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I'll use this opportunity to remind you guys of this #ICONIC, but unfortunately often forgotten Rih moment:

Rihanna ha Jessie-J esque bisexual era begins


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Moonlight was fucking good man
Janelle Monae is two for two with that and Hidden Figures
Moonlight was fucking good man
Janelle Monae is two for two with that and Hidden Figures

Between Moonlight, Hidden Figures, and Fences, there better be some melanin noticed in the nominations for the Oscars come Tuesday. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't...


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Between Moonlight, Hidden Figures, and Fences, there better be some melanin noticed in the nominations for the Oscars come Tuesday. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't...
Moonlight is pretty much guaranteed. I wouldn't be surprised if either Fences or Hidden Figures get nominated, there's also Loving.
Did you see the golden globes?

Moonlight is pretty much guaranteed. I wouldn't be surprised if either Fences or Hidden Figures get nominated, there's also Loving.

I'm just concerned that La La Land is gonna take all the things come Oscars. I'm sure it's great ( haven't seen it yet), but those other three movies are on a different level. I would say Moonlight has the best chance though.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I'm just concerned that La La Land is gonna take all the things come Oscars. I'm sure it's great ( haven't seen it yet), but those other three movies are on a different level. I would say Moonlight has the best chance though.
If anything could take it from La La Land it would be Moonlight. La La Land will win though.


So Resident Evil 7 came and so have I.


Legend of Shitty Draw Distance and Horizon Zero Awards will never be able to even match it.

Your fave can't even try

Capcom won



So Resident Evil 7 came and so have I.


Legend of Shitty Draw Distance and Horizon Zero Awards will never be able to even match it.

Your fave can't even try

Capcom won


Amazon tryna top me, they ain't shipped my copy and Tales of Berseria ain't even have a knack estimated delivery time rip

But I'm eggcited nonetheless


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So Resident Evil 7 came and so have I.


Legend of Shitty Draw Distance and Horizon Zero Awards will never be able to even match it.

Your fave can't even try

Capcom won

Gaf is going to freak the fuck out when that game is only mediocre. So how would you compare 7 to 4, 5, and 6? I don't even know what 7 is about.
I thought Outlast 2 wasn't out til later this year?

Oh, nvm. Different game, looks exactly the same though!
Outlast 2 is probably the only game I am hyped for, otherwise I'm just going to not pay attention this year like last year.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Reductive Evil and Yakuza talk on this page as if both series haven't been trash for years


Love yourselves and purchase JPRG of the year Dragon Quest 8 on the 3D(succes)S today


Gaf is going to freak the fuck out when that game is only mediocre. So how would you compare 7 to 4, 5, and 6? I don't even know what 7 is about.

Outlast 2 is probably the only game I am hyped for, otherwise I'm just going to not pay attention this year like last year.

If you are a fan of classic Resident Evil, then it's GOTY for you as well.

If you are the type that loved 5 and 6, please don't talk to me ever again.


Gaf is going to freak the fuck out when that game is only mediocre. So how would you compare 7 to 4, 5, and 6? I don't even know what 7 is about.

Couple things:

1. Calling it mediocre based on what exactly? The positive impressions in the early impressions thread? Lmao

2. "I don't even know what 7 is about" uh ok? Then why you asking about it? The fuck?

Back to music though, rap queen Drake's new playlist/album whatever the fuck is out in a week, be sure to listen.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Couple things:

1. Calling it mediocre based on what exactly? The positive impressions in the early impressions thread? Lmao

2. "I don't even know what 7 is about" uh ok? Then why you asking about it? The fuck?

Back to music though, rap queen Drake's new playlist/album whatever the fuck is out in a week, be sure to listen.

Have you seen the review thread?

Resident Evil 7 is getting a bunch of 7/10s popping up (with the embargo yet to lift) and is on track to review worse than The Last Disappointment and Final Fantasy XV (both which were already considered somewhat disappointing).


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
If you are a fan of classic Resident Evil, then it's GOTY for you as well.

If you are the type that loved 5 and 6, please don't talk to me ever again.
Well 5 was the first one I played and it was fun with Co-Op, and that's about it lol. 4 was great though, and I couldn't even finish 6. So is this third person or first person?
Couple things:

1. Calling it mediocre based on what exactly? The positive impressions in the early impressions thread? Lmao

2. "I don't even know what 7 is about" uh ok? Then why you asking about it? The fuck?

Back to music though, rap queen Drake's new playlist/album whatever the fuck is out in a week, be sure to listen.
1. Gurerrila Games has never produced an actual good game. Their only claim to game greatness is Killzone 2's multiplayer. Horizon is extremely hyped, and I just don't see it living up to it.

2. Well I am interested in 7, because I have played 4, 5 and 6. I haven't kept up in games at all for the past year because I've been pretty busy.

And Drakes new music is finally dropping?? Thank God! Been waiting forever it seems.


Have you seen the review thread?

Resident Evil 7 is getting a bunch of 7/10s popping up (with the embargo yet to lift) and is on track to review worse than The Last Disappointment and Final Fantasy XV (both which were already considered somewhat disappointing).

Uh all I see is one score of 9, one 8.5, and one 7.5 so far. I didn't know three constituted "a bunch" and those bunches are not even 7/10s but ok sis


Well 5 was the first one I played and it was fun with Co-Op, and that's about it lol. 4 was great though, and I couldn't even finish 6. So is this third person or first person?

1. Gurerrila Games has never produced an actual good game. Their only claim to game greatness is Killzone 2's multiplayer. Horizon is extremely hyped, and I just don't see it living up to it.

2. Well I am interested in 7, because I have played 4, 5 and 6. I haven't kept up in games at all for the past year because I've been pretty busy.

And Drakes new music is finally dropping?? Thank God! Been waiting forever it seems.

I thought you were referring to RE7 with the mediocre comment. I dunno about Horizon. It looks dope but Guerilla is trash.


Well 5 was the first one I played and it was fun with Co-Op, and that's about it lol. 4 was great though, and I couldn't even finish 6. So is this third person or first person?

First person. But since you haven't played any of the classic ones, I'm not sure what will youe reaction to it be.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I thought you were referring to RE7 with the mediocre comment. I dunno about Horizon. It looks dope but Guerilla is trash.
Oh no lol. And yeah Horizon looks great! I just have no confidence in them whatsoever!
First person. But since you haven't played any of the classic ones, I'm not sure what will youe reaction to it be.
Is there a demo of it out? I think there is.


The most successful RE, RE4, is the one I thought Capcom would turn to when they realized RE6 was way off the tracks. RE4 is the best one imo so I honestly just wanted RE4 Vol. 2.

I'm disappointed they ended up with a very obvious PT inspired game, with much of RE's signature polished style taken away.


The most successful RE, RE4, is the one I thought Capcom would turn to when they realized RE6 was way off the tracks. RE4 is the best one imo so I honestly just wanted RE4 Vol. 2.

I'm disappointed they ended up with a very obvious PT inspired game, with much of RE's signature polished style taken away.

But everything in this game is very much a 'RE' type of experience. Demo notsomuch, but from what I've seen, the campaign follows the traditional gameplay. The P.T. part is a coincidence, since the game owes more to Outlast and Amnesia, although unlike those two you can defend yourself.


Posting some hilarious spanish music one friend showed to me.

Las bistecs - HDA (Art History)
Las Bistecs - Señoras bien


Only posting this because there is a big part of this community that understands spanish, since the main appeal are the lyrics that are both hilariously dumb and genius. They define their music as electro-disgusting.

It's maybe still worth checking out for the visual gags and the production, that it's tighter that it had any right to be.

I need them to represent Spain in Eurovision


Posting some hilarious spanish music one friend showed to me.

Las bistecs - HDA (Art History)
Las Bistecs - Señoras bien


Only posting this because there is a big part of this community that understands spanish, since the main appeal are the lyrics that are both hilariously dumb and genius. They define their music as electro-disgusting.

It's maybe still worth checking out for the visual gags and the production, that it's tighter that it had any right to be.

I need them to represent Spain in Eurovision
Are they related to The Ketchup's? Because that name lol
will check them out during lunch

Ugh, I just remembered that time when that song called Asereje was [EVERYWHERE]. Birthdays, graduations, summer gatherings, etc... UGH.

I boped to it T_T


Are they related to The Ketchup's? Because that name lol
will check them out during lunch

Ugh, I just remembered that time when that song called Asereje was [EVERYWHERE]. Birthdays, graduations, summer gatherings, etc... UGH.

I boped to it T_T

I also did but I was 12

I also knew the nonsense "lyrics"


10 minutes before the Resident Evil thread becomes a warzone



He never wants to strip down to his feelings
He never wants to kiss and close his eyes
He never wants to cry-y-y, cry-y-y
I never really know when he'll be leaving
And even with hello I hear goodbye
He always makes me cry-y-y, cry-y-y

Slay me a bit Carlisus~
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