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BG:DA II or Champions of Norrath?


Which makes the better co-op game? Online is not a concern. Need some fresh multi-player crawling goodness.

There's also that D&D Heroes game, hum. I assumed that one was rather poor though, right?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
If the online is not the concern, CoN is pretty much the best there is, visually and gameplay-wise. Well, even if the online is the concern, it's the only console dungeon crawler that is playable online, flawed as it. Supports 4 players off and online too (only 2 with BGDA2).
CoN fucking sucks and is one of the worst games I've had the misfortune to purchase new in the past few years.

I vote X-Men Legends!


Alex said:
Which makes the better co-op game? Online is not a concern. Need some fresh multi-player crawling goodness.

There's also that D&D Heroes game, hum. I assumed that one was rather poor though, right?

Played through all 3 and gotta say CoN was superior in every way.

It has almost a diablo like loot system, and that adds alot of addiction to it. My brother and I had a blast with it, as apposed to the other two.


Marconelly said:
If the online is not the concern, CoN is pretty much the best there is, visually and gameplay-wise.
well, except for the story, which is embarassing to be in the same room as. jesus fucking christ. it's like a parody of a hackwork dragonlance novel. fortunately you can skip through it very quickly.

Marconelly said:
Well, even if the online is the concern, it's the only console dungeon crawler that is playable online, flawed as it. Supports 4 players off and online too (only 2 with BGDA2).
what about PSO? which is better.

also, the online is broken, and when not broken just plain uncooperative...

still, it's a fun game. i did enjoy it.
BG: DA II was pretty good, although I liked the first one better. Haven't played Norrath.

Is Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel worth playing? It's pretty cheap these days...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Though I've barely played much myself, X-Men Legends is likely the best of the bunch.

BG: DA2 is stale and easy. Dungeons have little to no creativity, and it really is just too boring to continue talking about.

CoN was decent at best but not much better. Online had mucho issues, but it does have a lengthy quest and 4-player support offline. The loot drops kinda suck though, and much like BGDA2, I stopped caring and playing somewhere in Act 2.

X-Men on the other hand has a lot more going for it than the above choices. 15 playable characters, lots of unique skills and mutant powers to divvy up, and massive beatings all around. You can even use the environment to kill stuff.

License is handled with respect and care as it will be very difficult for even an X-noob NOT to learn all sorts of historical stuff about the franchise with each play session. It has this quasi-FFCC combo system in place that grants additional xp for timing multiple mutant powers in sequence on enemies, lots and lots of them in fact. They even got Patrick Stewart to voice Prof X. Definately the one to go for.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Of the two, I preferred CoN. I liked the weapon augmentation system better and randomized dungeon layouts helped.
I mean ... between CoN and BGDA2 and D&D Heroes ... I would vote CoN.

But that's like a 6 / 5 / 4 on a 10 point scale, whereas X-Men Legends is an 8! And much prettier and better multiplayer support and far more detailed character development and etc. etc. If you just want "a dungeon crawl" make yours the X-Men!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Champions Of Norrath, definitely. Neither Baldur's Gate II nor X-Men Legends are as good as BG1 and CoN IMO. Maybe I just need to play more X-Men, but I just didn't find it as good as what others have said about it based on my play time with the game so far.
Lyte Edge said:
Champions Of Norrath, definitely. Neither Baldur's Gate II nor X-Men Legends are as good as BG1 and CoN IMO. Maybe I just need to play more X-Men, but I just didn't find it as good as what others have said about it based on my play time with the game so far.

I disagree on the grounds that CoN is abortive, broken, and dumb.




EDIT: Oh, wow, this isn't even a question of which game is better overall. Just better co-op. FOUR-PLAYER CO OP MAKES X-MEN THE WINNER IN A FIRST ROUND K.O.!


SpoonyBard said:
Is Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel worth playing? It's pretty cheap these days...

Yes and Yes, at the prices its at now at least. ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of the series, becasue there are alot of novelty things in it fans will recognize. I had a great time playing through it with my friend, both of us are HUGE Fallout fans also. I wouldnt say its better then BG2 or CoN though, but its a really really challenging game if you crank up the difficulty. Alot of fun to play through getting your ass kicked by mutants while you blast them with futuristic weapons.

D&D Heros wasnt that bad either. The Assassin class was ALOT of fun to play as, playing 4 player assassins was great. The only downside is that for some reason, its at awierd camera angle and its a pretty short game. Still enjoyed it though. Worth it if you are looking for a hack n slash and can find it for 10-20 bucks id say.

El Papa

D&D Heroes was awsome with 4 people. We had SO much fun ripping into hordes of monsters, looking for treasure and getting items and magic. I played the assasin and the other three played the 3 remaining classes, which was perfect because they fit together well. The game didn't get great reviews, but it's one of the funnest games I've played on Xbox, probably because I played it with my brother and friends and the interface works really well.


Running off of Custom Firmware

X-Men Legends >>>>>> BGDA 2 > BGDA1 > Fallout BoS >>>>>> CoN

CoN being the only one that was so shitty that I didn't actually buy.


Oh, geez. I wasn't even aware that X-men was a game in this paticular sub-genre, not to this extent at the least. Four Swords is wearing dreadfully thin, and Crystal Chronicles, well, I don't think there's much more left to it, the ammount of time sunken in was ungodly.

Well, in any case. This topic has absolutely murdered my interest in all things Norrath. I had no idea on the balancing and drop issues. I just remember scattered complaints of online misgivings.

"well, except for the story, which is embarassing to be in the same room as. jesus fucking christ. it's like a parody of a hackwork dragonlance novel. fortunately you can skip through it very quickly."

Yup. That's EverQuest. Most embarrasing license of all time.

How is the character progression in Legends? Balance and difficulty up to snuff as well?

I was mostly looking to loot the bargain bins for a co-op fix. But X-men sounds mighty nice. 25 hours into Star Ocean, Nocturne comes out next week...sure, throw another one on top.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Eh, I still don't get all the CoN hate. It was a fun hack n' slahs game; the story isn't any worse than any of the other games in the same genre either. It's the online play that sucks, but I played it offline with friends anyway. I'm not proclaiming it to be the greatest game in its genre or anything, but I'd certainly give it a try for $20. I guess I just wasn't expecting much out of it in the first place; never do with these types of games....as long as it's fun beating up monsters, I'm satisfied.

Couldn't stand Fallout though. The overhead camera sucked.

Nocturne is next week!? Crap; I think I've bought more RPGs in the last two weeks than I have all year. :)

BG2 = 80.9%
CoN = 84.9%

...not sure if this helps much but some of you guys use reviews to help determine your purchase decisions.
And if you're a bit of a graphics whore you should definately go for CoN! :D
Some of the most detailed and polished visuals this gen plus it's the only PS2 game making such extensive use of bump-mapping (although they're static, they're very detailed and impressive).
Champions of Norrath?! More like Champions of BOREath! AM I RITE?!?! LOL!

Seriously tho, all the equipment is the fucking same cept for stat changes, and the fighting is boring and the levels are overly long with needless backtracking.

Agent X

Alex said:
Well, in any case. This topic has absolutely murdered my interest in all things Norrath. I had no idea on the balancing and drop issues. I just remember scattered complaints of online misgivings.

I'm not really going to be able to compare the games mentioned in this thread, because I haven't played most of them, other than Champions of Norrath and the demo for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance.

Anyway, I own Champions of Norrath, and I think it's a great game...and I generally dislike RPGs on video game consoles. I do like some action RPGs like Gauntlet, though. I enjoyed the BG:DA demo (never got around to getting the full game, though), and after hearing that CoN was being developed by Snowblind Studios (the original developers of BG:DA), I decided to preorder it. I wasn't disappointed.

I've only played CoN as a multiplayer game on one occasion, and that was over the Internet with one of my friends (I never could muster up the courage to play this game with "strangers"...don't know why.) We played for about an hour, and we had a lot of fun. I'd imagine the game is a little more enjoyable when you've got your friends in the same room with you. Based on my small experience with multiplayer, I'd certainly recommend it.

Many stores are selling this game for only $19.99 now. I paid $49.99 and was happy to do so, but at $19.99...man, you've got to try this game!

If you like games of this type, another one that looks very promising is The Bard's Tale by inXile Entertainment. IGN just posted a great trailer, which you can learn about and view if you click here. I don't believe there's any multiplayer in this one, but the storyline and humor seem very cool, so it'll probably be worth checking out. It also uses Snowblind's engine from BG:DA and CoN, so you know it'll be technically solid, too.


Alex said:
Oh, geez. I wasn't even aware that X-men was a game in this paticular sub-genre, not to this extent at the least.

How is the character progression in Legends? Balance and difficulty up to snuff as well?

I was mostly looking to loot the bargain bins for a co-op fix. But X-men sounds mighty nice. 25 hours into Star Ocean, Nocturne comes out next week...sure, throw another one on top.

Legends kicks ass. Definatly the most fun of the lot as not only is it hack and blast action but actually feels a bit like a real RPG because I believe it was orginally intended to be a turn based story driven RPG but switched to a multiplayer action fest. It works beautifully. Not only will you have a wide choice of characters but the game is pretty long. the other games in this thread take about maybe 10 hours or so, im already 18 hours into X-Men and still havnt finished it. Plus it has alot of extras and novelty items X-fans will LOVE.

A word though, the storyline of Legends has Wolverine out on his own for a bit. So you can only play one player untill you finish Wolverines part which in all honesty takes only about a half hour if even that. Then you pick up cyclops and its a 2 player game for about another 15-20 minutes. After that, you run around the Mansion learning about stuff and exploring before taking your mission and starting the 4 player game. Really, depending on how much you do, it takes about an hour or so untill it becomes a 4 player game.

Another thing is X-Men isnt really an item intensive game and in IMO there really isnt that much of a selection of abilities, compared to BG2 or CoN character building is really shallow, but then again you have like 15 unique character so it evens out. You still earn new abilities and get some equipable items in Legends, but nowhere near BG2 or CoN. But if youve played and enjoyed 4 swords and Crystal Chronicles I dont see how this would be a huge problem since Legends has far more customization hten those 2 games. Its actually nice because item management on 4 player CoN is a pain in the ass really. Lots of frequent pauses.

If you dont mind dropping the full game price Legends might be a better choice, especially if you and your friends like X-Men.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lyte Edge said:
Eh, I still don't get all the CoN hate.
*whispers* pssstt...come here, I'll let you in on a little secret...it comes mostly from Diablo whores ;)

Well, in any case. This topic has absolutely murdered my interest in all things Norrath. I had no idea on the balancing and drop issues.
Overblown, IMO...esp. if you're mostly looking for a fun co-op fix.

But it sounds like Legends is the new hotness around here and I certainly would like to try it myself, so I'll leave off on the meager CoN defense.
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