Day 1 dragging Robotney.Sweeeeet! Can't wait to hear it!
No Knee slander is allowed girlies!
Just tell me when and where you want me and I'm there
Weekly would be a huge undertaking though, telling you now. Biweekly would be most ideal.
I would love to participate but I have my English game is not on point rn (it has been like 2 years since I spoke English in a regular basis at work).
Anyway I hope the podcast is a thing and I expect a half-hour analysis of Soulscribe about how Check to Check changed the Jazz scene when it dropped while all the other involved start asking him for nudes or something
Can't imagine you being shy tbh 🌝Lol I would be a guest tbh. I dont know if I'll get shy when recording or something. >.>
Can't imagine you being shy tbh 🌝
I would love to participate but I have my English game is not on point rn (it has been like 2 years since I spoke English in a regular basis at work).
Anyway I hope the podcast is a thing and I expect a half-hour analysis of Soulscribe about how Check to Check changed the Jazz scene when it dropped while all the other involved start asking him for nudes or something
Do itWhen needed, I could educate everyone on k-pop with my weird accent.
I'm sure you will be fine!LOL one thing is gaf , another is me being drunk on GAF and me IRL sober trying to do a podcast and talking in English which I dont do as often as I would like. My vocaroo posts pretty much show my accent through it and who knows how well I will interact with others.![]()
Kellegend Clarkson ending the internet with the ultimate burn.
I don't do albums anymore, but been hearing this really catchy song on the car radio lately, finally looked it up online when I got home last week and it turns out it's Rihanna's This Is What You Came For
Those vocals![]()
That beat![]()
What an utter bop![]()
I can't take it off repeat. Help.
Ok, so far we have:
anyone else?
ready to move forward.
So as not to spam this thread until the podcast is ready, what venue should we discuss the particulars in? Skype, Google, carrier pigeon...?
Maybe PM me with your ideas for how we should handle the logistics and such. We'll need at least a little bit of planning and delegating so it's only intentionally fuckery-filled and not a technical dumpster fire![]()
The only one I know with that sort of technical know-how is 3phem.Make sure the person recording it is able to properly edit the audio. Podcasts, no matter how professional, always have an editor to cut out white noise, dead air, etc.
I'll send a mass PM tonight to all interested parties with juicy deets.I have no idea how podcasts work, most have the speakers in the same room right? I dunno how polished we'll sound all Skyping in. I think we will need someone to contribute some editing skills either way.
I'll PM you ideas for segments n such once I get my shit together.![]()
Why not let me push it in?I'll PM you ideas for segments n such once I get my shit together.![]()
33 Years ago today Madonna changed pop music and what it means to be a pop star forever with the release of her self titled debut album. Her synth-laden dance/pop sound and fashion trends have inspired many, including your faves. She went on to dominate the 80s, 90s and 00s as a global fashion, cultural, and pop icon. Her debut quintuple platinum album hit its Billboard 200 peak over a year after its release. The album had legs and five hit singles, including the debut single that started it all for her, Everybody. If you have not listened to the album in full I implore you to do so, for without it your faves would cease to exist.
Album Links:
Apple Music
Song Ratings:
Lucky Star - ****
Borderline - ****
Burning Up - *****
I Know It - ***
Holiday - *****
Think of Me - ****
Physical Attraction - *****
Everybody - *****
Videos (in order of release):
Everybody (1982)
Burning Up (1983)
Borderline (1984)
Lucky Star (1984)
The album gets 5 stars and should be on any Most Iconic Pop Album list until the end of time.
Madonna is overrated, but still. a good album
for her though, it was bottom 3 until she released those unspeakable tragedies after hard candy
How about a podcast intro that spells out POPGAF with the same rhythm and notes that Gaga spells ARTPOP? PO-PG-AF.Hehe
How about a podcast intro that spells out POPGAF with the same rhythm and notes that Gaga spells ARTPOP? PO-PG-AF.Hehe
How about a podcast intro that spells out POPGAF with the same rhythm and notes that Gaga spells ARTPOP? PO-PG-AF.Hehe
How about a podcast intro that spells out POPGAF with the same rhythm and notes that Gaga spells ARTPOP? PO-PG-AF.Hehe
Just fyi, Skype is a bit messy when it comes to podcasts. I think you need to use a third party plugin to get it to work, and it tends to make the one recording barely audible.
Unfortunately, I don't really know what to recommend. Team Speak works well, but I think you need to rent a server (or know a friend who does and ask him to let you in). Discord is also a thing, but I'm not sure you can use it to record podcasts. Google had a voice chat app as well but it probably uses G+ so :/
Hmm good to know. I have a Ventrillo server that I have access to that we could use but that would require everyone to download ventrillo. :/
Oh so the POPGAF podcast is happening? Like it was happening like 5-6 OTs ago? Ok
The grammys too!