Sorry and Hold Up are the best songs on Lemonade.
Watching some more performances rn.
Pink served vocals, but her aerial thing is tired at this point and those gloves make her hands looks thick as fuck. Should've cut them at the elbow.
Kesha was really cute. Nice vocals.
Ariana... sis why you still pushing Dangerous Woman as a single MOVE ON . Should've performed Into You by itself. And her piano/keyboard skills seem to be non-existant so idk why she even tried with that shit. And her vocals were just off and worse than usual. Overall: NO.
Bieber is turning into the male Knee with all that lipsyncing he's doing. The stage was way too busy at the beginning, I literally couldn't see him. And stop with the tragic dance moves. A Smeghan tea.
Rhenna proved me wrong. Slay a bit with those decent vocals. Singing so hard her vein was about to pop awf outta her neck. Her dabbing to Purple rain was kinda messy tho.