Gallant x Tablo x Eric Nam - Cave Me In
This crossover is so smooth!
That thread in OT about Beyonce pregnancy
NopeMau ®;229543158 said:TayLEGEND really came with 1989, huh?
I feel blessed.
Mau ®;229543158 said:TayLEGEND really came with 1989, huh?
I feel blessed.
What the hell is that second gif?
Now we're pretending Taylor's music is bad???
Now we're pretending Taylor's music is bad???
The way We Found Love is still having tangible social impact six years on. Whew.
Can the same be said for Born This Way?
Country Miley was pretty good. I still use The Climb now and then.And to be fair, country and Taylor just didn't work for me. Too many country singers have vocals and Taylor in her country era wasn't cutting it for me. No shame but I'll take a Miley country album before I try listening to that era of Taylor again. Pop and Taylor makes much more sense for everything.
The way We Found Love is still having tangible social impact six years on. Whew.
Can the same be said for Born This Way?
Currently, Milo claims to be a Greek, born in Athens, who holds British citizenship. In reality, he's a guy named Milo Hanrahan from a small town in the UK called Chatham. He previously used the name Milo Wagner and claimed to be German. He will give all kinds of explanations for this—like that his father was a Greek immigrant—but none of this is true. (His father's name, by the way, is Nicolas Ivan Hanrahan.)
At various times, he has also claimed to be Jewish or part Jewish or whatever is convenient to deflect accusations of anti-Semitism. He claims to have dropped out of some nice universities, though who knows whether there's any truth to that. He also has a habit of fudging his age.
Because of British business record keeping practices, a lot of this information is online, along with assorted addresses and the names of all of the countless businesses he and his father (who used to threaten tech reporters online back when Milo first got into trouble in the UK) have been involved in over the years under different names.
Milo Hanrahan / Wagner / Yiannop(p)oulos (he's changed the spelling on that one) first came to public attention in the UK while running a site called The Kernel, which ended with him getting sued for non-payment by his employees. This is a pattern that stretches back years.
Then he discovered a largely American gamer culture, and pandered to it as hard as he could, despite caring next to nothing about games. Then he discovered Trump supporters. Basically, his current shtick is to pander to the worst side of a movement and bilk it for cash, attention, and free labor.
You'll hear stories about people who worked for him as ”interns," doing most of the work on his articles only to be ”fired" by being blocked on social media. Earlier this year, he held a kind of charity drive for a scholarship (to be awarded months ago) that never materialized.
One of his many former ”interns" shared a document on Twitter that indicated that all the money was wired directly into an account in his name. I'm sure he will come up with more great excuses, and that many of the people he's been swindling for years will be convinced that he's the victim of a conspiracy, because the alternative is realizing that you'd been had.
First, he claims to be a Greek national, born in Greece, which he 100% isn't. So the most basic part of his identity is made-up, as is the birthdate he uses publicly.
There's no evidence that he isn't Jewish. But he never mentioned it before a few years ago, after developing his Gamergate following and being accused of anti-Semitism. In publicly available information, all of his relatives appear to be Catholics with Anglo-Irish last names (Hanrahan, Mutton, O'Lane, etc.) who've lived in Kent for generations.
As Yiannopoulos, he started with The Catholic Herald. All of his work for them has been deleted (hmmm, I wonder why?), but you can still find his assorted media appearances. At that point, he was all about the Pope. Again, the shtick is to find a community that feels they are being persecuted by liberal society and keep telling them what they want to hear.
Before that, he went by Milo Wagner and had a thing for Nazis and Nazi imagery, which makes being Jewish kind of unlikely. Here's a screencap a British blooger back in the day took of his since-deleted Flickr.
I actually dislike both of those songs and stopped listening to Rihanna and Gaga for a few years because of that.The way We Found Love is still having tangible social impact six years on. Whew.
Can the same be said for Born This Way?
I am~Who else is playing Fire Emblem Heroes?
Im still rerolling
They don't have Radiant Dawn or Path of Radiance so I won't be playing it until they add them. Also it's not in North America.Who else is playing Fire Emblem Heroes?
Im still rerolling
It's literally the same lyrics over and over again and then just dance music. I was so disappointed and confused why it was popular.We Found Love is my favorite Rihanna song tbh
It feels like Gospel in pop form
EDIT: remembering now that Nicole Sherzinger rejected it so the Leona Lewis recorded it and then Calvin Harris booked Rihanna for it and threw the Leona version away poor girl
The way We Found Love is still having tangible social impact six years on. Whew.
Can the same be said for Born This Way?
It's nothing special really, just dance music on loop.The production is what makes WFL such a bop
I feel like it is not even EDM. EDM is new Justin Bieber, that new Maroon 5 song, "I a Took a Pill in Ibiza, and Major Lazer. I disagree with you that it was only popular because it was first. "This Is What You Came For," is the same type of song as "We Found Love," and that came out last year.Well it was the first massive EDM song in that category I feel like. It set the stage for 2 years of trash on the radio, but the song itself is an interesting gem. I love that a simple melody and instrumental can be so impactful. She definitely saw where radio was going and made the first jump. The song wouldn't have resonated nearly as much if it came out later than it did.
It's nothing special really, just dance music on loop.
Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heart-breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
I mean what's really a "Stan" these days?Surely a Hitlor stan can understand why even the most basic music can flourish.
Oh definitely lolI mean with basic ass lyrics like:
This is kindergarden levels of basic.
I want to believe no one says Shake It Off is an example of lyrics Genius, now Blank Space, Clean or Wildest Dreams is another matterI mean with basic ass lyrics like:
This is kindergarden levels of basic.