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Would you prefer she supported Trump?
Gross. I'd rather the establishment quit trotting out all these senior citizens to run the country. If its a choice between Hil and Don... its not really a choice. Both are gross. More feckless Obama or more racism. I guess feckless will win, but its not really winning. America needs an enema.

BTW, I love that there is SO much Prince stuff on YouTube now. Some I haven't seen in eons, some I have never seen. I guess his "people" aren't taking stuff down anymore? Maybe they no longer have jobs? RIP Prince, but it's nice to have you on YouTube.

I think only the officially released things are getting taken down. I've watched so many concerts that I'd only heard on hissy cassette tapes. It's one part saddening that he's gone and one part glad his old luddite ass passed on. lol Not really. But still. Its nice that his no streaming stance paid off so well on the charts.

The Flop

The next insta grat track off of 7/27 slays a bit!

"Write on Me" It's out in NZ, I would link it but it's not a legal link. :)

The Flop

All that interview confirms is that, as I suspected, Lauren is the superior one.

Supports Hillary. Judges the other one for even entertaining the notion of Trump. SLAY

She is well spoken but supporting Hilldog. :x

But slay a biT.


Gross. I'd rather the establishment quit trotting out all these senior citizens to run the country. If its a choice between Hil and Don... its not really a choice. Both are gross. More feckless Obama or more racism. I guess feckless will win, but its not really winning. America needs an enema.

What America needs is a populace that actually gives enough of a shit to vote regularly instead of staying home during critical elections then having the gall to complain about how the system's broken and that they're not represented. It's like taking a nap at the start of a game then waking up halfway through and complaining that the game is rigged because your ass is sitting in last place. The United States has one of the least politically educated/involved voting bodies and the primaries have proven this in spades on both sides of the spectrum.

Watching certain "progressives" support someone who's severely under-vetted and has a completely unfeasible policy platform is proof enough of this. Ya'll being moved by political broadspeak just as much as Trump's batshit supporters have with their oversized cargo shorts. Please get some perspective thanks

icu tryin me
What America needs is a populace that actually gives enough of a shit to vote regularly instead of staying home during critical elections then having the gall to complain about how the system's broken and that they're not represented.


The United States has one of the least politically educated/involved voting bodies and the primaries have proven this in spades on both sides of the spectrum.


Watching certain "progressives" support someone who's severely under-vetted and has a completely unfeasible policy platform is proof enough of this.

I see what you did here.
Screw you too.

Please get some perspective thanks

I would offer my
for you to
, but you're a married woman now, so I'll refrain.

icu tryin me
You make it so easy though. I was almost swayed into voting for her after that pandering she did on the Breakfast Club... But naaaaaah. I don't buy it. I guess one positive of her presidency will be the traffic where I live in will go down when we she sends all the soldiers to war next. If they're gone long enough all the wives will leave too.


Long before there was Lemonade, Beyonce and Jay Z attempted to put out a joint album, sources tell Billboard, and the power couple still may see the project through in the near future.



On Wednesday, it was reported that Jay Z is working on his own response to Lemonade, which, in its lyrics, references infidelity and a troubled marriage in no uncertain terms. According to Us Weekly, the album would be "telling his side of things."



World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
It doesnt really matter now but I feel like this will just create a backlash against them
taylor swift level of fakeness
Royolan warned us
It doesnt really matter now but I feel like this will just create a backlash against them
lol. I will never understand the level of scrutiny certain genres of music are under. Everything doesn't have to be from the artists life. Some themes are universal. That would be like me coming out of Captain America tonight mad because I just discovered the MCU wasn't a documentary series. Child please. The internet ruins everything.


Xtina, JT, and Britney are coming...

Legends are coming 😍
Although idc about JT but whatever

Once you achieve a certain level of acclaim you imprint unquestionable authorship on everything you do, homage or not.

That's why I hate beys fans


Ten times out of nine, I know you're lying
But nine times outta ten, I know you're trying
So I'm trying to be fair
And you're trying to be there and to care

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