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I might even throw on a Lana album...ok maybe a song...possibly a snippet.
Meh, just go and listen to Halsey's Badlands and pretend is Lana just like all her stans have been doing the past year.



I just saw Madonna's tribute...

The only thing that came to mind when watching was


Just... no. It was respectful, and that's the only positive thing I have to say about it.
The way she channeled Whitney's iconic timbre...


Makes it even more tragic that she didn't perform at the Grammys.

Full performance is here if you didn't catch it.

edit: tried to listen to the studio version and it's just not the same anymore.

I just watched this and I mistakenly assumed you were comparing her to Whitney in her prime, not current Whitney. A mistake I will not repeat.

This Anti era has been such a let down for me.

Jolly joe cory96 plister03bad taste and mau and you know abso-fucing-nothing i love you all . i'm still forgeting half of the great ones, but forgive moi.


Spread the love <3

Get smashed and have a good time!


EDIT: anyone else get a headache from watching the new Adele video?


So how were the BBMAs?
The only thing I've seen so far is Madge's tribute and I really wanna thank her for it.
Thanks Madge for dethroning Gaga as the worst tribute to a dead legend. Who else but the Kween?

So how were the BBMAs?
The only thing I've seen so far is Madge's tribute and I really wanna thank her for it.
Thanks Madge for dethroning Gaga as the worst tribute to a dead legend. Who else but the Kween?

Oldonna showing the young ones how to flop

Queen of setting an example &#128133;&#128156;


Sorry and Hold Up are the best songs on Lemonade.


Watching some more performances rn.
Pink served vocals, but her aerial thing is tired at this point and those gloves make her hands looks thick as fuck. Should've cut them at the elbow.
Kesha was really cute. Nice vocals.
Ariana... sis why you still pushing Dangerous Woman as a single MOVE ON . Should've performed Into You by itself. And her piano/keyboard skills seem to be non-existant so idk why she even tried with that shit. And her vocals were just off and worse than usual. Overall: NO.
Bieber is turning into the male Knee with all that lipsyncing he's doing. The stage was way too busy at the beginning, I literally couldn't see him. And stop with the tragic dance moves. A Smeghan tea.
Rhenna proved me wrong. Slay a bit with those decent vocals. Singing so hard her vein was about to pop awf outta her neck. Her dabbing to Purple rain was kinda messy tho.


I liked her energy, but the setlist was disappointing. Her bawdy looked hot tho.

Idk what was her team thinking when they added i love rock and roll. Although us getting a live TV performance of Breathe on me + Touch of my hand (2 of my favorite songs) was amazing!


I have to say as boring as that setlist was for Brit, she looked amazing and happy and the general public was here for ha. Were parts of the performance a little robotic? Yes. But there were a few moments where she showed she could still dip and move a bit.
Britney looked so embarrassing during that performance. Like, she obviously tried so I can't fault her there. But god. She's lost the spark that made her great back in the early 2000's. She looks like one of those moms who's trying desperately to stay hip. Madonna's had too much influence on her tbh.
Yeah, Britney looked great. Her performance not so much. My boyfriend hasn't really seen her perform lately and about 45 seconds in he goes "what's wrong with her?"

It's gotten to the point where watching her live now makes me feel almost uncomfortable?


I thought Knee did decently tbh. But maybe that's just because my expectations were below zero and I wanted Nasser to be happy lol
Blood Diamonds, I'll use Cloud in Smash 4 in your honor &#128557;

I might even throw on a Lana album...ok maybe a song...possibly a snippet.
I doubt your damaged ears can truly appreciate Lana's A R T at this point... Undoing all the damage that Shitlord did is, unfortunately, impossible.
Meh, just go and listen to Halsey's Badlands and pretend is Lana just like all her stans have been doing the past year.

This is like saying that the Rhat stans should have listened to Vita Oral during the R8+ANTidiary decade
Mau ®;203096518 said:
I had dream
where Blood Diamonds FORCED me to buy "Honeymoon" &#128064;&#128557;
That was actually your subconscious trying to tell you to let your inner submissive bottom out sis

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