Raven talking so loud to Julie had me on the floor hahaha. She was shocked her "sad story" didnt work out for the final.
The crying in the house and as soon as the door opened she is doing cartwheels... i mean that was as fake as it can get.
when Jason left and Josh and paul were fighting, was that real or did they talk about it earlier?
since when do jury members get goodbye messages? i dont remember them last year. The one Jason got blew up Pauls game with what Josh said a message earlier...
also people saying alex or anybody else should have evicted paul. That would be a bad game move now.
Paul would do everything in the Jury house so that person wont win. Better try it in the final 3 and get him out that way. He wont be able to talk to the jury and turn their heads against the person who evicted him.
but for me Paul needs to win. He played the game perfectly. Nobody in there deserves to win other than him.
Would love to know what paul thought when josh didnt use the Veto . He looked sooooo relieved

I think he couldnt believe he isnt on the block XD
Voting to evict Kevin, not so much. Raven thinks that Paul voted to keep her.
didnt help that Josh was telling her multiple times sorry when she walked out. What was he thinking?