The nominees areKevin and Alex. Huge shocker. Alex is crying. Fuck that bitch. I really hope she doesn't win veto.
ETA:Christmas is telling Josh to take Paul to F2 if it comes down to it. And she already said to put her on the block instead of Paul if Alex wins veto. But nope she doesn't like him, it is all fake for TV. /s
um, do you not think Christmas is capable of such machinations because she's pretty, blond, female or all 3?

what you are witnessing w/ Christmas is someone hedging their bets and going for likability in the hopes they can reap some "stardom" benefits post show or even land a spot in BB20, because she knows she's not gonna win regardless of who she's up against at the end. xD
anyway, Paul lost when he screwed Jason - he will poison the jury even further. Paul's game is done.