You can see the "But I don't wanna anger Lord Paulie I want to be with my showmance " in their faces lolPaul talking game with Nicole and James - trying to convince them why evicting Z instead of Michelle is such a good idea this week.
Their facial expressions tell the complete story...
At this point, my hope for Thursday's episode is that Paulie wins HOH, backdoors Victor for a second time, only for Victor to wind up with the round trip ticket and return to the house where he befriends Paulie once again only to get backdoored under a Paulie HOH for a THIRD time in the same season.Dude is so full of himself for someone who's about to be evicted for a second time by the same guy.
At this point, my hope for Thursday's episode is that Paulie wins HOH, backdoors Victor for a second time, only for Victor to wind up with the round trip ticket and return to the house where he befriends Paulie once again only to get backdoored under a Paulie HOH for a THIRD time in the same season.
Lol Victor shooting!!! Great nom speech
She just knows everyone in the house are idiots, so why even play. The house will keep her and vote out Bridgette at DE because Paulie said. Lets keep the comp beast and his "girlfriend", it clearly isnt the right time to get them out. lolThis is how Z games in the Big Brother house...
No, there's no music playing.
No, she's not intoxicated.
No, she did not lose a bet.
No, this isn't some elaborate exercise routine.
Yes, this is the full extent of her Big Brother gameplay.
She is easily one of the worst returning houseguests in Big Brother history.Nicole not only has a poor sense of her own game and other people in the house's game, she's also a very bad judge of Big Brother in general.
She is easily one of the worst returning houseguests in Big Brother history.
On the bright side, she has completed her transformation into Christine.
Nah, he never wanted Z out. He just wanted to humble her and to get out everyone that was influencing her in the game (namely Day and Michelle while severing her game relationship with Paul). He allowed himself to spend the last two weeks fixated on controlling Z and lost his focus on the rest of the house.But wasn't getting Z out Paulie's plan all along? They're just doing what he wants again. I hope they get him out on Double Eviction.
Instead of watching those 7 useless episodes, just watch the 7 or so hours worth of feeds from last night.So I've fallen way behind, my dvr has 7 eps saved up. Just not keeping me interested I guess, not sure I want to bail though. I'm debating whether to actually watch them all or just read recaps and try to keep up from now on. 7 eps will take forever so leaning towards the latter.
This season will be saved if everything goes according to plan.Nicole is being set up as the traitor to Paulie for voting with the other girls to save Michelle when it will actually be James. Corey and Paul will have their asses covered due to James' care package. The plan is to keep Paulie, Nicole and Corey in the dark on this vote breakdown until the Double Eviction. Paul, James and Victor all plan to act shocked along with Corey (whose surprise will be genuine).
Instead of watching those 7 useless episodes, just watch the 7 or so hours worth of feeds from last night.
Votes as of right now for Thursday's eviction...
Bridgette - Vote to Evict Zakiyah
Corey -Vote Nullified by James
James - Vote to Evict Zakiyah
Natalie - Vote to Evict Zakiyah
Nicole - Vote to Evict Michelle
Paul -Vote Nullified by James
Paulie - Vote to Evict Michelle
Zakiyah Evicted by a Vote of 3-2.
Nicole is being set up as the traitor to Paulie for voting with the other girls to save Michelle when it will actually be James. Corey and Paul will have their asses covered due to James' care package. The plan is to keep Paulie, Nicole and Corey in the dark on this vote breakdown until the Double Eviction. Paul, James and Victor all plan to act shocked along with Corey (whose surprise will be genuine).
This is largely what went down. Don't forget that Paul and Victor have been pushing all week to get Z out the door and this scenario facilitated that to happen. Also, none of this would have unfolded had Michelle not forsaken the petty month-long feud she's had with Bridgette since her HOH week for "stealing Frank from her".OMG. Could this season actually be saved from Paulie! I don't watch the feeds so I assume this went down in that 7 hours of feeds you posted about earlier. What led to them finally breaking away from King Paulie? Do they finally see him as a threat now and try to take him out during DE?
- Bridgette and Nat compared notes and planned to save Michelle.
- Michelle was involved, but Bridge and Nat were the driving forces, and it really got going around the hot tub after 10 last night.
- Nat was told about Paulie telling everyone she was trash all the time, and she got mad, and finally told James how much he was hitting on her, etc.
- James got pissed and Paulie convinced him Nat was lying and trash. James told Paulie everything Nat told him, and promised her not to tell.
- Meanwhile Paulie kept up his 'singles target couples' 'boys target girls' couples target singles" stuff, AND clever Bridgette did her giggling geisha girl routine so well, that when Vic and Paul joined Bridgette and Paulie in HOH they got super flattered and comfy with Bridgette and spilled WAY too much stuff.
- Then meeting in the SR with Nat and James, where Nat filled in even more details for James. Bridgette came in and told them all she heard up in the HOH room, burying Paulie
- James decided since three votes do it, let's do it. They have the 3.
- James wanted a mini house meeting to get all of Paulie's shit out there, at least to Paul, and that's what is happening right now.
- Paul is obviously all in, he's not brain dead, and he's sharing information.
Quite the opposite now actually. Michelle owned up to the fact that she was jealous of Bridgette because of Frank and apologized. For all intents and purposes now, Michelle is now part of the Spy Girls.It took a couple months but people are finally playing the game. Bridgette is showing the potential i saw in her, I wonder if Michelle still hates Bridgette.
I get twisted enjoyment out of knowing what awaits Paulie and Corey outside the house. Raging ex-fiance, and PETA.FYI, Paulie is getting EVISCERATED on Twitter by Tiffany & Krista from The Amazing Race 27 while he happily vents about Natalie's personal life on the live feeds.
Because I missed this question earlier... you can flashback in your feeds to 6:09am Pacific last night/early this morning on Camera 1 to catch this footage.edit - also what's the story behind the 'Fuck you, Paulie' gif. Nat is my favorite player this year so if there is any video context to the gif can i get a link?
Playing for AFP. That's what all his stupid pranks come down to and it's what his coward gameplay boils down to too. Waste of a returnee slot tbhWhat is James' deal? He's been really pissing me off this season.
"I will shit on her for disgracing the sanctity of marriage."Glad Paulie went full heel last night. Even Z is snapping out of it.
"I will shit on her for disgracing the sanctity of marriage."
A direct quote tonight from the man who cheated on his would-be fiance with five different women.
Okay. Missed the last couple of weeks of BB and something finally went down. I went back and tried to find all the stuff on live feeds, but all I've been finding is the HOH room stuff between Nat/Paulie and then the fall out of that. I can't seem to find where it all actually started though. Where/when did this whole thing start?
I covered the crux of this in this post and most of the shift in the house dynamic only just played out over the course of the past 2 days.Okay. Missed the last couple of weeks of BB and something finally went down. I went back and tried to find all the stuff on live feeds, but all I've been finding is the HOH room stuff between Nat/Paulie and then the fall out of that. I can't seem to find where it all actually started though. Where/when did this whole thing start?
- Bridgette and Nat compared notes and planned to save Michelle.
- Michelle was involved, but Bridge and Nat were the driving forces, and it really got going around the hot tub after 10 last night.
- Nat was told about Paulie telling everyone she was trash all the time, and she got mad, and finally told James how much he was hitting on her, etc.
- James got pissed and Paulie convinced him Nat was lying and trash. James told Paulie everything Nat told him, and promised her not to tell.
- Meanwhile Paulie kept up his 'singles target couples' 'boys target girls' couples target singles" stuff, AND clever Bridgette did her giggling geisha girl routine so well, that when Vic and Paul joined Bridgette and Paulie in HOH they got super flattered and comfy with Bridgette and spilled WAY too much stuff.
- Then meeting in the SR with Nat and James, where Nat filled in even more details for James. Bridgette came in and told them all she heard up in the HOH room, burying Paulie
- James decided since three votes do it, let's do it. They have the 3.
- James wanted a mini house meeting to get all of Paulie's shit out there, at least to Paul, and that's what is happening right now.
- Paul is obviously all in, he's not brain dead, and he's sharing information.
Thanks!6am yesterday morning, camera 1. paulie
He's got two shots at safety if the house doesnt go through with it.Thanks for posting all the developments, Uber. I'm glad the house is flipping on Paulie, but I just know he'll win HoH for DE.