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Bicycle age


Are you on GAF's Strava group?
Yes, but I haven't been recording for a while.

Congrats on finishing, how were your bits and bobs when you started on day 2?
Not actually that bad. Right knee was threatening to be sore and pop occasionally, and chafe management was a thing all through that day (I really need to replace these shorts with bibs).
Because I was planning to take day 2 at a gentle pace, I started very early, just after 5AM. I was one of the first people to leave Centralia. The light was still fairly dim, there was no wind, just gently coasting through a bit of gentle countryside and the quiet streets of a small town. Very few other cyclists out yet, but every one of them ready with casual "good morning"s. Wonderful atmosphere to kick off the day.

Particularly interesting vehicle choices I saw at STP:
-A big group (Living the Dream Foundation) all on single-speed beach cruisers
-Inline skates
-Penny farthing

It might be a bit before I'm back in the saddle, as my left achilles appears to be irritated.
shit! hopefully it gets reupped, was very fascinating.

here's more of the story --


Team Sky believe computers have been hacked to obtain Chris Froome’s personal performance data and discredit this year’s leader of the Tour de France.

Sir Dave Brailsford, the Sky team principal, revealed on Monday that lawyers have been instructed to examine how the files on Froome, which have high-level security access, started to appear on social media and other outlets.

Only last week, one report revealed Froome’s performance data on his ascent of Mont Ventoux in 2013 — a ride that was central to his victory in the Tour that year. It noted that in a five-second burst on a punishing gradient he accelerated from 19kph to 31kph. And last night a video of the same climb was posted on Youtube with data analysis.

and about that heart rate...

He said: ‘From what I’ve seen from some of the clowns interpreting (power) data and saying “You did this for 10 minutes so you have to be doping”, it’s so unhelpful. It can’t paint the full picture.

‘If the UCI want to collect power data as a way of explaining what’s humanly possible without doping, then I would be very happy. But to release it into the world for people to rip apart — you don’t take into account wind speed, temperature, how hard you’ve ridden, all those variable factors. But I’ve got nothing to hide.’

Froome’s data points to an unusually low heart rate.

But he insisted: ‘My heart rate doesn’t go very high. I get to about 168 and that’s going flat-out. I can’t get much higher. It’s very low. A lot of my team-mates get over 200. I don’t really understand why, myself. I know I’ve got a large lung capacity, over eight litres. Average capacity for my height and weight is nearer six litres.’

and yeah, apparently that's contador's ftp. 6.8 w/kg. some data scientists on twitter are calling bullshit, saying that's a lowball number.

edit: oh wow, daily mail is banned? Haha.
What a weekend. So as you may or may not know Oregon is giving away seven handbuilt bikes this summer. This past weekend was the Painted Hills bike, a touring bike that comes equipped with everything you need to get started. All free for the taking if you're the first to find it.

The Painted Hills are on the Eastern side of the state and I live on the Western side so a road trip was in order. The second clue given was that it would be hidden on the Mitchell-Service Creek loop. Also, given the information that the last two were found within minutes of being 'live', we decided to start early in our search. Oh, I forgot to mention the we: Me, my wife, and my 10-year-old son. As you can see form the elevation profile it's quite the climb no matter where you start.

We went to bed at 8 and woke up at 3:30 and were on the road by 4. Well, I was at least. I left by bike from Mitchell and they drove to the top of the loop and parked at the Shelton Wayside County Park. The idea was that they would ride down clockwise from there and I would ride up - also clockwise - from the bottom. That way we'd cover both sides and have a better chance of finding the bike. I'd grab the car and them come down to find them since they were slower bikers.

I hit the spot where I'm supposed to turn left onto Girds Creek around 5:15. The signpost doesn't list any of the towns that I was familiar with and there's also a really, really shit-looking cattle grid that looked more like it was the entrance to someone's yard than an actual road. I decided to keep going because that can't be my turn. I crest the hill and at about mile marker 10, which is at roughly the 12 mile spot on that map, so the bottom of a lengthy descent (which I was coasting 40+mph the entire way to give you an idea of grade) I finally think about how I'm probably going the wrong way since I haven't seen another turn and I'm at 16 miles total. I pull over and spend about 15 minutes trying to get a GPS signal on my tablet (more on this later) but no dice. So I hem and haw for about five more minutes thinking, "hey, it's 5:30, the bike has probably been found by now." I just turn around and head for the top of the hill.

I don't rush this because I don't want to destroy my knees climbing too hard. Slowly making my way up, averaging about 7-8 mph (it's a damn big hill!), and I finally get back to where I needed to turn. The aforementioned shit-looking cattle grid presents it's own hurdle - almost literally - as it's so badly mangled that I basically have to walk across it like it's a tightrope and balance my bike at the same time. I'm across, and I start down the road. I'm not hurrying because, as I said, it's now about 5:50 and it's surely found by now.

So anyway about 20 minutes later (6:10 for those keeping track) I come around a corner and see a bike in front of me with white tires (!) and panniers (!!) just riding along. My heart drops, but on the off chance it's the people giving it away I speed up and catch the bike. No, it's not like Pokemon and I didn't get anything for catching it. I talk to the guy riding it (the article says a girl won and while technically true it was a guy riding it at the time; she was on another bike in front of him) and it turns out they found it just a little bit ago. Like, 20 minutes. You know, twenty of the 30 or so minutes that I wasted going the wrong way. The real kicker though was when he said that they went right by it but turned around because they saw a chalk drawing of a bike on the road and wondered if it was a clue. Yeah, it was.

I was nice and excited and was polite but when I was done congratulating him I took off because, to be frank, he was going a lot slower than I. When I'm a nice, safe distance away is when I start swearing like a sailor as loud as I can. I'm pissed at myself because if I hadn't gotten lost I would have found the bike. I'm going to be sweating that one at night for awhile.

Anyway, I made it to the top of the hill at the campground (and what a hill, holy crap) and took off to pick them up. They actually made it almost all the way to town by the time I found them. They went about 25 miles in the three hours from when they left to when I found them. Doesn't sound like a whole lot but he is only 10 and those are some insane hills compared to around here. Just under 10mph average for that is pretty damn good.

So about that tablet/GPS thing: Why do the manufacturers advertise a GPS chip/antenna if it doesn't connect sans wifi? I mean, it was my first time using the thing outside of a city/urban area so I didn't know what to expect. If I had known that it wasn't going to work that would have saved me 10-15 minutes of just standing there waiting for it to find a signal. I'm not blaming it - I'm the one who didn't turn left when I was supposed to - it just pisses me off in hindsight.

After all that we went to Bend to visit my sister-in-law and tool around downtown. We made it about 10 miles before a spoke on my rear wheel broke. The only good thing to come out of that is that we were in Bend where there are approximately 1.75 bike shops on every block so it was fixed and trued within the hour. Total cost, including labor? $21. Amazing. I don't know if it's just me not knowing how much that should actually cost but it just seemed cheaper than what it would cost here. Also faster. The LBS I usually go to always makes it seem like a PITA to true a wheel or do spokes. I even offended the guy when I asked if they used the machine that does the spoke tightening. He said, "No, we do everything manually here!" I tried to give him a tip but he said they can't accept them.

All in all a great and exciting weekend with also a bit of great disappointment. Oh well, just means that I'm still in the running for the Crater Lake bike since you can only win one of them.

I reiterate: I will cut you for that one.

That's a real shame. Good story though.

...and yeah, any decent bike shop should be doing spokes by hand with a truing stand.

As for the tablet GPS... is that only very specific models? Because when I've used them, they've worked fine in the middle of no-where, and in aeroplane mode (do it this way so as not to waste the battery).

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I got a nice (other than it being low 90s and humid) 16 mile ride in this evening. Pretty hilly route with just under 800 ft of elevation gain and loss.


I've also done 1000w, it's not that hard. Of course i only managed to hold it for a second and I had to stop for a breather afterwards
I have no idea what my max power output is. I've got a mountain bike cassette / chainrings on my trainer bike so topping it out is relatively easy.


Not sure I could live with that backpack; rides very high. What do you have in it?

Just water in the back, and levers, multitool and tube in the shoulder straps. It fits very snugly so I don't really feel it's there. But it's designed for running, and has very little room for bike-extras. I kinda want to replace it with a Camelbak Charge or Volt, which have lumbar water reservoirs and much more room. Or a Mule.
Yeah, I use a charge. Having the water on your hips makes a massive difference.

Funnily enough, I also own a mule, but to be honest if I wanted to carry that much stuff I'd rather just use a bikepacking saddle bag and keep the weight off my back.
Forgot one aspect to that story:

We went to visit the actual Painted Hills location and while we were parking, guess who drove in behind us? It was the family of the girl who found the bike. So not only did I get to see it ridden away, I got to watch them take pictures with it. Man…

Here's a photo of me in the race, looking terrified. I'm proud to say I was the only person who wore leggings in the hot weather. At least it made the pic easier to spot.

I wear leggings in hot weather as well, but that's more because I'm a ginger and will burn if I spend more than 15 minutes in the sun.

My hydration pack rides about that high...how do you keep stuff in it when there's water? It feels like I can use it as a pack, or I can use it as hydration, but both at the same time is where I run into issues.


I wear leggings in hot weather as well, but that's more because I'm a ginger and will burn if I spend more than 15 minutes in the sun.

I have that problem too, but was more concerned about insect bites and things like that.

My hydration pack rides about that high...how do you keep stuff in it when there's water? It feels like I can use it as a pack, or I can use it as hydration, but both at the same time is where I run into issues.

Yeah, it's either/or. At best, I can cram a soft sandwich in there when there's water. Had some snacks in the back pockets of my jersey, which were easy to get to despite the hydration pack.
the screen still said 1000w, so I don't really care if it's true or not

On the subject of watts: I had some guy next time over the weekend who was chit chatting and saying things like "I was putting out some watts". I couldn't help but roll my eyes. If you wanna train with watts, fine, do it. But you don't have to subtly drop it in like it's a pissing competition.


Super Sleuth
Gyms should have generators hooked up to their stationary cycles and give you discounts based on how much power you generate for them.


The Tall Ships Race is visiting my town this week. Rode out today to look at the sailing ships. Some of them are gigantic!


Mir and Sedov, both from Russia. Just arrived.


Sedov, by many regarded as the world's largest sailing ship.

Sørlandet, the oldest full rigged ship in operation.

Lots of other ships too, most of them quite a bit smaller than these. It's allowed to go on board and look around. In many of them, some girl was standing at the bow with her arms outstretched.
I'm looking to buy my first decent bike. A roadbike would be ideal, but also could handle a bit of dirt and gravel if I needed. I am also working with a very limited budget. Any suggestions of decent, quality bikes that I could purchase without spending a lot of money? $500 is the most I'm willing to spend at this time.
Gonna rant here because I don't want to shit up the TdF thread too much.

I subscribed to Eurosport Player in order to watch Tour de France for the first time. It started out stupid, only SD level video available because of reasons. Well, I can handle that I thought. But now a week later, they stop uploading the vod files into their archives. Reading around on the net, it seems this is deliberate! I can't watch the stages live, so they just basically refused service to me. I'd like to be angry, but I'm still just plain flabbergasted at how something like this can exist.
Just got a reply from ES confirming that the missing content is on purpose because of "rights restrictions". So avoid Eurosport Player like the plague.
Ran over a Canadian Goose this morning. Well, ran over is a bit wrong as geese are big honking (no pun intended) beasties and it was more of a ran into/slid along the goose. I was going down the sidewalk and there was a goose in the way. I shooed it and it went to the left but all his friends wanted to join in and they ran over as well and right in front of me. I stopped to make sure the goose was ok and I guess it was as it just walked away flapping its wings and honking.
Ha, I've had some entertaining run ins with animals over the years. Including a sheep that decided that it wasn't going to run like the others, it was going to attack me.


I bunnyhopped over a bunny once. True story. Couldn't stop in time.

My local rides are always safaris. Sheep, goats, dogs, squirrels, rabbits, badgers, horses, foxes... I've worried them all.

The one that really spooked me was a hare. I'd never seen one before and it was massive, like a dog with a rabbit's face.



Sorry for all these photos of the ships and stuff, and not a bike in sight (although I rode up there to take the photo). What I should do, is do some hangage from a mast. But I'll probably be keelhauled if someone notices.


Not complaining about those that seek help here, but I would love if someone posted about wanting help to buy a road bike on a $8000 budget. Much more fun


someone who has $8000 to spend on a road bike would know pretty well what they want and what they're getting.

no offense, but i don't see any discussions in here that would give me confidence about the buying advice of such machines. our most prominent posters are all about the MTB, plus it's a lot more discussion about riding than the machine
someone who has $8000 to spend on a road bike would know pretty well what they want and what they're getting.

Doubt it, most people spending that sort of money on a bike have the money, but absolutely no clue what they're doing. The highest end bikes I see in the wild are almost never ridden by decent cyclists. Usually middle age bankers and the like.

Club rides aside, though most of those bikes seem to top out at about $5000.


...hate me...
Hey guys, long time no see.

The weather around my whereabouts is finally enjoyable and I've been biking for leisure a whole lot more.

Actually found my first trail yesterday:


That was fun!

Also I've been doing some stretches of road, but I wanna do a sizeable distance soon, liking visiting another town. Of course I'm a bit limited by a MTB, and buying a new bike isn't an option at the moment. Toying with the idea of at least get some road tyres, that is doable right?

Just sharing an embarrassing detail to show how much of a novice I still am, I had been struggling a bit with my daily commute and thinking that my bike was just not good enough, or needed some tuning or that I'm really bad at this. It happens that I was lazily postponing pumping some air into my tyres, which were running on low pressure for a couple of weeks. As soon as I pumped them up it felt like such a different ride. Like literally going from "oh no I have to bike somewhere" to "I can bike to anywhere in the world".


i am seeing some expensive bikes around here with triathletes (at least i think they are triathletes) or time trial riders.

and they re far from being an average joe without having a clue
Where's the trail in that pic? Is it the river? What's that attached to the front of your bike btw (with the straps)?

...and you can get slick / semi slicks for your bike. Examples:


...and many more. Obviously you wont be taking the more slick tyres off road, but there are a number of tyres with basically a slick middle band, and knobbly edges for cornering traction off road.

i am seeing some expensive bikes around here with triathletes (at least i think they are triathletes) or time trial riders.

I've never actually seen a TT bike outside of events. I guess they don't train locally.

I did hear of someone using one in a local road race and ending up in hospital after taking a corner too fast and hitting a car though.


...hate me...
Where's the trail in that pic? Is it the river?

Yes, it's that river/puddle. But I just went around it.

A few more pics:

What's that attached to the front of your bike btw (with the straps)?
It's a handlebar attachment where I clip a front basket, for grocery runs and whatnot. The attachment was designed for thinner handlebars so I had to improvise with straps. But it's very sturdily in place, have been using it for months, sometimes loaded pretty heavily.

...and you can get slick / semi slicks for your bike. Examples:


...and many more. Obviously you wont be taking the more slick tyres off road, but there are a number of tyres with basically a slick middle band, and knobbly edges for cornering traction off road.
Ah, sweet. Yeah I'm thinking to install these and leave the off road aside for a while, until I get bored of road and put my usual tyres back. And a few months later, my winter tyres.
Nice. Can't fault a bit of adventuring.

I'm out of commission for the next week and a half as my suspension is going off for a service. Might take it as an opportunity to get my cleats fitted so that I can get back on the road bike.
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