It's not physical abuse though.Paul is absolutely vile in that clip, regardless of context.
TMZ has way too much time on their hands.
It's not physical abuse though.Paul is absolutely vile in that clip, regardless of context.
So Paultold Alex that he isn't going to use the veto on her. Blamed it on Josh, Christmas, and Kevin saying he was told he would lose their jury votes if he saved her. So he can't for the sake of his own game. Said he probably would have been booted if she won the veto, but he would want her to do it anyway. She bought this and isn't angry at him. He has her jury vote, and will get him Jason's as well.
Paul has been excellent about getting these people to trust him and only him. I would have cross-referenced that in a heartbeat, but I also would have been Cameron'd.
Josh is dumb as fuck.Lol, Josh's eyes after Paul stopped crying instantly and starting smiling and talking game.
They're all making Paul look like the best player in the history of Big Brother and while he's good, he's not.
I'm fucking over Kevin. He could have easily won this HOH.
Josh is dumb as fuck.
Any "Super Fan" could see that acting a mile away.
Paul's great at manipulating but he's a lousy actor.
Alex just mentioned she is going to win Americas favorite player....
I've said this before and I will repeat it again - it's like scoring 100 points against an elementary basketball team. It's not as impressive as you think because who you're playing against. Literally one of the houseguests left has never watched a second of the show.They're all making Paul look like the best player in the history of Big Brother and while he's good, he's not.
I've said this before and I will repeat it again - it's like scoring 100 points against an elementary basketball team. It's not as impressive as you think because who you're playing against. Literally one of the houseguests left has never watched a second of the show.
No one has played the game longer than he has, he has the record for time In the house, that matters, making him sound like a rookie isn't very fair to his experience level.Paul isn't a fan either and he made it to F2 last year playing against 4 vets. Plus Paulie and Tiffany.
He dumped the show mid season to prep as co host for a new daytime talk show. Wouldnt be surprised if hes dead to cbs after doing, tyhis may be a dumb question, but, what ever happened to being able to go watch the exit/eviction interviews jeff did with the house guests? They aren't on the site anymore and the CBS youtube doesnt have them either.
He dumped the show mid season to prep as co host for a new daytime talk show. Wouldnt be surprised if hes dead to cbs after doing that.
No one has played the game longer than he has, he has the record for time In the house, that matters, making him sound like a rookie isn't very fair to his experience level.
Its more of a Q and A now. Last eviction they just dumped Jason into a room alone with a set of cards filled with questions he had to are there any exit interviews at all now?
So basically I missed nothing but Paul getting ready to fuck over Josh?
She has a "better" chance if Kevin is ineligible by being Final 2.Alex just mentioned she is going to win Americas favorite player....
Just give Paul his props man, he lived on the block last year, and always found a way out. Didn't he have some incredible comp run at the end of the season last year that he pretty much had to win to have any shot? Why he took Nicole to F2 over James, I will never know.
I think he was claiming that he would rather lose to Nicole than be responsible for James getting second. Really, I think he just thought that he had a better chance of beating Nicole than James.
Yep. He simply read the jury wrong, it was clear watching live feeds last season that he felt Nicole had a reputation as only bneing a floater that did nothing, when in reality the jury saw her as a player.
The only reason Nicole had the jury on her side was because of the following reasons....
Paulie: Because of the Cody-Nicole connection from season 16, Paulie and Nicole's family are super close and have even gone on vacations together. Derrick was also pulling strings before the season started and made sure Paulie and Nicole had eachother's back in the game.
Zakiyah: Absolute brain dead moron who probably voted for Nicole because Paulie ordered her to do so.
Natalie: Vile woman who accused multiple men in the house of sexually harassing her as a form of strategy. She said from the very beginning of the season that she would never vote for a man to win, if there was a woman in final 2. Nicole and Natalie didn't even like each other, but Nicole has a vagina and that was reason enough to vote for Nicole.
Cody: Spent all summer in bed with Nicole giving him a handjob under the bed sheets.
Da'Vonne: Bitter that she went home on Paul's HOH and also wanted a fellow vet to win.
I'm not sure why so many people want a puppet to win over a puppet master?
Does anyone really think Josh deserves to win Big Brother?
What the fuck has he done? Paul has carried him all the way to the very end. Two times his ass was practically out the door, until that one time Paul used his POV to save Josh, and the other time he flipped the entire house from voting out Josh to voting out Ramses instead.
He has also only won 2 HOH' being a crapshoot and another being handed to him as everyone else threw the competition for Josh to win.
He's also all talk, no action. He has not made a single move in the game. Also note Josh's recent realization that Paul is manipulating him actually came from production - and not him. Josh said so himself on the live feeds that production are hammering him with questions about Paul and whether he should be trusted.
I don't think whatsoever that production are trying to get Paul evicted, I just think they needed a storyline along the lines of someone turning on Paul since Jessica/Cody's eviction - and thus production chose Josh to be that person.
I'm not sure why so many people want a puppet to win over a puppet master?
Does anyone really think Josh deserves to win Big Brother?
If he did it this week, he would be gone next week. Christmas and Alex would put him on the block for sure. Kevin ain't winning shit which means Veto winner has the power which means either Alex votes out the guy she thinks got Jason out or Christmas votes out the guy who screwed her lover. Alex and Christmas would love a F3 with Kevin, it's a guaranteed path to F2.I liked Josh before but he's a fucking moron.
I'm going to make a big game move and flip the whole game...
It's really too late for him to do anything.If he did it this week, he would be gone next week. Christmas and Alex would put him on the block for sure. Kevin ain't winning shit which means Veto winner has the power which means either Alex votes out the guy she thinks got Jason out or Christmas votes out the guy who screwed her lover. Alex and Christmas would love a F3 with Kevin, it's a guarenteed path to F2.
His only chance is veto next week or HOH in F3.
It's really too late for him to do anything.
How could he do anything this week???
No power whatsoever to do anything.