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BEYOND: Two Souls (Ellen Page, Willem Dafoe) |OT| Press Triangle to Aiden

I had a hard time getting past the awful QTEs. They are fucking ridiculous. Keep mashing X to stand up - What fucking Idiot thought that was fun or entertaining? QTEs need to die.
Welcome to Quantic Dream games. I like it, because it only happens when the character is exhausted and needs to make an effort to get up. So they translate this to the controller. When the character is perfectly fine you never need to do that. It's all contextual.

I have to say, as a huge Heavy Rain fan this game is a huge letdown, probably the letdown of the gen for me. The game is basically a series of interactive cutscenes. What's worse is those cutscenes are not very interesting. It's not really a bad game, just boring. I will beat it tho, but so far after maybe half the game it has been a huge dissapointment.
Too bad. I really enjoyed the gameplay and exploration part. It gets better towards the end though.

I think they could comment on dialogue quality and plot strenght cohesiveness.
Maybe. But there is a lot of side content you can miss and most playthroughs don't do, because they want to get through the game. Some people complain about stuff the game very clearly explains, but you have to play it and explore the environment for yourself to understand it.
Finished the game and love it.
The jumping around in the story was a bit annoying at first because it made it hard to follow an actual plot but in the end I was ok with it, it's more about getting to know Jodies life-story and less about some over-arching plot so it still worked. Plus I like Jodie's character, which helped a lot to enjoy this game. And a compliment on the design/writing/voice-acting for young Jodie. One of the better child-characters in games, which is very rare.
Oh and there is so much hugging through the whole game. Really cute :)

Maybe I'm over-interpreting, but I thought this was just meant as a subtle hint, why decisions in the game don't affect much besides how the actual moment plays. Once people know about the rift they will open new ones again, so this will always stay the same and happen. The game never implies to tell a story to follow a major plot and achieve anything. Instead it was meant as a personal story about her life and the people around her. The only thing that changes is how Jodie's story ends and how you reach it.
So as a ending-scene, you didn't change the world, but had an impact on how her life worked out. Maybe that's just nonsense but I like to see it this way :)

a sequel. the little kid is also like jodie. beyond 4 souls?
Any highres gifs of Stan? That man blew my mind with his hotness.
The Party was complete garbage imo. "Well, that escalated quickly" gained a whole new meaning with that scene.

Oh man, I thought I had entered the twilight zone and kept expecting either that to be the case, or for it to cut to Jodie having a nightmare. It's like Beyond's homage to Fahrenheit's little old blind psychic lady in a wheelchair turning out to actually be a cyborg made out of the internet.

As crazy whackadoodle as Fahrenheit often was, that reveal was something else. Oh Fahrenheit....


Oh man, I thought I had entered the twilight zone and kept expecting either that to be the case, or for it to cut to Jodie having a nightmare. It's like Beyond's homage to Fahrenheit's little old blind psychic lady in a wheelchair turning out to actually be a cyborg made out of the internet.

I just read that sentence and laughed out loud. Oh, Fahrenheit, no!

Should probably replay it.


a sequel. the little kid is also like jodie. beyond 4 souls?
I thought Quantic Dreams don't like/make sequels and therefore assumed it had a different meaning. But of course could be just a hint for a sequel as well. Could be an interesting setting.
I have to say, as a huge Heavy Rain fan this game is a huge letdown, probably the letdown of the gen for me. The game is basically a series of interactive cutscenes. What's worse is those cutscenes are not very interesting. It's not really a bad game, just boring. I will beat it tho, but so far after maybe half the game it has been a huge dissapointment.

I'm with you word for word. Huge fan of Heavy Rain, and I really liked Fahrenheit before it, but Beyond is a colossal let down for me. Only difference here is I've completed it.
I thought Quantic Dreams don't like/make sequels and therefore assumed it had a different meaning. But of course could be just a hint for a sequel as well. Could be an interesting setting.
I support your theory. I doubt we will see a sequel.

Any highres gifs of Stan? That man blew my mind with his hotness..
I'm going to make some GIFs soon :D

Yeah and I think there is something to be said about just experiencing the story instead of trying to guess what is going to happen but I don't think I can do that. I think that's why Heavy Rain worked so well for me because its story was built around the player trying to solve the mystery along with the characters. I just hope the next story is a really interesting one or one that hasn't been used extensively before.
Yeah fair enough.

I'm with you word for word. Huge fan of Heavy Rain, and I really liked Fahrenheit before it, but Beyond is a colossal let down for me. Only difference here is I've completed it.
Really too bad. Deep inside you probably wanted another mystery or something that has tension and keeps you on your toes constantly pushing you forward. Fortunately I went in expecting nothing of that and I got exactly what I wanted out of this game. Maybe next time on PS4 :D


6 hours into the game and I can safely say this is GOTY.

This game is pretty impressive.
Beat the game in a day when it came out, I was hooked. Probably GOTY for me as well... Although it has fierce competition from TW101.
Watched my boyfriend finish the game yesterday. I sat next to him his entire playthrough. Really cool to see how his "story" played out differently even though at the same time it is the same story. He chose the same ending as me and most of the big decisions were the same (I thought that was cute, we really think alike :)) but in the "less important" a lot of things played out differently than in my playthrough. Some things of which I didn't even know it was possible. Some examples:

"My Imaginary Friend" spoilers (one of the first chapters in the game)
Boyfriend messed around with Aiden a lot more than I did. He didn't trigger the scene in which Jodie freaks out in the garage when she has to grab the oil for her mother. I don't know why, but when I played that part, some weird shit happened, Jodie was locked in the garage iirc and her mom had to rescue her and comfort her. Boyfriend just grabbed the oil and walked out of the garage as if nothing happened.

Also, I didn't know that you could whine about wanting to eat a cookie as Jodie and then when the mom says she can't, you can steal a cookie from the jar with aiden :p. That was neat.

Thing that surprised me most is the shoebox in the parents' room. You can kick it down with Aiden and Jodie will look in it. There's a photo of her parents in there, and you can trigger a memory.
End-game spoilers:
Jodie will relive a scene which tells her that her parents actually had a stillborn, which hints at the fact that her parents are actually not her parents.

Lots more stuff I discovered were possible through watching him play. Made me appreciate the game much more than I already did. I'll probably write more later.


Fascinating game for sure! The ending was really emotional, and I liked its conclusion. I'm not sure about how a few characters developed and concluded but that didn't diminish from the overall experience.

From a technical standpoint, this was surely an achievement in many different fields. So we were having the swan song debate in other OT's recently.

As far as I know, Beyond Two Souls is the last big swan song (PS3 exclusive) before PS4 comes out, eh?
I can't wait to play this by myself in duo mode!!

No friends? :/ And why are you doing this anyway? For the trophy? You just need to watch the prologue and you are getting it immediately I think.
Watching a duo mode LP right now and it is surprisingly fun. Especially chapters like The Mission or The Dinner are really cool this way.

but zoey ending is the best.
Spoiler tag this. But yes, you are absolutely correct of course.


No friends? :/ And why are you doing this anyway? For the trophy? You just need to watch the prologue and you are getting it immediately I think.
Watching a duo mode LP right now and it is surprisingly fun. Especially chapters like The Mission or The Dinner are really cool this way.

Most of my friends aren't gamers, and the ones who are usually only play Call of Duty or FIFA, so they have no interest in playing this.

Also, one of the trophies is for finishing the whole game in duo mode. I should also get the all endings trophy on the same playthrough.
You lose the most important aspect, player agency.

Anyone who says they 'watched' this game has an opinion of zero value.
The players choices dont seem to make too much of a difference , if you press nothing In The chinese condenser chapter nothing happens

Hiding behind the opinion of well known commentators doesn't really strengthen your criticisms, especially when GAF has already torn apart Sterling's inconsistent and hypocritical dissection of the game.

If there is little to no gameplay in a Beyond you should tell everyone like me that grew up on LucasArts and Sierra adventure games that we weren't actually playing games with gameplay.
Idk what sierra adventure games are but if theyre similar to beyond theres not much gameplay
1. He believes her, because his wife's voice comes out of Jodie's freaking mouth.
2. Because Aiden has no 360 degree view. He didn't see them. Once Jodie is knocked out Aiden is powerless too. It happens too fast for him being able to react.

He is only a dick during Separation, where she is 17. During Dinner she is 22. In 5 years a relationship can change a lot. She obviously has come to terms that she is with the CIA now. During the Welcome to the CIA chapter you can see how she starts seeking Ryan's appreciation when she smiles at him after she beats up the two guys during the training session. Happens again after she completes the training course "thank you sir". During the Embassy mission she is blushed when Ryan comments on how good she looks in her dress. Then when The Dinner comes along they start to date. After the Somalia mission she is pretty pissed at him again, although you don't know how much it was Ryan being an asshole and Ryan just doing his job. She is still pissed at him during the Chinese mission, but he does things to redeem himself, like enduring torture and saving her life. After that you can pretty much decide if it is enough and if you think he is genuine or not.
pretty sure its just her speaking with that voice affect that morphed both into one in aidens view. Why is that never explained in game? Aiden can move freely when jodie is sleeping whats the issue?
Hes a dick the whole time from what the player is shown. When we're told she likes ryan it comes as a shocker because we're not exposed to anything that shows him as being a good guy or whatevershe rambles about him. Things are left up to inference when they shouldnt be, ryan is said to be a good guy and all that but we're just shown a prick and that just makes the player puzzled about why shes infatuated
I'm about ready to throw this game out of a window. I wanted to have a concurrent save for a coop playthrough with my girlfriend and a solo playthrough. But it seems like in the infinite wisdom of david cage that they've decided a normal ass save system isn't a requirement for games these days. You only have 2 options at the main menu, continue or new game. Where the fuck is the change save slot option ? I hit new game and now the progress on the game I started with my gf has been wiped and I'm SOL on playing this game solo it seems. Like seriously wtf will I need to use two psn profiles who invented this goddamn garbage so angry right now. Also don't answer chapter select I want two fucking wholly distinct saves.

Like seriously someone tell me I'm imagining thing why the hell can I not have multiple saves.
Edit: Holy shit they actually set it up like this, this game is garbage for that reason alone. Fucking David L'emotional Cage can't accept the fact that people might want to play games in a non linear fashion. I sure as hell enjoy watching my girlfriend play 75% of this game while I don't get a chance to participate, can't even make a save to solo it out when she's not here GJ Mr Cage. Beyond two souls can gtfo I'm trading this thing in tomorrow. It's not even an actual coop mode, like you could do this with one controller being passed around I don't know why it requires two. This is the worst thing in the world. Don't buy this game to play it coop unless you enjoy watching half of the game.
"My Imaginary Friend" spoilers (one of the first chapters in the game)
Boyfriend messed around with Aiden a lot more than I did. He didn't trigger the scene in which Jodie freaks out in the garage when she has to grab the oil for her mother. I don't know why, but when I played that part, some weird shit happened, Jodie was locked in the garage iirc and her mom had to rescue her and comfort her. Boyfriend just grabbed the oil and walked out of the garage as if nothing happened.

Also, I didn't know that you could whine about wanting to eat a cookie as Jodie and then when the mom says she can't, you can steal a cookie from the jar with aiden :p. That was neat.

Thing that surprised me most is the shoebox in the parents' room. You can kick it down with Aiden and Jodie will look in it. There's a photo of her parents in there, and you can trigger a memory.
End-game spoilers:
Jodie will relive a scene which tells her that her parents actually had a stillborn, which hints at the fact that her parents are actually not her parents.
You have to walk out before the door closes. If you manage that Jodie will get out unharmed. If the door closes before you reach it she screams and her mum saves her.

I got the shoebox on my first run. Safe to say I was pretty shocked watching that flashback and realizing what it means. Since the picture shows Jodie as a baby and her "mum" and you just learned that her baby died it is not hard to make the connection already at that point.

Most of my friends aren't gamers, and the ones who are usually only play Call of Duty or FIFA, so they have no interest in playing this.

Also, one of the trophies is for finishing the whole game in duo mode. I should also get the all endings trophy on the same playthrough.
Damn. Good luck dude.
I just found out that you can fuck the whole Embassy mission up by just throwing the guard over the railing straight into the party lol


Any news on sales yet? I so want it to succeed cos I think it's the future of videogame story-telling and we might even
get a sequel

Also, even though VA is being taken much more seriously these days, real actors bring a certain credibility that cannot be ignored.

Oh and I <3 Ellen Page lol
The lack of save slots breaks this game in the most fundamental way, it's appaling atrocious and absolutely horrendous game design considering the nature of this game. I have no serious quarrel with David Cage but I'm absolutely baffled by the choice. I'm especially annoyed by the fact that it's not clearly communicated at all. It's the most co-op unfriendly arrangement I have ever seen. The simple directorial audacity required to make a decision of that magnitude proves to me that some of these people are not in it to make videogames. I've enjoyed quantic dreams output so far but this no save slot business has soured me on their games in a big way. It's annoying that they treat their games as some sort of holy artistic vision that shall only be experienced in exactly the way they tell you to and will actively try to discourage you from doing anything else. It's almost as if they don't want you to be able to peer beneath the veil to see that the choices are most likely moot 90% of the time and it disgusts me.

It's ridiculous that this game expects me to have my coop partner here everytime I wish to play it.
Holy fuck! Lorne Balfe and Hanz Zimmer produced the music. What a perfection combination! Lorne Balfe was half the reason the score for Assassins Creed Revelations was god-like.

The credits just finished rolling for me. Overall? Fucking fantastic!

First of all, this game *looks* absolutely phenomenal. I would say, visually, this is the most impressive game I've seen without a doubt! I've played Last of Us. Crysis 3 etc...The faces in this game alone, are *the* most realistic in any game, I don't care what anyone says! Many many many times I find myself in complete awe in how it looks. Lighting, motion blur and everything as a whole? Absolutely mind blowing, on a machine that is nearly 6-7 years old!

Secondly, the music and sound effects are just completely and utterly stellar. Balfe and Zimmer knocked it out of the park with their score. Sound effects for conversations etc sounded really great too.

Overall I loved this game. I liked Heavy Rain but upon rewatching it on youtube, especially when Two Best Friends play it, it falls apart in a lot of ways. This is more Indigo Prophecy...which, like this, becomes a clusterfuck of craziness by the ending, I still like the beats of it all. The acting from pretty much everyone helped this immensely!

I *really* hope we see more of this world.
I kinda dug the Terminator, future-type war they show a glimpse of.
Either way I'll be replaying this a couple times for sure.

Ending Spoilers!

At most turns, whenever the opportunity to get with Ryan, I declined. Vast majority of the game, he's just a dick. I feel nothing toward him at all. Toward the end he starts to redeem his douchebag qualities...But I felt like it was kinda forced to have him be with Jodie. The Native indian family even, their son was okay but also had a weird dickish vibe about him at times. I had Jodie kiss him goodbye. But yeah, like Ryan...felt nothing.

Ultimately, in the end, I had Jodie stay with her homeless homies. :p They looked after her, and she has a great and special bond with them all. I'm really glad I chose them actually, since being alone would just bring her back to being....well...alone again lol. And that sucks imo.

Okay that's enough! The game is too good! If I could describe this in one word?

I'm about ready to throw this game out of a window. I wanted to have a concurrent save for a coop playthrough with my girlfriend and a solo playthrough. But it seems like in the infinite wisdom of david cage that they've decided a normal ass save system isn't a requirement for games these days. You only have 2 options at the main menu, continue or new game. Where the fuck is the change save slot option ? I hit new game and now the progress on the game I started with my gf has been wiped and I'm SOL on playing this game solo it seems. Like seriously wtf will I need to use two psn profiles who invented this goddamn garbage so angry right now. Also don't answer chapter select I want two fucking wholly distinct saves.

Like seriously someone tell me I'm imagining thing why the hell can I not have multiple saves.
You don't need two different PSN profiles. Another local account should suffice. And the game tells you upon hitting "New Game" that it will wipe your old save. Better read the warning next time. But yes it is annoying and I can only imagine they removed it because the 3 slots in Heavy Rain were pretty buggy and there was probably not enough time to fix it before the release of Beyond. The menu in general is pretty barren and likely rushed. Another suggestion: you could download a save online and use that for your personal run.
You don't need two different PSN profiles. Another local account should suffice. And the game tells you upon hitting "New Game" that it will wipe your old save. Better read the warning next time. But yes it is annoying and I can only imagine they removed it because the 3 slots in Heavy Rain were pretty buggy and there was probably not enough time to fix it before the release of Beyond. The menu in general is pretty barren and likely rushed. Another suggestion: you could download a save online and use that for your personal run.

It does warn you but I assumed it was like other sensible games in that it deleted my last autosave or whatever but atleast kept some form of chapter progress intact but it straight up nukes everything. The menu is indeed barren I suppose I could do the two different local profiles which is what I'm setting up now but it's frustrating having lost a good 2 hours worth of progress because of this. I also feel like this should be really high up on the priority list of including especially if they want to keep doing pass the controller style coop.
The lack of save slots breaks this game in the most fundamental way, it's appaling atrocious and absolutely horrendous game design considering the nature of this game. I have no serious quarrel with David Cage but I'm absolutely baffled by the choice. I'm especially annoyed by the fact that it's not clearly communicated at all. It's the most co-op unfriendly arrangement I have ever seen. The simple directorial audacity required to make a decision of that magnitude proves to me that some of these people are not in it to make videogames. I've enjoyed quantic dreams output so far but this no save slot business has soured me on their games in a big way. It's annoying that they treat their games as some sort of holy artistic vision that shall only be experienced in exactly the way they tell you to and will actively try to discourage you from doing anything else. It's almost as if they don't want you to be able to peer beneath the veil to see that the choices are most likely moot 90% of the time and it disgusts me.
You are exaggerating. It is annoying, but no deal breaker. The coop mode works exactly as described since the beginning. And do you also think it was David Cage's decision that the game shouldn't have a gamma setting? No, the simple answer is they couldn't make it in time. Cage writes the story, but he doesn't make the game. Not everything you see is decided by him.

Heavy Rain had a slot system. So why remove it? Because it quite obviously didn't work right and there was no time to fix it before going gold. It is an unfortunate reality of game development that not every scheduled feature makes it into the final game. They probably sacrificed the slot system, but fixed game breaking bugs instead. I rather have a working game thank you.

So no, it has nothing to do with Quantic Dream or David Cage being incompetent. They have their deadlines. You can have different saves by using another account. The game tells you that it deletes your old save when pressing New Game.

It does warn you but I assumed it was like other sensible games in that it deleted my last autosave or whatever but atleast kept some form of chapter progress intact but it straight up nukes everything. The menu is indeed barren I suppose I could do the two different local profiles which is what I'm setting up now but it's frustrating having lost a good 2 hours worth of progress because of this. I also feel like this should be really high up on the priority list of including especially if they want to keep doing pass the controller style coop.
Doesn't it say "Warning - When pressing continue Beyond deletes all your previous saved data"

That sounds pretty explicit. I assume the chapter selection screen was high priority on their list, because people love that about their games. The rest like save slots is probably far down the list. You want to make sure that people can play the game first.


Is this dude serious

I don't think it's "complete garbage", but the guy has a point.
The whole situation escalated quickly. And yes, I know the argument of "real teens can be absolute assholes", but the whole "HOLY SHIT, you gave me a poem book!? I'm going to burn you with a cigarrette and lock you up in the dark, I'll also call you a slut".

Any news on sales yet? I so want it to succeed cos I think it's the future of videogame story-telling and we might even
get a sequel[/spoiler
We only have sales numbers from the UK for the first two days so far. Rather mediocre. Worse than Heavy Rain. US is going to be interesting. The executive producer at least tweeted that "hundreds of 1000s of people already played it". So I assume the worldwide sales are between 200-400k right now. Should make its way up to 1m eventually. 1m took HR 2 months, so I expect 4-6 for Beyond.

The players choices dont seem to make too much of a difference , if you press nothing In The chinese condenser chapter nothing happens
So as every other game on the planet. You just described why Beyond is a game, because it needs input. You should play some earlier adventure games. Beyond is pretty much a modern cinematic take on it without the puzzles. But philosophies like exploration and interacting with your environment are still intact.

pretty sure its just her speaking with that voice affect that morphed both into one in aidens view. Why is that never explained in game? Aiden can move freely when jodie is sleeping whats the issue?
Hes a dick the whole time from what the player is shown. When we're told she likes ryan it comes as a shocker because we're not exposed to anything that shows him as being a good guy or whatevershe rambles about him. Things are left up to inference when they shouldnt be, ryan is said to be a good guy and all that but we're just shown a prick and that just makes the player puzzled about why shes infatuated
No she speaks with the voice of Stan's wife. You can see his wife talk and Jodie's mouth moves with her facial expressions, not Jodie's. Same when child Jodie talks to Nathan. His wife's voice comes out of her and Jodie's mouth moves like an adult is talking through her, which is exactly what happens. Also why would Nathan say "I haven't heard their voices in 15 years. The last time I heard them was through you."

Jodie is not morphing with Aiden. Aiden allows the death person to go inside Jodie's body (possessing her), while she steps aside for a moment (white eyes). It doesn't need explaining, it makes perfect sense the way it works. It's identical with Aiden possessing other people.

Aiden can move around while Jodie sleeps, but not when she is in a coma (hit on her head) or drugged. Pretty simple logic there. Jodie's health directly influences Aiden.

Of course Ryan is portrayed as a dick. It was intentional, to make Aiden's position during The Dinner more attractive to the player. The game tells you that this chapter takes place 5 years later and that you haven't seen what happened between them during that period. So you can just assume Ryan changed, but the only thing you know about him at that point is that he was an asshole earlier on. So you are conflicted. On one hand you want Jodie to be happy, but on the other hand you don't like Ryan. Then the game gives you control as Aiden when Ryan comes. What to do, which site to pick? Very interesting situation that would loose all its impact had the game showed you why she likes him. Because then 99% of the players would have chosen Jodie's side without thinking. It's not a plothole, because you don't know what happened but the game makes it clear that something did indeed happen between the two and it is totally in the realm of possibility. You can see hints of that during CIA and Embassy, which you play before Dinner. So if you paid attention you would know that their relationship changed over time.

It becomes pretty much a question of "Do you believe that he changed over time, even though you didn't see all of it and allow Jodie to have this relationship or do you still want to get rid of him?"

Do you blindly trust Jodie that she knows what's best for her or not? Both answers are valid.


I don't think it's "complete garbage", but the guy has a point. The whole situation escalated quickly. And yes, I know the argument of "real teens can be absolute assholes", but the whole "HOLY SHIT, you gave me a poem book!? I'm going to burn you with a cigarrette and lock you up in the dark, I'll also call you a slut".


Nice spoiler tag use, and yes kids can be cruel,
you can tell from the get-go the birthday girl didn't like her and the other girl in the party as well that insulted her music selection
, kids tend to bully the odd one out in the group, and Jodie was that. If you wanted it to escalate more slowly the chapter would have overstayed its welcome. It was a lean chapter with no filler and illustrated the point it wanted to make about her childhood.


Nice spoiler tag use, and yes kids can be cruel,
you can tell from the get-go the birthday girl didn't like her and the other girl in the party as well that insulted her music selection
, kids tend to bully the odd one out in the group, and Jodie was that. If you wanted it to escalate more slowly the chapter would have overstayed its welcome. It was a lean chapter with no filler and illustrated the point it wanted to make about her childhood.

I think the cigarette burning seemed like a tad much and out of place
Everything else in the chapter was fine and believable.


Just started it up a few hours ago and I just did the
closing the portal
loving it a lot so far. Coming from Heavy Rain this looks a lot less uncanny in faces and the graphics are fantastic. The controls are a bit wonky at times as Aiden, but have not had too much trouble. This feels like it has way more gameplay than Heavy Rain, so the IGN review really confuses me now. I guess its different reviewers.

The only thing I hate is those scenes when it goes grey and you need to push a direction, sometimes it seems to want me to punch something away, other times its get out of the way, I'm kind of confused. It was also terrible when
running away in the forest, could not see well if I was running under branches or jumping over stuff, it might be a brightness problem, but still annoying
. I may have misunderstood some part of it though.
I think the cigarette burning seemed like a tad much and out of place
Everything else in the chapter was fine and believable.
Yeah I didn't like it either, but at least it was the girl who insulted your music selection, called the rumours about Jodie's powers bullshit and was pretty much an ass the entire evening.

Just started it up a few hours ago and I just did the
closing the portal
loving it a lot so far. Coming from Heavy Rain this looks a lot less uncanny in faces and the graphics are fantastic. The controls are a bit wonky at times as Aiden, but have not had too much trouble. This feels like it has way more gameplay than Heavy Rain, so the IGN review really confuses me now. I guess its different reviewers.

The only thing I hate is those scenes when it goes grey and you need to push a direction, sometimes it seems to want me to punch something away, other times its get out of the way, I'm kind of confused. It was also terrible when
running away in the forest, could not see well if I was running under branches or jumping over stuff, it might be a brightness problem, but still annoying
. I may have misunderstood some part of it though.
Yup. Turn up the brightness slightly on your TV. I did the same. Much better. The only important thing to know about combat is to watch Jodie's body movement. Not the movement of her opponent. Always relative to the camera of course. If she tries to hit/block someone in front of her and the camera is behind her, press up. If she tries to attack and the camera is sideways from her press into the opponent (going with her arm). If she tries to stumble backwards to dodge press away from the opponent (move with her back). If she tries to duck without moving press down. If she does a downwards punch press down.

That's all there is to it. You have some time too, don't panic and stay calm. You have at least 1-2 seconds each time to read her movement. It becomes quickly apparent after 1 second what she is doing.


I think the cigarette burning seemed like a tad much and out of place
Everything else in the chapter was fine and believable.

Bullies don't really know their limits. They are always testing how far they can go. Maybe it's an American thing but it's easy to believe kids can be that cruel because I've heard stories worse than that

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Chris Smoove is doing a lets play of BEYOND: Two Souls and it's pretty fantastic. I would imagine that, especially if you've completed the game or don't really have a ton of interest in playing it, it's a fantastic way to check it out...

"Now how do i twerk??!! Do I swirl it??...."

Pretty coo
Random screenshots.
















How did you take pics dood?


I'm quite a ways in now and it does have it problems like the time line jumping for instance and the sometimes poor camera work but I can say that there has only been one part I have out right hated and that was the party. What a fucking awful part of game, just didn't work at all.

I should add I'm enjoying the rest of the game.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I know the story in this game is great and all but uh... they did mocap and model Page's whole body right? ... so like.... the shower scenes....

virtual unf.


That's all there is to it. You have some time too, don't panic and stay calm. You have at least 1-2 seconds each time to read her movement. It becomes quickly apparent after 1 second what she is doing.

Yeah I did a test since writing that post to see how long I get, and indeed if I take the time to interpret what her body is doing, its a lot easier.

One of my remaining problems though is when it cuts to these motions during an intense scene and a quick change of colour to grey may not be that obvious. I know there is a bit of sound difference but I would have liked a better indicator. Thankfully the game does not seem to screw you over for failing once in a while.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I popped Heavy Rain in and I have to say I'm sad that Cage decided to remove most of the contextual QTEs. I liked doing the motions...shaking to drink orange juice was fun. I miss :(
One of my remaining problems though is when it cuts to these motions during an intense scene and a quick change of colour to grey may not be that obvious. I know there is a bit of sound difference but I would have liked a better indicator. Thankfully the game does not seem to screw you over for failing once in a while.
Well and the fact that everything is in slow motion is also a good indicator :D Often at the beginning of an action scene I missed the first one, because I wasn't ready for it. But after that you know that they are coming and the bullet time, greyscale effect and the sound makes it obvious when it is time :D

I popped Heavy Rain in and I have to say I'm sad that Cage decided to remove most of the contextual QTEs. I liked doing the motions...shaking to drink orange juice was fun. I miss :(
This is literally another "Miyamoto: What the fuck do you want" moment. People complain about shaking the controller and doing 3 prompts just to drink orange juice, he listens and removes them and now everybody wants them back. I kinda feel the same way though. Some of the stuff was silly in Heavy Rain and Beyond does a good job of streamlining most of it. On the other hand HR gave you a higher feeling of involvement. You had to do something on the controller pretty much all the time. Maybe silly, but it did help to make it at least feel more interactive, even when it was still a cutscene.

I kinda doubt that he will ever go back though. Either his next game is going to be completely different, or maybe he finds an acceptable middle ground between the two.


BTW Am I the only one who loves Cole Freeman's character? :)

The great actor behind the character also helps a lot to love it. I liked his interpretation even more than William's, but Nathan's character is... so empty compared to all the other characters...

I saved Cole at the end, I suppose that you can let him die, but I don't know who would be such a selfish motherfucker to let him die!


The great thing about having real actors in games is that when you find a character you really like, you can still see more of that character afterwards.

I've always liked Ellen Page but I LOVE her after this game lol. Catching up on all her movies since Inception and I'm about to watch Super now. <3

BTW Am I the only one who loves Cole Freeman's character? :)

You can't help but love Kadeem Harrison. He was great as Cole :)


People complain about shaking the controller and doing 3 prompts just to drink orange juice, he listens and removes them and now everybody wants them back.

There's two groups of people though. People who hated them were probably not fans of Heavy Rain. Fans of Heavy Rain feel like Beyond is dumbed down (the camp I'm in). I was expecting him to expand on the mechanics in Heavy Rain, not neuter them. The interesting usage of the controller was my favorite part of Heavy Rain. What's Beyond have? Nicer production values...?

Is it even possible to fail in Beyond? I messed up a few times and got a red screen for a split second but it'd always continue. I never had to redo a part. The whole game literally felt like a mildly interactive cutscene -- I wouldn't say the same thing about Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain had crap voice acting and lesser production values, but it was a better game.


Yeah the game was definitely lacking tension with no way to fail. Just started Heavy Rain and I understand that characters can die and the game continues. That seems interesting

Would be tough to do it in B:TS w/o a "game over" screen and Cage apparently has an aversion to those. I feel the Condenser and other spots needed to have some consequences for your actions though..

That said, I don't care about any character in HR so far like I did with Jodie so it's not better to me lol
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