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BF4 Console Community Thread - Squad Bros and Official Servers

So this will likely be an unpopular opinion, but re: Active Radar missiles/MAA spam? The problem is intent/use from my POV. MAA is really there to counter jets, but it feels like that's the last thing someone in MAA tries to do.

I did some MAA on Lanang Dam to see how broken it was and, yeah, you can fire at helps as they leave spawn. But then I tried using the ARM against jets and lo and behold, they usually got flares off in time because of their general speed. Seeing as between their speed and altitude its generally hard to get a consistent lock on them with heat seekers, the ARM actually feels kinda balanced against them.

So if it were up to me, I'd keep ARMs, find a reason to make them jet only and make MAA take down helps with either their guns or passives. If anything it'd improve things slightly.


RIP BF3 choppers. This video was my only claim to fame by a random gunner who happened to be recording.


I've only played BF4 for about a week, and I'm still flying below radar out of habit. I need to stop that.

Yeah, I much prefer BF3 chopper flying, it was so much more fun. In BF4, as soon as you get on a chopper you absolutely know you'll be taken down at one point or another. In BF3 you could truly start and end a round if you were skilled enough and I thought the balance to take choppers down was pretty fair even after they took the passenger's flares and ECM jammers off.


I have no idea what they were thinking with the attack choppers this time around. I can only hope they get a buff or some sort cause right now it's a struggle to remain air born, never mind actually getting some kills.


I am serious. Everyone who was on xbox switched to PS4 now so there are none left. Except me and the people hiding in the corner. Anyways, need to get an xbone crew going. Add me.

GT: AlmostMilk
GT: Orcu5

I'm in the US (Northwest) and will play most game types, except hardcore.


Using the Vita remote play for BF4 is horrid. I felt like i was trying to punch someone in a dream but my arms had no strength.
Forgot about the DDoS attack and tried to sign into BF3

What's with this queue bollocks on every server now?

I think it's because the auto-match functionality isn't working so people are willing to wait in a queue to be guaranteed a slot on a full(ish) server. There are plenty of open servers that can hold the amount of people queued up, but because we are all browsing, we can't convince 60 of the other people waiting to join a different server.

It's lame. Really lame. But the auto-match system is the issue, not the amount of servers.


Aww. Sorta sad I missed it. Were any games competitive? Complete steam rolls aren't fun. The best GAF group games I was a part of were against this NAVY group.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Aww. Sorta sad I missed it. Were any games competitive? Complete steam rolls aren't fun. The best GAF group games I was a part of were against this NAVY group.
One or two games were decently competitive. The rest were all ended with us at least having 600 tickets lol.
Hi, pretty good player here would love to play with PS4Gaf! I dont talk often but follow objectives and always stay above 1kd. I play mostly recon and assault and you will find me on the qonquestservers

I am 25 yrs of age if that matters to some.

Feel free to add me: rostad194 @psn


XB1 - I have heard of people having issues joining games, etc. I have not experienced it that much. Until this morning...

If you use battlelog or browse games, choosing like 2 maps, you can then find servers with no queue or small queues if you refresh and scroll down quickly.

Sometimes the screen will go black. This seems either when your client has problems joining the game, or the server is in between maps. Sometimes it seems like the server is having a hard time starting a new game. Worse is when you exit out of the game and then start the game back up. As soon as you hit multiplayer, your client joins the previous server game that seemed frozen.

This morning I saw many issues all combined to make it a frustrating experience. Maybe I have been lucky, but if other people have experienced this often, I can see why some have given up now or for good on this game.

- Some games had 6 to 10 players listed, but when you try to join the game it puts you in a queue with x number of people. Therefore the player counts don't always work. I don't think the server filled up 50 some people that quickly
- When joining a server, the game goes to a black screen. You can hear sounds, but nothing happens. When exciting the game and starting it back up (even if starting IE and closing it to try to close your previous BF4 session) you either join the previous server, which if it was on a map you don't want to play that sucks. Or it gets stuck again. Doing a full shutdown of the system via the xbox button on the system may fix this. But who wants to do this over and over? I heard this is not limited to this specific game so maybe XB1 is to blame
- When I did join a game it was very end of matches, and then sometimes experience the black screen once again to repeat the whole process
- Games I did get in, I had one or two disconnects during the match

I had started a XP boost. After experiencing all of this I quit for the morning. After an hour I had only used 15 or so minutes of the in game boost meaning I only was able to play the game 15 minutes our of an hour or more. :(

The reason I am posting this is not to rip on the game more. I like BF4 and I will play this game 100's of hours. I also thought maybe people just had slower/bad connections via there ISP or other additional issues related to NAT. Maybe though some of us are just luckier than others.
I am serious. Everyone who was on xbox switched to PS4 now so there are none left. Except me and the people hiding in the corner.
It's not like there wasn't 3 months of 360GAF openly talking about jumping ship

Great games tonight. 14-0. I leveled up 5 times.
20 game win streak here.

For those saying it becomes to easy/boring, try getting to the top of the leader board then. Once we were 10 deep it got real tough.


Black loading screen of death, olimpia/dawn of life, I'm going to bed :/

Also, 145k points on that last Shanghai game. Loving the 2XP weekend. Leveled up twice in one round.


Just add your names to dreams list in the OP, if you cant, just message him.

Also add those that are already listed, its pretty much got everyone.
I will give the jerk rant again:

If you are new to the community, please take the time and add the regular players yourself.
Do not just list your name here and somehow magically expect others to add you.

Many people here have their friend list overwhelmed with battlefield players already, so the "demand" isn't exactly high on their end.

In addition, it is to your own benefit to observe the posting schedule and playtime of people who you might want to play with. It's no benefit adding a bunch of people who might be playing during your work hours.

Last and not least - don't PM me about why you can't get gaffers to add you.

They are all too scared to post in here because of the PS4 dominance of players.

These threads have always been PS dominant from BC2 - mid BF3.
The funny thing is that most of the PS3 regulars are less active in the threads now and the 360 converts posts more.
Added the xbone gamertags I found on the last couple of pages to my friends, in the UK and will be up for some Xbone BF sexy fun time over weekends time difference/uni commitments permitting.

GT: bumcrease


Great games last night, squad bros!

Hey, what's happened to lostsupper? I don't think I've seen him playing in a while.

I have a theory. I think he's getting laid regularly....i mean. Has a girlfriend. I hear her in the background when we play.

I've not been on much either. Been busy coaching High School basketball. That should calm down in a few weeks and I'll be back on more.
We really destroyed those teams last night. The ending on Locker was hilarious.

I'm also really getting off on fucking over snipers lately. M16 + Magnifier or XM25 = dead snipers.
I just don't like BF4. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I spend way more time unhappy playing than happy playing. Like a lot more. So I returned my PS4.

Let me know if it gets drastically better. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on Steam until Destiny.

I still love you.
I just don't like BF4. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I spend way more time unhappy playing than happy playing. Like a lot more. So I returned my PS4.

Let me know if it gets drastically better. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on Steam until Destiny.

I still love you.

you crazy
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