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irresponsible vagina leak
So it's confirmed she's going all in on this song

Katy really did end BritKnee LMAO


Katy's videos are always good (except for BIRTHDAY omg so tragic) so I guess I'm perchED!

Eh, I ended up enjoying Brit's song a lot more.

A popgaffer a few pages ago said it best:

pre-chorus --> Katy
chorus --> Britney

Edit: it was soulscribe.
Also, that teaser for Rise shows that the music is pretty great. Very M83 Oblivion'ish, with a trap beat.

What I'm saying is that Katy's singing ruins it.
red earth & pouring rain - 5, bordering on "too country"
emeralds - 4, safe and boring, next
dew on the vine - 4, meh, skip
roses on a breeze - 4, snore
new jerusalem - 5, at least it's different from the previous songs, but still blah as fuck
love can't stand alone - 4, pass, boring ballad
auld wives - 4, would not want to replay, chorus is annoying
greenwoods bethlehem - 3, "words all fall like empires into the ocean" oh please, fuck off
broken parable - 6, tempo saves this one, plus the instrumental is okay, vocals suck ass tho
fortress - 2, crying of boredom
gabriel - 2, this shit can't be serious, my god, so fucking boring
napoleon - 2, fuck these lyrics and his whiny ass voice

overall - 4

ALL THESE SONGS SOUND THE SAME, and all sounds like whiny poor me bullshit

and girls like to drag chvrches? at least their copypasta is good




irresponsible vagina leak
The hack also reveals how against Bernie they were. Vote with your conscious vote for trump!
Trump is trash on fire while Hillary is just trash. I rather vote for the trash not on fire cause that aint gonna stink up the room as bad as the one on fire.


Hello popgaf I'm looking for a recent song that features a rapper for the last verse, and all I can remember is one of his lines is a pretty bad pun

It's not:
Make me
Work from home


Hello popgaf I'm looking for a recent song that features a rapper for the last verse, and all I can remember is one of his lines is a pretty bad pun

It's not:
Make me
Work from home

Make Me (Oooh)

Edit: Why are we talking about American politics here on POPGAF?
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