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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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Tiff is an interesting juxtaposition to Paulie who IS going out of his way to be exactly like Cody in as many ways as possible (pointlessly lying about things and propping up Frank's intimidating Derrick persona).

This is going to be a repeat where Paulie takes Frank to the F2 over Bridgette, isn't it?


This is going to be a repeat where Paulie takes Frank to the F2 over Bridgette, isn't it?
If you want to be technical, mirroring Cody's gameplay isn't entirely a bad idea so long as Paulie learns the one lesson that failed Cody after winning the F3 HOH competition. And, provided that he has a fish as poor as Victoria would have been to face the jury with. This season's girls don't seem to have a likely candidate for that role outside of Tiffany.

Truth be told, I think dragging Paul along as a goat might be the most fruitful objective.


Paul's too coherent. Victor is the best Victoria, but nobody can stand Victor.
Well, that... and the fact that Victor is the likely boot come Thursday. Can't really consider folks for the role that won't be around to fill it. That goes for Bronte as well.


^ Considering women have only won this show 5/17 seasons, and that a woman has never once beaten a guy in a finale vote, ...yes please to that.

Last couple seasons I've been screaming at the girls to stick together. Seasons 15 and 17 really felt like it was gonna happen but Andy and Steve slipped through at the end. 16 the women were doomed from week 1 lol.


^ Considering women have only won this show 5/17 seasons, and that a woman has never once beaten a guy in a finale vote, ...yes please to that.

Last couple seasons I've been screaming at the girls to stick together. Seasons 15 and 17 really felt like it was gonna happen but Andy and Steve slipped through at the end. 16 the women were doomed from week 1 lol.
Bronte: "only 29% of women have won Big Brother!"


Bronte: "only 29% of women have won Big Brother!"
I'd argue the stat is even more dubious. Both Jordan and Rachel required extensive Production favour to win their seasons (although a woman was going to win BB13 regardless... Adam sure as hell wasn't going to).

The only woman to win against a man in North American Big Brother history is Sarah Hanlon... which is somewhat ironic given that Godfrey's game impressed me a hell of a lot more than hers did. He just did a terrible job of selling the jury on it. She also had Production favour to even put her anywhere close to contention for the jury pitch.

Day reacts to the cameras as Frank gives her his marching orders. (I don't think she cares for him that much.)





Thoughts on the Day/Tiffany/DR situation?

For those that don't know, Day told Michelle and Nicole that they needed to get Tiffany out because the DR "accidentally" told her that Tiffany was gunning after her. Tiff isn't targeting Day and was actually talking about taking her to the end. So, either production lied to interfere with the game, or Day lied using production as a source, which is not allowed. The reason that's so problematic is that DR is considered an unimpeachable source, so once that's out there, that bell can't be unrung. Pretty shitty move.


Thoughts on the Day/Tiffany/DR situation?

For those that don't know, Day told Michelle and Nicole that they needed to get Tiffany out because the DR "accidentally" told her that Tiffany was gunning after her. Tiff isn't targeting Day and was actually talking about taking her to the end. So, either production lied to interfere with the game, or Day lied using production as a source, which is not allowed. The reason that's so problematic is that DR is considered an unimpeachable source, so once that's out there, that bell can't be unrung. Pretty shitty move.
My thoughts = Day's a delusional nutbar

Those are my thoughts.
Dae and Nicole were talking about getting Frank out last night, while Tiffany was in the room, being her usual quiet self. Today Dae got with Frank and told him that Tiffany was advocating Frank being evicted pre-jury last night. Dae needs to cool the jets on her charge against Tiffany. This is part of what got her in trouble last season. She gets overly invested into attacking a single individual, which makes people weary. BUT Dae is my least favourite vet, and Tiffany is boring, so they can blow themselves up for all I care.
If this was all a play to get Frank out with Tiffany as a scapegoat that would be interesting. If it actually worked I'd be shocked and awed.


To be fair most of the house is sketched out by Tiffany, people that don't even interact with Day. Her social game is awful, she's perpetually nervous, can't handle confrontation and is always squirreled away in a hoodie/shades like a spy or some shit. It's offputting.


Seems like Bridgette decided to use the 4th of July to cement her resume as Frank's rat to sabotage the Spy Girls, Tiffany and any possible momentum swing against his precious self. Frank didn't even have to do anything to earn it... except be himself.

And now Corey is watching Frank shower again...



Lord Frank has decreed that only the following 6 people can be HOH next week...
- Frank, Michelle, Bridgette, Da'Vonne, Zakiyah or Paul

Lord Frank has decreed that only the following 6 people can be HOH the subsequent week...
- The 5 People in the Above List of Names Who Have Never Been HOH and Paulie - although he'll be nice and let James or Nat win HOH (if Bronte goes out next week) ... or Nicole or Corey win HOH (if Tiffany goes out next week)

Lord Frank has decreed that Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte and Tiffany shall compete in the Buy Back competition and the returnee shall be evicted as soon as they're exposed.

His Rankness Has Spoken and His Will Shall Be Done!


Lord Frank has decreed that only the following 6 people can be HOH next week...
- Frank, Michelle, Bridgette, Da'Vonne, Zakiyah or Paul

Lord Frank has decreed that only the following 6 people can be HOH the subsequent week...
- The 5 People in the Above List of Names Who Have Never Been HOH and Paulie - although he'll be nice and let James or Nat win HOH (if Bronte goes out next week) ... or Nicole or Corey win HOH (if Tiffany goes out next week)

Lord Frank has decreed that Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte and Tiffany shall compete in the Buy Back competition and the returnee shall be evicted as soon as they're exposed.

His Rankness Has Spoken and His Will Shall Be Done!

Several HG have mentioned a returning HG haven't they? How do they know? Is it a matter of counting houseguests/weeks?


Several HG have mentioned a returning HG haven't they? How do they know? Is it a matter of counting houseguests/weeks?
That... and the DR has been known to tip their favorites off to twists ahead of time.
They've already leaked to Day that there's a pre-jury buy back and she's been leaking that out throughout the house to her allies.

Whenever there's a Double Eviction episode, everyone in the house knows ahead of time. They feign shock during the live show but they've already strategized for it.


Lord Frank has decreed that only the following 6 people can be HOH next week...
- Frank, Michelle, Bridgette, Da'Vonne, Zakiyah or Paul

Lord Frank has decreed that only the following 6 people can be HOH the subsequent week...
- The 5 People in the Above List of Names Who Have Never Been HOH and Paulie - although he'll be nice and let James or Nat win HOH (if Bronte goes out next week) ... or Nicole or Corey win HOH (if Tiffany goes out next week)

Lord Frank has decreed that Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte and Tiffany shall compete in the Buy Back competition and the returnee shall be evicted as soon as they're exposed.

His Rankness Has Spoken and His Will Shall Be Done!
From Frank's lips to Grodner's ears.


Seems like Bridgette decided to use the 4th of July to cement her resume as Frank's rat to sabotage the Spy Girls, Tiffany and any possible momentum swing against his precious self. Frank didn't even have to do anything to earn it... except be himself.

And now Corey is watching Frank shower again...


I'm totally pissed realizing that the girls are in a fake alliance with Tiff. She's my fave.


Lord Frank has decreed that Lady Zakiyah shall be the new HOH on Thursday as it is her birthday week. Plans have already been made to throw HOH to Big Sister.

Bronte shall be the initial target for eviction alongside a pawn (most likely a Spy Girl) and Tiffany will either be backdoored and/or roadkilled as a nominee depending on his whims.

His Rankness Has Spoken and His Will Shall Be Done!
It looks like Dae and Nicole's target has shifted from Tiffany (for now) to Frank. They are putting together pieces of the puzzle, and found out he's been dishing out some loose final two deals. They are hoping to get him out next week, or as soon as possible.

Doesn't mean much, though. Even if he gets evicted now - guess who'll astonishingly win the Battle Back?


Corey and Frank just told Paulie about the 8-pack, in hopes that he'll be the replacement for Tiffany when she's gone. Meanwhile, Nicole, Day, and Z are plotting downstairs about getting Frank out.
Corey and Frank just told Paulie about the 8-pack, in hopes that he'll be the replacement for Tiffany when she's gone. Meanwhile, Nicole, Day, and Z are plotting downstairs about getting Frank out.

Nicole already screwed that up by telling Corey.
OMG guiiiiise!


Been away for the feeds for the past day and it seems like everything has been blowing up with Day losing it and everyone switching from Tiffany to Frank. I feel like even though Frank has been playing way too hard and probably deserves to be targeted, this will blow up in Day's face and she'll be nom'd if Frank ever gets wind of this. Too many people know at this point and Frank will probably find out.

This, basically.
Nicole already screwed that up by telling Corey.
OMG guiiiiise!


The whole get Frank out thing is so dumb I can't even believe it. Why would you go at someone who is literally throwing all the comps and poses no threat until later in the game? Heck, since everyone hates him, drag him along to final 2/3 for an easy win. Maybe I just don't see the merit in getting rid of Frank vs actual threats so if someone could explain it, that would be great. Maybe it's because there are no real actual threats lol
The whole get Frank out thing is so dumb I can't even believe it. Why would you go at someone who is literally throwing all the comps and poses no threat until later in the game? Heck, since everyone hates him, drag him along to final 2/3 for an easy win. Maybe I just don't see the merit in getting rid of Frank vs actual threats so if someone could explain it, that would be great. Maybe it's because there are no real actual threats lol

Frank is a beast at comps, and has a bullyish type of social game. He's also in a bit of a power trip right now. Getting rid of him now will be easier than later and taking him to the finals is no guarantee for someone else winning. It's best he go early.


Death Prophet

Velcro Fly

Tiffany and Paul with two of the most pathetic edits tonight.

Tiffany for basically being her sister minus the somewhat decent gameplay at times.

Paul for basically selling his boy up the river for a chance at one or two more weeks in the house.

Also Vic is fucking clueless.


This season is so bad.
It's probably too late to save the TV edit for this season.

The live feeds have picked up over the past two days at least... so there's still hope on that front even though it's a big disorganized mess thanks in large part to Frank's arrogance and Da'Vonne's chaotic "throw a new ally under the bus each day" gameplay.
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