Omg... Mess :/Mau ®;203463480 said:I once saw Gaga at The Fame Ball but I had a shit time. Not because of her, mind you. But because a friend got literally wasted as fuck and I had to take care of her throughout the whole show. She was literally on the floor unconscious before the show even began smh.
Tea tbhHer VMA paparazzi performance still g.o.a.t though
Its all subjective. I think Rih's worst performance ranks higher than Goobers "best" performance.
I <3 you dearly sis but we can't just say anything in here.
Rihanna is barely a grade above Katy Perry on a stage and that's only because she doesn't move like a CGI walnut. She is, however, dire as fuck with a microphone and an open space. As someone who stans Bey and Prince I expect your standards to be higher.![]()
I <3 you dearly sis but we can't just say anything in here.
Rihanna is barely a grade above Katy Perry on a stage and that's only because she doesn't move like a CGI walnut. She is, however, dire as fuck with a microphone and an open space. As someone who stans Bey and Prince I expect your standards to be higher.![]()
Whew, ain't that the tea!Mau ®;203465301 said:Katy Perry is insulting. Katy could never sing
Don't forget Madonna. But as you well know, we have our faves we know are trash. Mine is Rihanna. The question is, is yours GooGoo or Xtuna? I'm betting its HooHaa because Noxeema could be competent if she tried.
Madonna is straight up trailer trash
Your fav frequently collabs with Germaine Dupree.
YASSSS TELL THEMand that collab blessed us with Daydream and Emancipation so I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here.
u better have listened to 'hopelessness' sis
Gott ist tot
Where is your album Queen???
Why do yalls Stan Brittany so much? Is it because you grew up with her? Am I going to be stanning RiRi and Swiftor as hard as yalls when I'm like 40??
I really cant see what you do with Britney's perfomance skills, she cant dance, she cant sing and she looks bored everytime
Where is your album Queen???
And even at her peak she was still nowhere near the level of Madonna.
Gaga's shooting a movie in October, so #LG52k17 it is.
I doubt it. 🌝Nah, the album will come out before then.
I doubt it. ��
meghag Trainor lmaowtf is this lmao
Kpop these years has been low key shitting on Western pop. I mean this thread has been complaining mostlyabout pop music since 2012 than listening for most of the part . 💅🏽I will not tolerate K-pop shade when our the genre gave us one of the best pop albums of last year:
Get into "When I'm Alone" which is the masturbation anthem the decade.
gerl needs to work on her cardio
gerl needs to work on her cardio
It actually looks like she died.
gerl needs to work on her cardio
lol and why did she stay on the ground like that sprawled out?
if you think American pop is badWait a minute! This new Enrique Iglesias single is kind of giving me everything I need rn
And not the feature cleansing my soul of all the realMusic I listened the past few days.
if you think American pop is bad
Latin pop and its decade-long obsession with that fucking Gasolina drum loop
I can't wait for Donald J. Trump's wall to keep that shit out of this great country
face it
rico is pure basura
deport ha
deport it