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BF4 Console Community Thread - Squad Bros and Official Servers


I usually only play China Rising on PS4 because it's runs much smoother than the regular maps. Maps with levolution have been playing like shit lately.

Not so sure about that. I was stuck in some sort of lag vortex last night on Altai Range. I wish I had recorded it. Literally pumping bullets into enemies and got no hit markers at all. At one point, I used a whole clip and reloaded and used half of the second clip from maybe 20 meters away and not one hit marker.


I know how to play it, i just dont have a clue as to what the most effective LMGs are, even though i have every weapon for the class.

The MG4 and M249 are the two best MGs by far in my opinion. They basically have zero recoil and fire at 800rpm with 200 round ammo clips.
Use good guns, especially if your new, theres no reason to limit yourself.
What classes do you enjoy? (You should be swapping back and forth depending on the situation)

Do you like ARs when you play assault? ACE 23, L85 (both late unlocks unless you hit level 10 and do the L85 assignment early, it is also china rising exclusive), good early game alternatives would be the AK which is the first unlock for assault, the M416 (if you don't have, nor want china rising, this will be your second go to gun) and finally the SCAR. (I will also mention the F2000, which is second assault exclusive just like the VSS, but will replace the L85 for the most part).
Do you like using carbines? AK5C, ACE 52
Sniping? SRR (its the final unlock, but the scout is the first unlock, meaning aggressive sniping is the way to go until you pickup the SRR)
(I don't know shit about support so i wont comment)
Engineers? Mostly the carbines i listed above, but specific weapons would be MP45/9 and the VSS (which is second assault exclusive, meaning its only available on Xbox until second assault travels to other platforms)

Great post. I love ARs and I just switched to the SCAR but looking down the sights of this thing is a damn joke. Your FOV is about a inch


Great post. I love ARs and I just switched to the SCAR but looking down the sights of this thing is a damn joke. Your FOV is about a inch

Yeah, most of these guns are meh in terms of iron sights.
The best red dot is the coyote by a longshot due to the FOV, but its a battlepack unlock for every gun i mentioned, meaning you need about 500 per weapon to get it fore everything.

The red dot is usually your first unlock at about 10 kills, so you just have to man up until then :p the SCAR and M416 are also serviceable at hip fire on close range enemy's, so theres that as well.

Stick to it, its only 10 kills, if you want them fast, try domination.
Dont get disheartened if you go negative or anything, your not used to the game/gun sight yet, and your only there to unlock the sight.

Coming from COD is actually a massive learning curve, so if you have any specific questions, hop into the OT and we can answer them.


Great post. I love ARs and I just switched to the SCAR but looking down the sights of this thing is a damn joke. Your FOV is about a inch

The scar is amazing at the right ranges if your aim is good...4 shots max from any range to put someone down. Add a grip and a compensator and its got a very controllable recoil as well.


The scar is amazing at the right ranges if your aim is good...4 shots max from any range to put someone down. Add a grip and a compensator and its got a very controllable recoil as well.

Its actually max 5 shots, as the gun has a 34-25 range of damage. Without the headshot you will need 5 shots every time outside of close range.
Its a low level alternative to the top ARs.
The top being L85 (M416 if you don't have china rising) and the 23.


I have some Conquest and general tips to share:

Spawn Selection

Many of my early deaths came from being placed in bad situations. I wanted to spawn with the squad and that usually led to me being greeted by bullets to the face.

Do not select your teammates as a spawn point unless you can clearly see they're not near danger or didn't give their location away. I don't even trust the "Warning" label that you see in the spawn camera. I usually only spawn on a squadmate if I see that they have not fired a shot or if the surrounding area is clear.

Otherwise, I spawn at the nearest flag and move onto the next flag by foot. This has the added benefit of spotting reinforcements who are trying to spawn in and defend a captured flag. Remember: players spawn on the outskirts of the flag zone.

The Progress Bar Tells All

You can tell how many people are in a flag area by the progress bar. Pay attention to the rate of decrease or increase. If it changes, somebody just entered or left the flag area. I usually go out to greet them instead of staying still in a corner.

Grenades as spies

Whenever I reach an area where I suspect people are laying in wait, I throw out a grenade into the area and listen for the automatic "Grenade!" call. That usually gives away their position. I like using the V40 grenade because you get 3 of them.

More success with faster firing weapons

I like the SCAR-H but only with a silencer. I found that I was losing a lot of face to face fire fights because other weapons fired faster. Maybe it was lag but I found more success when I started using faster firing weapons.
Yeah, most of these guns are meh in terms of iron sights.
The best red dot is the coyote by a longshot due to the FOV, but its a battlepack unlock for every gun i mentioned, meaning you need about 500 per weapon to get it fore everything.

The red dot is usually your first unlock at about 10 kills, so you just have to man up until then :p the SCAR and M416 are also serviceable at hip fire on close range enemy's, so theres that as well.

Stick to it, its only 10 kills, if you want them fast, try domination.
Dont get disheartened if you go negative or anything, your not used to the game/gun sight yet, and your only there to unlock the sight.

Coming from COD is actually a massive learning curve, so if you have any specific questions, hop into the OT and we can answer them.

Thanks man I really appreciate it :)


Just getting into Battlefield 4 and my first 3 games KD ratio:

- 2/21
- 5/18
- 3/20

This game is no joke I have never ever had anything lower than a 1/1 ratio in any FPS.

Quick tips?
Until you've unlocked a lot of the gadgets and accessories you're always going to be at a disadvantage. Hence the best thing to do when you start off is to focus on the one class, using the one weapon. I'd recommend the Engineer class first as it's a jack of all trades role.

Don't listen to people saying x gun is better than y. In real game situations the best gun is the one you feel comfortable with. For example, for a while there before unlocking the MTAR I was using the G36C. IIRC, on paper it is [one of?] the worst carbine and yet I was able to raise my overall K/D to 2.5 just by using it.

Don't knife from the front. I know it's almost a reflex in CoD as a last ditch attempt, but in BF4 the opposing player will be able to press a counter button and kill you.

Attack vehicles from behind/sides.

Learn choke points on maps and pay attention to what's going on around you. Too many people in this game just rush in without thinking. There are multiple ways to tackle different areas and most times you can catch people off guard. Inversely, know when to let people pass. Sometimes it's better to let the enemy capture an objective and move in when they go, then it is to try and take on 5 guys at once and die.



Until you've unlocked a lot of the gadgets and accessories you're always going to be at a disadvantage. Hence the best thing to do when you start off is to focus on the one class, using the one weapon. I'd recommend the Engineer class first as it's a jack of all trades role.

Don't listen to people saying x gun is better than y. In real game situations the best gun is the one you feel comfortable with. For example, for a while there before unlocking the MTAR I was using the G36C. IIRC, on paper it is [one of?] the worst carbine and yet I was able to raise my overall K/D to 2.5 just by using it.

Don't knife from the front. I know it's almost a reflex in CoD as a last ditch attempt, but in BF4 the opposing player will be able to press a counter button and kill you.

Attack vehicles from behind/sides.

Learn choke points on maps and pay attention to what's going on around you. Too many people in this game just rush in without thinking. There are multiple ways to tackle different areas and most times you can catch people off guard. Inversely, know when to let people pass. Sometimes it's better to let the enemy capture an objective and move in when they go, then it is to try and take on 5 guys at once and die.


Not true in the slightest regarding weapons, and i would appreciate it if you had addressed me personally.

Guns are better than other guns, there are best guns and there are the worst guns.

The symthic numbers for the tar were released 2 days ago and i doubt you have seen them if you are saying its bad on paper, because its far from it, it even outclasses the ACW.

There are guns you are guaranteed to outshoot other guns with unless you make a player error or are caught off guard.

These being the the guns i have listed. If you learnt he top weapons, and get used to them, they become the top weapons. The tar isn't a top weapon, but it is the top shot for close range, don't think your amazing because you think you were using a poor gun, when in fact the gun is amazing and proven so on paper and in game.

If you play a single class you aren't doing your job, theres no two ways about it. You play what is needed in a given situation upon Respawn, you don't play like your never going to die.
This has always been this games target formula and has always been such a case.

And map knowledge is obvious and doesn't need to be brought up to a former COD player.

EDIT : Re reading your post, you were talking about the g36, which also isn't on paper, to be a bad weapon, its a mid tier carbine. In conquest you can theoretically succeed with any gun if you aren't in a fight... I do this in my pistol only games.

In a gun on gun fight, its rock paper scissors and you will lose due to fire rate and range to a top assault rifle.
Guns are better than guns, its been this way since battlefields inception and theres absolutely 0 reason to not learn them.
Especially since the carbines and 3 of the ARs i listed are extremely easy to learn and great for new players as they feel good and realistically have an easier time with recoil and bounce.

In pub matches 90% of the playerbase is pure garbage in terms of skill, so if your also taking this into account, which i guess you are since you like using a non top tier weapon, then the discussion was over before it even started.

I can use anything and do fine as well, thats because i have been playing the series for a while, not to mention FPS in general every day for years, its fun using non competitive guns and doing well with them as it makes me feel good that i can do such a thing.
However when speaking to a brand new player, you cannot assume such things.
I apologize if i came off like an asshole, didn't mean to, i just assumed you were as well as you chose to not address me.


Not true in the slightest regarding weapons, and i would appreciate it if you had addressed me personally.
I wasn't actually referring to you. To be honest I didn't even notice your reply. Was speaking generally... But okay, I'll address this anyway.

Guns are better than other guns, there are best guns and there are the worst guns.

The symthic numbers for the tar were released 2 days ago and i doubt you have seen them if you are saying its bad on paper, because its far from it, it even outclasses the ACW.
Try reading it again. I was talking about the G36C. I know the MTAR is a beast. It's why I use it.

There are guns you are guaranteed to outshoot other guns with unless you make a player error or are caught off guard.
Of course. There are better guns and there are worse guns, there no doubting that. My point was to use whichever weapon he feels comfortable with. Sure, x weapon may be more versatile if you learnt to use it to all of its potential, but if you did the same with weapon y then you're still going to outshoot 90% of players in this game (and I mean that in the sense that people in this game are awful. More times than not they're dying because of their own mistakes).

These being the the guns i have listed. If you learnt he top weapons, and get used to them, they become the top weapons. The tar isn't a top weapon, but it is the top shot for close range, don't think your amazing because you think you were using a poor gun, when in fact the gun is amazing and proven so on paper and in game.
Where did I say I was amazing for using the MTAR? If you had actually read my post before jumping to conclusions, you'd see that I said that by using the G36C, I was able to reach a 2.6 k/d - to add weight to my argument that weapon stats don't tell the entire story (because as far as I'm aware, the G36C is far from the best carbine out there and I'm still out shooting most people.)

If you play a single class you aren't doing your job, theres no two ways about it. You play what is needed in a given situation upon Respawn, you don't play like your never going to die.
This has always been this games target formula and has always been such a case.
I didn't say that he was locked into a single class forever. Again, if you read my post I said that while he's still learning the ropes, he would see the most improvement if he sticks to the one class and learns what makes it effective. Engineer was my recommendation because essentially you can use it on every map effectively.

And map knowledge is obvious and doesn't need to be brought up to a former COD player.
I see lots of Call of Duty players in this game and they're always blindly running into choke points trying to outshoot people who are locking down areas. In most cases it does not work and as such I feel that my point was justified.


I wasn't actually referring to you. To be honest I didn't even notice your reply. Was speaking generally... But okay, I'll address this anyway.

Try reading it again. I was talking about the G36C. I know the MTAR is a beast. It's why I use it.

Of course. There are better guns and there are worse guns, there no doubting that. My point was to use whichever weapon he feels comfortable with. Sure, x weapon may be more versatile if you learnt to use it to all of its potential, but if you did the same with weapon y then you're still going to outshoot 90% of players in this game (and I mean that in the sense that people in this game are awful. More times than not they're dying because of their own mistakes).

Where did I say I was amazing for using the MTAR? If you had actually read my post before jumping to conclusions, you'd see that I said that by using the G36C, I was able to reach a 2.6 k/d - to add weight to my argument that weapon stats don't tell the entire story (because as far as I'm aware, the G36C is far from the best carbine out there and I'm still out shooting most people.)

I didn't say that he was locked into a single class forever. Again, if you read my post I said that while he's still learning the ropes, he would see the most improvement if he sticks to the one class and learns what makes it effective. Engineer was my recommendation because essentially you can use it on every map effectively.

I see lots of Call of Duty players in this game and they're always blindly running into choke points trying to outshoot people who are locking down areas. In most cases it does not work and as such I feel that my point was justified.

I actually edited my post, but you got too it before seeing it i suppose.
I did read you post as my edit implies, i just had to reread it to fill in my blanks.

I will respond to one thing you have said here, as everything else i have already addressed in my edit.

In Pubs, 90% of the community is complete garbage, its why i use guns that aren't competitive (being completely honest with myself, the ACE23 is the only competitive gun), meaning i outshoot most players with a P226.
I however don't only play pubs, i also play private ranked domination games for fun. In which case, the players are very competitive and only use the top tier weapons, meaning i cant use other weapons or else i will get swept.

These guns being the M416 (over the L85 due to its reload and hipfire) and the most common ACE 23 (due to its everything).

My personal pub K/D is 3.3 and my private K/D is 1.7 (which is pretty good for gamebattles). However i don't look at K/D when referencing player skill unless they play exclusively domination.


In a gun on gun fight, its rock paper scissors and you will lose due to fire rate and range to a top assault rifle.
Guns are better than guns, its been this way since battlefields inception and theres absolutely 0 reason to not learn them.
Especially since the carbines and 3 of the ARs i listed are extremely easy to learn and great for new players as they feel good and realistically have an easier time with recoil and bounce.

In pub matches 90% of the playerbase is pure garbage in terms of skill, so if your also taking this into account, which i guess you are since you like using a non top tier weapon, then the discussion was over before it even started.
I probably should have said this in my original post. I was talking about public matches - due in part because as a new player I doubt that he will be playing private any time soon.

I can use anything and do fine as well, thats because i have been playing the series for a while, not to mention FPS in general every day for years, its fun using non competitive guns and doing well with them as it makes me feel good that i can do such a thing.
However when speaking to a brand new player, you cannot assume such things.
Point taken. I still feel as if some guns aren't for everybody and even if statistically your chosen gun isn't the best, there's nothing wrong with using it.
I apologize if i came off like an asshole, didn't mean to, i just assumed you were as well as you chose to not address me.
No worries. My response to yours wasn't any better, haha.

I will respond to one thing you have said here, as everything else i have already addressed in my edit.

In Pubs, 90% of the community is complete garbage, its why i use guns that aren't competitive (being completely honest with myself, the ACE23 is the only competitive gun), meaning i outshoot most players with a P226.
I however don't only play pubs, i also play private ranked domination games for fun. In which case, the players are very competitive and only use the top tier weapons, meaning i cant use other weapons or else i will get swept.

These guns being the M416 (over the L85 due to its reload and hipfire) and the most common ACE 23 (due to its everything).

My personal pub K/D is 3.3 and my private K/D is 1.7 (which is pretty good for gamebattles). However i don't look at K/D when referencing player skill unless they play exclusively domination.
Fair enough. It's an entirely different game with good competitive players
So after playing this for a couple of weeks, I think got the gunplay down. Coming off of KZ Shadow Fall, the difference is quite jarring, and KZ SF is designed around no aim assist. Stability and rate of fire are what seem to determine gun fight most of the time.

Also, is it just me or is the M1911 with the 3x scope really good? Managed to do decent just running around with that monster scope attached.

I mean look at this thing.


Ok, something happened to me tonight while playing BF4 - Flood Zone - Conquest - PS3 version.

As you know, the maps are scaled down a bit from the 64 player sizes (I'm assuming this one is too) so the combat zones are a bit tighter.

An opposing player who was a scout kept pegging me off from the far west side of the map, in the grass and trees. I said, alright now problem, I'll go sneak up to him and knife him.

Only problem was... he was about 50 feet OUT of the combat zone, and kept picking me off... and there was a vehicle there with him too.

So tell me, is this a glitch, a known issue, a hack, what just happened?



Ok, something happened to me tonight while playing BF4 - Flood Zone - Conquest - PS3 version.

As you know, the maps are scaled down a bit from the 64 player sizes (I'm assuming this one is too) so the combat zones are a bit tighter.

An opposing player who was a scout kept pegging me off from the far west side of the map, in the grass and trees. I said, alright now problem, I'll go sneak up to him and knife him.

Only problem was... he was about 50 feet OUT of the combat zone, and kept picking me off... and there was a vehicle there with him too.

So tell me, is this a glitch, a known issue, a hack, what just happened?

I dont see anything wrong with the screenshot, in fact, its even the same size as a normal 64p conquest flood zone, which is kind of confusing me.
I dont see anything wrong with the screenshot, in fact, its even the same size as a normal 64p conquest flood zone, which is kind of confusing me.

I meant to show that screen shot of the PS4/PC version and how it's the LARGE conquest Flood Zone...

However I am on the PS3 version, so it's not the large conquest version, it's the 32 player and scaled back quite a bit. He was basically where the "E" control point, and even further North East of it (I said west in my first reply above but I definitely meant East).

So it's as if the game was treating it as a large map for him but for nobody else.


I meant to show that screen shot of the PS4/PC version and how it's the LARGE conquest Flood Zone...

However I am on the PS3 version, so it's not the large conquest version, it's the 32 player and scaled back quite a bit. He was basically where the "E" control point, and even further North East of it (I said west in my first reply above but I definitely meant East).

So it's as if the game was treating it as a large map for him but for nobody else.

Can you post a screenshot of the Ps3 map size? I have 0 clue how big they are outside of 64 conquest and smaller gametypes such as domination.

But i can rule out hack right now, its not a hack.


I'm almost entirely sure that is the spawn area. I've sniped a few people from back there... Gives a nice view of the top of the tallest building plus bravo.

As you can see, big difference in combat zone scaling. The pinpoint marker is where he was most of the time. And you have only 10 seconds till you die out of combat zone, and he was at least 50 feet out of it and camping, he wasn't running back and forth either, he was far out there.

I would really love an explanation for this, he also had a vehicle there too.

As you can see, big difference in combat zone scaling. The pinpoint marker is where he was most of the time. And you have only 10 seconds till you die out of combat zone, and he was at least 50 feet out of it and camping, he wasn't running back and forth either, he was far out there.

I would really love an explanation for this, he also had a vehicle there too.

Looks like their base/deployment area


Yep, thats their spawn.

Also wtf is with that A flag on ps3, weird.

It doesn't look like a spawn if your on the opposing team, its faded.
Ohhh... oh ok... wow... *smacks head* I am totally embarrassed now.

LOL! I didn't realize you couldn't enter the opposing spawn points, sorry... never played BF since BF2 :/


Not a problem.

Seriously though.. That A spawn in the screenshot... What happens when the dam breaks? Is it under water lol?

Yeah, the A flag on the smaller conquest map isn't quite where the B flag is on conquest large (on the roof), it's actually down on the ground next to the scaffolding, pretty much next to where the dam is.

Ya no

I know this is probably a long shot, but is there anyone out there that has battlefield 4 for ps3 that isn't planning on getting ps4 anytime soon that would be willing to me use their $10 upgrade code..? I would love to get the game but I don't have $60 to spend on it right now...
Lostsupper was the leader of RushGAF.

Between the player/ticket count and general frustration I didn't much care for it.

I used to be mainly a conquest guy in Bf3, but I'm finding rush more enjoyable in bf4. I find that obliteration is a little boring, maps are too large for 32 players. When it comes to conquest, 64 players doesn't run as smoothly as 32 on ps4 and also, the map design isn't that great.


Well...i forgot i turned aim assist off to play through the campaign (i can't stand the pull ads, shoot, rinse, repeat cycle), so i've been playing at a bit of a disadvantage from the beginning. I managed some much better rounds now that i'm on equal footing.

btw for the engineer class, what launcher should i be shooting for? The default (LAW?) is terrible and i'm finding it really difficult to hold my own under attack from a vehicle.


Well...i forgot i turned aim assist off to play through the campaign (i can't stand the pull ads, shoot, rinse, repeat cycle), so i've been playing at a bit of a disadvantage from the beginning. I managed some much better rounds now that i'm on equal footing.

btw for the engineer class, what launcher should i be shooting for? The default (LAW?) is terrible and i'm finding it really difficult to hold my own under attack from a vehicle.

Sraw mostly, for dumb it would be the rpg for ground and the smaw for sniping helis.
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