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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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I know Z is jealous and crazy and not very nice, but damn did Paulie still manage to come across as a megadouche in the show last night. The condescending way he was dismissing her feelings, the way he instantly betrayed her to Paul....take note, ladies of America! This slow motion coronation of Paulie is painful.
Heath Luman ‏@HeathLuman 26m26 minutes ago
think y'all gonna dig tonight's comp! #BB18
TV Boss ‏@TVBossyPants 19m19 minutes ago
@fabnsab they wont let us watch the comp on feeds tho (not bitching at Heath for this) @HeathLuman
Heath Luman @HeathLuman
@TVBossyPants @fabnsab You SURE about that? #LiveFeeds
Sounds like we might get the HOH on feeds tonight! Hopefully it's not the one where they have to run with liquids to fill up a container, because terrible men always win that. (Austin, Caleb, Jeremy) Last thing I want to watch tonight is Paulie (or Victor) winning.

Velcro Fly

Caleb was not a terrible man :(

Also it is funny to watch the edited show version of those comps to see people really take punishing falls.


ideal scenario:

james and natalie force the issue. Paul has to make a decision.

If he votes Da out, she has the round trip and comes back in and someone who voted to keep her or she wins HOH.


Tiff, Frank and Day back to back to back. Only boring players left. In a perfect world, it shoud have been Michelle, Zak and Corey.


Michelle just puked and jumped off. Now she is kneeling beside her puke crying like a baby. Gonna be a rough week for her if Zakiyah doesnt win HOH.
Michelle just puked and jumped off. Now she is kneeling beside her puke crying like a baby. Gonna be a rough week for her if Zakiyah doesnt win HOH.
Lol. She full-on sobs about the most trivial things.

The only interesting winner for HOH would be Bridgette.
Before this comp, Paulie wanted the upcoming HOH to put up Michelle and Zak. He may feel threatened by Natalie now though, and want her to go up in the case of a Veto. I don't see Victor having any issues with this so, yeah. This week will be terrible.


Before this comp, Paulie wanted the upcoming HOH to put up Michelle and Zak. He may feel threatened by Natalie now though, and want her to go up in the case of a Veto. I don't see Victor having any issues with this so, yeah. This week will be terrible.
So just like last week then? And like all of the other weeks that preceded this one? Gotcha!
Hopefully this comp performance cements Natalie's America's Favorite Player resume.



I dont understand Paulie wanting to get rid of Zakiyah.
Well, she's a vote for him. But then so is everyone else in the house.
She distracts him. But then he encourages said distraction by having sex with her.

I don't honestly believe he wants her gone, though - because of how utterly beatable and unremarkable she is. He wants people to think he's "comfortable" with cutting her loose because it encourages them to be comfortable with losing their own showmance attachment. So he'll knock her and encourage her to be pawned knowing full well he controls the vote anyhow and will still insist on sending Michelle right out the door this week once the noms are locked in post-veto.

He also wants to control her and make her completely subservient to him which is why he's invested so much time and priority on getting Day and Michelle out of the picture before bigger targets that can win comps like Victor and James.
It's unbelivable how unlikable Paulie is. Cody sucked, but he was an okay guy while Paulie on the other hand is a sack of shit with his terrible attitude and behavior towards women.

Velcro Fly

During one like ten minute stretch tonight:

- Quoting Happy Gilmore
- Singing Eminem
- Someone asked if anyone knew what a Pączki was

I feel like I would have gotten along with everyone tonight


Paulie's master plan for this week (because he'd otherwise be bored with this game on lock) is to blindside Paul and Victor (his Three Bromingo buddies) with the vote immediately prior to next week's Double Eviction. So Paul will vote to evict Zakiyah either as a lone vote or as one of James' two nullified votes and the rest of the house - as decreed by their Lord and Master King Paulie - will vote to evict Michelle.

Paulie will then defer all of the blame to Z staying in the house to James/Nat, Nicole/Corey and Bridgette... because they all clearly have more reason to want Z in the house than the man who sleeps with her every night.

He then plans to have either Bridgette or Victor taken out during the Double Eviction. He seems to be waffling on which one at the moment.
Really really reaaaaally hope Victor gets taken out during the DE. Imagine being the idiot that got blindsided and evicted by the same fucking guy twice :lol

Velcro Fly

I don't care what happens as long as Victor has the round trip ticket

Someone getting evicted three times or winning the money having been evicted twice is what this season deserves


As best as I can tell right now, Paulie won't be using the veto to save Z. Mainly so the showmances will feel indebted to him at not going up as replacement noms - Victor won't put up Bridgette.

He's going to continue to lie to Paul & Victor that he wants Z to get evicted (when he doesn't) and has planned to get James to nullify both his vote and Paul's as a smokescreen with his care package power.

Seems like he's gearing up to take a shot at his Three Bromingo brothers during Double Eviction. Victor would make perfect sense seeing how he can't play for HOH and may not get drawn to play for veto. Can't let a comp threat like him go unchecked so it makes sense to take him out if he can't compete.

Velcro Fly

Paulie playing a fantastic game.

If anyone in the house was paying enough attention to know that someone should be trying to win, they might even be impressed.
Victor's nominations speech was, um, interesting

I don't know about y'all but the broadcast episode gave me serious creepy vibes from both Paulie and Victor (no I don't watch the live feeds).

The way Paulie put his hands on Zakiyah after the competition, when he knew she was upset with him (after he dropped) was extra cringey.

When Victor brought up how Zakiyah was more fixated on Paulie than him, also brought up extra cringey feelings....

I miss Da' already...and her terribleness at comps but hilariousness in the diary room...Also, Michelle, gurl.....
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