<+)O Robido O(+>
Gross. I'd rather the establishment quit trotting out all these senior citizens to run the country. If its a choice between Hil and Don... its not really a choice. Both are gross. More feckless Obama or more racism. I guess feckless will win, but its not really winning. America needs an enema.Would you prefer she supported Trump?
BTW, I love that there is SO much Prince stuff on YouTube now. Some I haven't seen in eons, some I have never seen. I guess his "people" aren't taking stuff down anymore? Maybe they no longer have jobs? RIP Prince, but it's nice to have you on YouTube.
I think only the officially released things are getting taken down. I've watched so many concerts that I'd only heard on hissy cassette tapes. It's one part saddening that he's gone and one part glad his old luddite ass passed on. lol Not really. But still. Its nice that his no streaming stance paid off so well on the charts.