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Big Brother 19 |OT| Fake Apples, Real Snakes


Junior Member
Obviously he'd win then but who gets the votes if it's her against Josh??

That's harder to say. But I would guess her. She's a better speaker than Josh and could make it seem as though Josh was her puppet (basically true). Plus the jury probably likes her better.

If Josh cuts Paul, he would have a decent argument that he made the best move of the game. But the jury might believe that Christmas made him do it.


I dont understand why you would ever take Paul if you're Josh? What are the reprecussions, Paul never speaking to you just?


Junior Member
I dont understand why you would ever take Paul if you're Josh? What are the reprecussions, Paul never speaking to you just?

Because he's an emotional idiot?

Why did Cody take Derrick instead of Victoria? And Cody was nowhere near as emotional as Josh.
Ah Alex :(

You played well for a while but then your game went south.

Be surprised if the jury would vote Paul the winner though. Lotta salt there.


Is there? Aside from Elena and Mark, didn't they all come out of the house in love with Paul?

Don't forget Cody lol Also Jason didn't seem too happy with him and I'm not sure if Alex is going to still vote for him. But with this season, who knows.


Junior Member
Don't forget Cody lol Also Jason didn't seem too happy with him and I'm not sure if Alex is going to still vote for him. But with this season, who knows.

Cody is going to vote for him because he's am "alpha".

Alex told the cameras a bunch of times that she is going to vote for him. Even though she knows he played her.

Paul will for sure win if he's in F2.


Don't forget Cody lol Also Jason didn't seem too happy with him and I'm not sure if Alex is going to still vote for him. But with this season, who knows.

As mentioned, Alex has said that she still supports Paul. And, reading post-eviction interviews, Jason doesn't even seem too sure that Paul was responsible for his eviction.

Now pair that with Paul hypothetically sitting next to Josh, a man he specifically groomed and chose to be his Victoria-esque goat. Josh's argument for himself would center around the fact that he was Paul's main lackey from around week 3.

Paul wins. There hasn't been an easier bet since Mayweather vs. McGregor.


Neo Member
So now we wait for BB20 to see if there's anyone smart in the house / someone to root for that could win (Sorry Kevin, rooting for ya but highly unlikely)

I say BB20 because Celebrity BB is looking like trash with the current rumored list so far....


Junior Member
Veto Spoiler

Paul has won the most important veto of the summer.

Interesting to see what happens next.

He should leave the noms the same and order Christmas to clip Josh.

Also, I'm pretty sure Paul now holds the all time record for comp wins.


He should leave the noms the same and order Christmas to clip Josh.

Getting rid of the one guy who has had your back since day 1 for a boy crush. Like damn that's heartless, I wanna see it.

At the same time though I'm hoping Josh stays, he's the only chance we have of Paul getting Vanessa'd.


Junior Member
Getting rid of the one guy who has had your back since day 1 for a boy crush. Like damn that's heartless, I wanna see it.

At the same time though I'm hoping Josh stays, he's the only chance we have of Paul getting Vanessa'd.

I would like to see a girl with one leg and an old guy who hasn't won anything compete in part 2 of F3 HoH.


Veto Spoiler

Paul has won the most important veto of the summer.

Interesting to see what happens next.

19 poo's for the 19th season.
Future discussion :
Paul will probably get rid of Josh, he knows he is on to him and will compete in the worst competitors in Final 3 history. Christmas who cant compete, and Kevin who couldnt accidently win if he wanted to. Paul has won the game for sure. What could Kevin or XMAS say to the jury why they should win over Paul? Xmas will probably say nothing and say give it to Paul and Kevin...did absolutely nothing...most of them did nothing but man...what could he say?


Future discussion :
Paul will probably get rid of Josh, he knows he is on to him and will compete in the worst competitors in Final 3 history. Christmas who cant compete, and Kevin who couldnt accidently win if he wanted to. Paul has won the game for sure. What could Kevin or XMAS say to the jury why they should win over Paul? Xmas will probably say nothing and say give it to Paul and Kevin...did absolutely nothing...most of them did nothing but man...what could he say?
Bitter Jury is all we have left.

If you think about it, Alex/Jason/Josh/Cody could swing it!


Paul has now broken multiple records....

Most days spent in the Big Brother house than any houseguest in Big Brother history.

Most televised diary room sessions of any houseguest in Big Brother history.

Most HOH wins of any houseguest in Big Brother history.

Most VETO wins of any houseguest in Big Brother history.


Future discussion :
Paul will probably get rid of Josh, he knows he is on to him and will compete in the worst competitors in Final 3 history. Christmas who cant compete, and Kevin who couldnt accidently win if he wanted to. Paul has won the game for sure. What could Kevin or XMAS say to the jury why they should win over Paul? Xmas will probably say nothing and say give it to Paul and Kevin...did absolutely nothing...most of them did nothing but man...what could he say?

There's a possibility that Christmas would want Paul to win so badly that she would take out Josh over Kevin for him, assuming he has won both HoH and Veto? Wow. Ratings for this finale are going to be low if they can't talk her out of doing that. That makes Paul's win a foregone conclusion.


Junior Member
There's a possibility that Christmas would want Paul to win so badly that she would take out Josh over Kevin for him, assuming he has won both HoH and Veto? Wow. Ratings for this finale are going to be low if they can't talk her out of doing that. That makes Paul's win a foregone conclusion.

I'm pretty sure she will do whatever Paul orders her to do. Only question is if Paul wants Kevin or Josh out.


Spoilers on who the veto winner is going to keep.

Paul has confirmed his plan is to keep Josh and take him all the way.
if he really does keep Josh it might be because he knows he cant come up with a reason that will make Josh be ok with it. Makes sense, alex said she was going to vote for paul and get jason to do it too. If he was the reason Josh left, everything could fall apart. But now he has to make sure Josh doesnt win the final HOH. He is in a tough spot. Get rid of Josh , have an easy road to final 2...but risk him blowing up his game OR Keep him and risk him pulling a Steve/Vanessa. As much as I hate Paul this is kind of interesting...in a boring all about Paul way


Did anyone else feel really sorry for Alex?

You can tell with Paul not using the VETO on her, she was truly heart-broken. Not just on a game level, but on a person level you can tell it caused her deep personal sadness.

From week 1, she has thought to herself that Paul is a true ally and true friend - and then all of a sudden when she needs him the most, he turns his back on her.

I'm not saying Paul made the wrong decision (he didn't), but to have strung Alex along the entire season and getting her to do everything he wanted her to do (nominate/evict Cody, throw HOH & POV competitions, nominate during her HOH reign whoever Paul asked to be nominated, etc)...and to then just cut her at almost the end of the season...OUCH!!! (and even worse, she's been honest about being flat broke and really needing the money).


Did anyone else feel really sorry for Alex?

You can tell with Paul not using the VETO on her, she was truly heart-broken. Not just on a game level, but on a person level you can tell it caused her deep personal sadness.

From week 1, she has thought to herself that Paul is a true ally and true friend - and then all of a sudden when she needs him the most, he turns his back on her.

I'm not saying Paul made the wrong decision (he didn't), but to have strung Alex along the entire season and getting her to do everything he wanted her to do (nominate/evict Cody, throw HOH & POV competitions, nominate during her HOH reign whoever Paul asked to be nominated, etc)...and to then just cut her at almost the end of the season...OUCH!!! (and even worse, she's been honest about being flat broke and really needing the money).

Not at all, she put up fucking Raven and Kevin after it was clear Christmas and josh got Jason out.

She deserved what she got for being dumb.


Junior Member
Did anyone else feel really sorry for Alex?

You can tell with Paul not using the VETO on her, she was truly heart-broken. Not just on a game level, but on a person level you can tell it caused her deep personal sadness.

From week 1, she has thought to herself that Paul is a true ally and true friend - and then all of a sudden when she needs him the most, he turns his back on her.

I'm not saying Paul made the wrong decision (he didn't), but to have strung Alex along the entire season and getting her to do everything he wanted her to do (nominate/evict Cody, throw HOH & POV competitions, nominate during her HOH reign whoever Paul asked to be nominated, etc)...and to then just cut her at almost the end of the season...OUCH!!! (and even worse, she's been honest about being flat broke and really needing the money).

Not really. She's a huge bitch and an idiot. And worse, a giant hypocrite. Jason was her ride or die all game, yet she also had a F2 with Paul. So she was fine betraying one of them at F3 if they all got as she was planning. Either Jason who was loyal to her and wouldn't even consider betraying her (my guess). Or Paul, which would mean that she's salty that he's better at playing people than she is.

And her ridiculous hatred of Kevin was a big part of her downfall. It is her fault that getting rid of an 56 year old man that didn't do anything to her and couldn't win a comp to save his life was all she cared about. Telling her that Kevin was the target was all it took to get her to believe obvious lies and make terrible moves.
Not at all, she put up fucking Raven and Kevin after it was clear Christmas and josh got Jason out.

She deserved what she got for being dumb.
Yep. Why did you put up the person sitting next to your "ride or die" instead of the people who actually got him out? Hell, you KNOW that Christmas voted for him to go. She did that right in front of your face!


Junior Member
if he really does keep Josh it might be because he knows he cant come up with a reason that will make Josh be ok with it. Makes sense, alex said she was going to vote for paul and get jason to do it too. If he was the reason Josh left, everything could fall apart. But now he has to make sure Josh doesnt win the final HOH. He is in a tough spot. Get rid of Josh , have an easy road to final 2...but risk him blowing up his game OR Keep him and risk him pulling a Steve/Vanessa. As much as I hate Paul this is kind of interesting...in a boring all about Paul way

Well Christmas will be the only vote amd Paul could order her to do it (I think she would). He would probably figure put Paul told her to do that. But why be more mad at Paul than her? She could ignore him and evict Kevin and the worst that would happen is that Paul is gets mad at her.

It is a moot point though. Paul wants Josh sitting next to him at F2.

Yep. Why did you put up the person sitting next to your "ride or die" instead of the people who actually got him out? Hell, you KNOW that Christmas voted for him to go. She did that right in front of your face!

Her first thought was that Kevin orchestrated the whole thing because he's an evil mastermind. Even though he was on the block and doesn't really talk to anyone

She's an idiot.


I still don't get Alex. You know, 100% Christmas voted to get Jason out, yet you choose the 2 worst competitors to kick out. Thats the type of folks you bring with you to the top 3, not kick out.

Look at Paul, he is taking a person that physically can't compete and another person that is easily controllable. You think he gives a shit about either Christmas or Josh? They were the weakest couple in the game so he is bringing them with him (why would he bring Alex and Jason if he doesn't have to).

Its my first season watching this but i'm hoping there are some smarter people playing in the future.

Edit; one more thing to add about Alex. She still thought she was good when they decided to kick out raven instead of Kevin (even tho you asked them to kick out Kevin). How dense do you have to be to not figure out that nobody cares about your opinions and that you are next to go.


Junior Member
I'm starting to believe that Josh won't take out Paul at F3 if he gets the chance. Paul is a master manipulator and Josh is an emotional train wreck. Paul will do everything he can to convince Josh to take him. Make him feel like he would be a bad person for not doing it, convince him that Josh has a better chance at winning if he takes Paul, ect.

Won't help that Christmas actually seems to want Josh to clip her instead of Paul.

I seem to remember that Paul convinced Nicole to take him if she won F3 HoH last year, even though that probably would have been worse for her.

Chris R

Well, looks like things are pretty much set :(

Hoping the next non-celeb season has a better cast with zero returning players.
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