Voted for Mau because I think he's one of the few people whose library of music I could endure without wanting to blow my brains out.
Okay I voted this time
I'm so confused lol.Augustine
Best of You
Better than Me
Juicy 1-4
On constant repeat but I think that I could use the rest of the songs all day... Freetown Sound is really great.
Oh yeah, forgot to add Kanye, Jay-Z or another "urban" artist on that list to check the diversity quota. My bad!
Me too, I missed the Janet vs Bey vote, but I think I voted in all the others.
Worst taste is gonna be a landslide <_<
So my dry spell worked afterall for not sending the lube?
I really think and want Rih to release "This is Acting Part II" with her singing Sia songs as Sia. Her best songs have been her pretending to be Sia.
Come through QUEEN.