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irresponsible vagina leak
I have no one to vote for! This shit is rigged. Leave it to the Clinton stan to fix the game. Why won't Soulscribe release the transcripts of his late night phone calls? Think about it! #Soulscribe4Prison #IsHeEvenAmerican

I'll take care of Soulscribe.
I'll give him some di...discipline.


Rihanna is on another fire track but she has like 5 songs out right now 💀

Some girls can't get the chart positions Miss Robyn F. does focusing on ONE track at a time.


For once all the albums in the bracket are actually listenable, but there really is no contest about which one deserves to win. Homogenic is a regular fixture on "greatest albums of all time" lists, the other 3 will be lucky to even still be remembered by non-gays past 2020.


Good Lord.

Gaga fans did not deserve this.

She's probably trying to get back at us for letting ARTPOP flop.
And it's working.


Edit: Okay, let me breathe a bit.
The chairman of the Park Theater said the residency wouldn't be til next year.
Hopefully at the end of the year.
But still

How could anyone not vote for Homogenic when All is Full of Love make your faves feel inadequate and insipid?


How could you not vote for E▪MO▪TION when it houses Making the Most of the Night and I Didnt Just Come Here to Dance and every other song is pop perfection?


Tho Homogenic will be eliminated either way, the wrong Björk album was nominated.
Damn I didn't know so many people liked Bjork in here. I guess it makes sense since four/five of her albums were nominated.

1st place has almost twice the votes as 2nd place. The slayage


Homogenic better make it. Imagine if unacclaimed trash like TD made it. fff

I'm surprised TD even made it into the tourney considering that some people on here seem pretty obsessed with using Metacritic scores to determin an album's quality.


metacritic doesn't lie sis, most of the time, and you know it

tfm is gaga's best album for a reason

I'm just calling out the double standards of some people saying that ARTPOP is complete trash citing the Metacritic score as evidence, when (S)TD has a much lower score and then nominating it for the tourney.
That's all.
TFM was also the second worst reviewed album in its bracket and won handily. Reviews are nothing but moments in context. Who needs 'em


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
For once all the albums in the bracket are actually listenable, but there really is no contest about which one deserves to win. Homogenic is a regular fixture on "greatest albums of all time" lists, the other 3 will be lucky to even still be remembered by non-gays past 2020.

Considering probably almost at least the age of 20 has no idea who Bjork is...that's more likely to be forgotten. I also don't understand why "gays" would be the only ones to remember it lol...pretty sure most of the straight girls under thirty will remember it.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
tbh I just voted bjork because I cannot abide supporting satan and I haven't forgiven titty perry for her crushing defeat and subsequent destruction of gagas career

I was listening to emotion in the shower and its still cute so that was obvious


irresponsible vagina leak
I voted Perra and Bjork. Since one is garbage and the other is quality does that leave me in a middle ground or is Bjork that good that we can forget about my vote for Perra? Hmmm
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