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Beyond Good & Evil HD |OT|


Man that xbla ad is right in your face when you boot it up. If this doesn't sell well after house party there is truly no hope.
played through the first dungeon. This game is better than I remember...

edit: camera inversion is that much of an issue for people? ok haha wow


Bah, I bought it too. I remember disliking the later stealth parts quite a bit despite really liking the first half of the game. I tried the PS2 version earlier today but it's hilariously unplayable nowadays, shit framerate and letterboxed, yay.


First time BG&E-player reporting in, port looks amazingly good and I'm really enjoying it so far. Combat is a bit floaty but I'm guessing it's not a very important part of the game. Dialogue and characters seem great so far.

I've seen some complaints about the invert thing and I think I have that trouble as well, none of the options feel right to me. No biggie though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Just downloaded and played for about an hour, it's great so far (never played it before).

Only thing that is irking me is the camera, you can't mix up the inversion. I usually play with left and right normal and up/down inverted. In this you can only have both normal or both inverted.

EDIT: Looks like others are having the same issue with inversion. :p I just put it on so nothing was inverted, because I look left/right more than up/down. Maybe they can patch in a fix.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Just downloaded and played for about an hour, it's great so far (never played it before).

Only thing that is irking me is the camera, you can't mix up the inversion. I usually play with left and right normal and up/down inverted. In this you can only have both normal or both inverted.

EDIT: Looks like others are having the same issue with inversion. :p I just put it on so nothing was inverted, because I look left/right more than up/down. Maybe they can patch in a fix.
I would pay an additional 800msp for such a patch. I don't think I can play it otherwise. :(
Best 800 MSP I've ever spent. Amazing. So glad to play this again!

Introduced it to two people who'd never even heard of it before as a result. Bring on BG&E2!


What the hell? No way to just invert the y-axis? Get on that shit STAT Ubisoft, or I'm not playing. You already have my money.


Amir0x said:
playing this game consistently makes me remember how ahead of its time it was. The sense of exploring a world is STILL unparalleled to this day; the photography mechanic is phenomenal.

God i hope we do one day get BG&E2 :(

the fact that we've been deprived of an ancel creation (from its inception to its completion, not something that was forced on him like king kong and raving rabbids) for over seven years is criminal.
This game is still beautiful. The use of color, and art still make it nice to look at and they cleaned it up well with the HD upgrade.
This really does look lovely and has held up surprisingly well in the playability stakes. Like others though, I'm finding the camera to be a nightmare - mainly because I'll get used to it while I'm playing this, and then my other games will feel odd :/

Not getting the exploration thing though - and never did to be honest. I always felt like the city offered so much promise when you first enter it, but then you find there aren't many places to visit in it. Still lovely though, and great to be playing it again.
I'm going to pick this up day one, even though I'm not going to have time to play it for quite a while. In general that is something that I never do, but I like BG&E enough to pay up early this one time.

Very much a game that shows the benefit of strong focused creative vision. The music, sound effects, character models, animations, and backdrops are all just so cohesive to the overall feel of the game. Taking each piece separate it's hard to laud it as a groundbreaking game, but taken together it's a top 10 in the generation game for me.
Gonna play the whole thing this weekend. it's like 10 hours, right?

and that ending. THAT ENDING.
Worst cliffhanger ever, in terms of sequel purgatory.
Reading about all the problems with the PC version, I'm glad that I've had none. Zilch. It's a rarity with me and PC games, but it happens from time to time.

The PC version had no gamepad support, however, which was a major bummer.
Yeah, one reason why I found BG&E so, so disappointing (which I did, I was really let down by the game compared to what I was expecting -- Rayman 2 was, and remains, one of my all-time favorite 3d platformers, I had high hopes for his next game) was because I had gotten the PC version, and the PC version is atrocious. It ran badly on my system at the time, first. This same computer could run the PC version of Rayman 3, which has pretty similar graphics, just fine, but BG&E ran at an often awful framerate.

Second, no gamepad support. I had a dual analog gamepad, which Rayman 3 supported (like how Rayman 2 PC supported an analog gamepad, and Rayman 1 PC supported a digital gamepad, etc), and having to play a 3d action-adventure game with lots of 3d movement with the keyboard was just terrible. "Just use some gamepad mapping software", you suggest? Sorry, useless. There's no way to get analog movement control in this game, so it'd just be mapping the keyboard arrows to the gamepad's dpad. This was a problem, and at a few points made some challenges (which really relied on you being able to move with analog control) nearly impossible to complete. There was one part I gave up on, it was so hard thanks to the terrible controls. And also of course, a game like this just isn't designed for keyboard and mouse, but for gamepad.

So yeah, bad start. And then I ran into the bugs, which were never patched. If you're unlucky you can hit an impossible to get around bug most of the way through the game that will require a restart (of the whole game), isn't that nice... and that was far from the only bug. It needed patches, badly!

As for the actual gameplay, I thought that the "stealth" was really lame, and just was a barely disguised set of puzzles really, not actual stealth. I mean, it's just serieses of rooms where you have to get across without being seen. Fail and you run back to the last corridor, which has a conveniently located hiding spot (pipe or something) in it without fail, and wait for the alert to go down. Then try again. The combat was somewhat bland too. It wasn't nearly as bad as Star Fox Adventures' incredibly boring fights were, but it wasn't anything special. Just whack them, pretty much. I also seem to remember often having not nearly enough money, which was often a real pain. Many more things to buy than I had the money for. Overall the gameplay's alright, but nothing special. A little above average, but not outstanding and with almost as many flaws as good points.

As for the story, it was disappointing. The game really beats you over the head with its message, "subtle" is a term which doesn't exist here... Few things happen that weren't telegraphed long before, too. I was just expecting much more from the story than it attempted, that really was the problem I think. For instance, some of the things that I can remember bothering me include how you have this direct line to the governors' office to send those photos... um, aren't these supposed to be cells? That can't be secure. Another would be the protesters that appear as you get farther in and start exposing the truth. Why didn't the bad guys just crack down and crush them, they look brutal enough, it's hard to imagine why they'd just let the protesters stay. Etc.

In the end I never finished the game, I lost interest during the game, stopped playing, and never returned. Overall I'd give it a B. Despite my criticism it's not a bad game; it's actually kind of good, as the B rating should suggest. It's just overrated by a lot of people, in my opinion. While the story (and my issues with it) is the same in all versions, I do wonder how much more I'd like the game on another system, like these versions or the GC/Xbox or something, considering that decent controls, no bugs, and better performance would help the gameplay side of the game out quite a bit. I probably should get one of the console versions and see.

They should also release a fixed PC version based on this new release, but yeah, I'm not counting on it.

Smision said:
Gonna play the whole thing this weekend. it's like 10 hours, right?

and that ending. THAT ENDING.
Worst cliffhanger ever, in terms of sequel purgatory.
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey...


Junior Member
A Black Falcon said:
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey...

You fucker! I'd purged every memory of that game from my mind just to rid myself of the agony caused by that unresolved cliffhanger, but now it's all coming back to me. :(
Xander51 said:
I played the first couple of minutes of the trial and decided that yes, I had to buy this again. I've always loved the epic opening of this game.
That scene is literally what convinced me to buy the game. Downloaded the demo, started it up, epic choir music begins and jumps right into a fight scene->"I have to get this."


Smision said:
Gonna play the whole thing this weekend. it's like 10 hours, right?

and that ending. THAT ENDING.
Worst cliffhanger ever, in terms of sequel purgatory.

shenmue ii

bge is bad, but shenmue ii is on another level.


Kenaf said:
I started reading some reviews online, and I have bad news for the "inverted" gamers out there.. there is not an option to invert the Y-axis only. You have to invert both X and Y or nothing at all. Really, really unfortunate. I hope it gets attention and they can patch it, but I'm not sure what the best way is to get said attention.

This is the only thing that's hindering my enjoyment of the game. Kinda disappointing.


Downloaded on impulse, played the shit out of it back in the day. This game is still as great as ever. It's definitely one of the best Ubisoft games from their better days. The music when you first exit your lighthouse is ridonculous and the track that plays when you are jetting around in your hovercraft is even better. I just love the pacing of this game too, dungeons are short and sweet, and the item collection/photography hunting is addicting. There is really not much to complain about. =)


Just had a hard freeze, a bit annoying since you rely on saves rather than checkpoints. Hopefully I saved not to long ago. Game is great otherwise.

EDIT: Froze again doing some sidestuff with no savestations available, please patch this shit Ubi.


I'm buying this game tomorrow and from the comments here I just know I'm going to love it. Such a good feeling to go to sleep to; to know that in the morning you're going to experience on of gaming's greatest.


Kenaf said:
I'm also super excited about this release, loved the original. I bought it this morning and started the download, then had to go to work.

I started reading some reviews online, and I have bad news for the "inverted" gamers out there.. there is not an option to invert the Y-axis only. You have to invert both X and Y or nothing at all. Really, really unfortunate. I hope it gets attention and they can patch it, but I'm not sure what the best way is to get said attention.

Thanks for the info. I won't buy unless I see a patch. Such a dumb oversight.


I'm positive that the original PC release has the same issue and I'm pretty sure it goes for consoles as well. Annoying, but the unchangeable X-axis thing affected a LOT of games from that era. I just got used to it.

A patch would be nice but this is Ubisoft, after all.


I'm having lip-syncing issues during the cut scenes and the game randomly freezes for like a second sometimes. Is anyone else having this problem?


Arnie said:
I'm buying this game tomorrow and from the comments here I just know I'm going to love it. Such a good feeling to go to sleep to; to know that in the morning you're going to experience on of gaming's greatest.
I wish I could strike the BG&E neurons from my head, and go in fresh, over and over again. <3


they put the ads for this right in front of you when you turn on your xbox. the very first thing on the spotlight tab

good to see them pushing it hard, hope it works and it sells well


Only played a few minutes tonight, to the first dungeon. Game is beautiful and I love how everyone is always talking.



mr_nexus said:
I'm having lip-syncing issues during the cut scenes
With out more detail I can't be sure, but I think it's just because the lip-syncing was never that good in the original. :/
the spiral keyboard should be the standard for text input with analog controllers.

the lip synching is just last gen lip synching, not a glitch.


Decom said:
With out more detail I can't be sure, but I think it's just because the lip-syncing was never that good in the original. :/

It was happening in the cutscenes of the first dungeon. The voices and the sound effects were off for nearly two seconds. I'm going to go back play it again to see if this persists.
I want to launch my controller through the TV due to the lack of an invert Y only option. Otherwise, it's great to play this game again.


Minor spoilers
Is it possible to get the second flight stabilizer before the Slaughterhouse? I want to fly now.
I wasn't going to buy this after finishing it on the PC.. but since it was staring me in the face when I booted up my xbox, I felt compelled.

Finished the first segment of the game and I have to say the upgrade is pretty nice. The PC version didn't have proper widescreen support and I had to play with xpadder to use a gamepad.. so I'm enjoying it again on the 360.
Smision said:
the spiral keyboard should be the standard for text input with analog controllers.
Yeah, it really is the best text/number input interface I've ever seen for console controllers...and I've had that opinion since the original release. Still, no one wants to copy it for its unmatched accuracy and speed. What a shame as it's far better than the standard OS/Guide text input that usually looks completely different from the game it's used in and often just looks kinda bad, anyway.

As for the game, it's beautiful as ever and the constant 60fps is super nice. Wish they could have smoothed out the transitions between areas a bit more, but the gameplay is still enjoyable and the world is still awesomely designed, though a bit more compact than I remember it being. And the music...man, I love this game's score.
My 20GB HDD in my 360 is too full and I refuse to be extorted by MS's shitty prices for a bigger drive, so I'll wait for the PSN version.
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