I don't think I've ever put much thought to it before, and it probably just dawned on me today going through all his videos on youtube. But my fave brought you a new era, with a new look, a new wardrobe, a new sound, a new stage show, and a new tour EVERY YEAR. Straight from 84 to 93. Like... here I am in 2016 excited for a new Beyonce era and the fact that it just came 2 years after the last one. Like wow sis, come through.
Too bad it took his death for me to re-realize that my fave is at a whole different level than yours. I kind of makes me feel bad for you guys. However if theres one thing I wish he would have taken from your faves was to get his old ass hip fixed before becoming dependent on pain meds.
Why ya'll gagging so? She bring it to you every ball.