Velcro Fly
Caleb saying DR told him if him and frankie make final 2 it will be the best final 2 in history?
are you kidding me with this fucking shit
are you kidding me with this fucking shit
I actually face palmed when she said that on the live show, if the DR gets involved to keep Frankie here then this show will have hit a new low. That piece of shit needs to get the boot sooner than later.I really hope Caleb is lying, but after Julie called Zankie the best showmance ever....who knows!
Getting Frankie the win once he's at Final 2 is the easy part.Even if they rig it for Frankie to get to the final two, I think the rest of the house guest hate him enough that he wouldn't win against anyone except for Victoria & Christine. Who knows though.
Don't think they go that far, that's going into tin foil hat territory.Getting Frankie the win once he's at Final 2 is the easy part.
Just offer certain folks on the jury extra money to vote for him to win.
If they come clean that they were bribed, they forfeit their entire stipend.
Easy peasy to get that enforced with the right lawyers and signatures.
Why NOT go that far when they've gone as far as they have already?Don't think they go that far, that's going into tin foil hat territory.
Why NOT go that far when they've gone as far as they have already?
Are they somehow exonerated in their ethics of rigging comps in his favor, gifting Frankie free Team America money and protection, DR and jury influence, the "I'm playing for charity" horseshit, his golden edit and his assorted other perks (extra letters from home, Internet access in the DR, extra blankets while a Have-Not) by playing the "it wouldn't be fair" card when it comes down to the vote?
This isn't a game show. It's scripted entertainment and everything about this season has been scripted around being a marketing platform for the Grande family.
The TV edit has definitely switched from Frankie being the fun hero to showing what a dick he is. Does production want a villain victory? Or are they conceding that it's unlikely he'll win?dat villan edit for Frankie
Man, fuck this. Obvious fixing today, Victoria is up.
what do you mean by up? She is in the DR right now?
The TV edit has definitely switched from Frankie being the fun hero to showing what a dick he is. Does production want a villain victory? Or are they conceding that it's unlikely he'll win?
Caleb saying DR told him if him and frankie make final 2 it will be the best final 2 in history?
are you kidding me with this fucking shit
On the block.
Been a joke since S8. Original EP actually gave a shit. Grodner does not.Its funny how Caleb was the only one called to the diary room last night after almost being sure he was putting frankie up. Production doesnt even try to hide rigging the show anymore. Such a fucking joke.
So Caleb went against the plan...
Oh I hope Nicole wins HoH next.
Frankie and Caleb on the block.
Is there Veto on 2nd eviction on DE nights?
She'll be evicted. Can't win HOH.
Why would Christine nominate Frankie? He's the closest thing to an ally she'll have left in that house.sorry, meant Christine.
I get both glasses names mixed up.
Why would Christine nominate Frankie? He's the closest thing to an ally she'll have left in that house.
For as good as Derrick is, his refusal to make sure Frankie goes is incredibly stupid.
How can he just keep letting this guy slide through?
Probably doesn't care as much because he knows he'll beat him if he makes final 2, no way Frankie beats Derrick in a final 2. Probably also thinks that if it gets to Cody / Derrick / Caleb / Frankie, Frankie is instantly the #1 target.For as good as Derrick is, his refusal to make sure Frankie goes is incredibly stupid.
How can he just keep letting this guy slide through?
It would be pretty easy for him to point out how he's manipulated almost every move in the game, while staying in the good graces of every player. He's played an impeccable social game, and had to get no blood on his hands at all. Even from their point of view they've recognized no on will beat him, Frankie and someone else said so on the show.Can someone tell me what Derrick will say in the Final 2 speech to win? If he is up against a bomb squad member what can he say? They will say all the moves they made were together. Every move that derrck made, Caleb was almost always the first to initiate it
God, Derricks line to Caleb last night about getting Frankie out was .. " its too early" WUUUUUUUUUUT It is September bro. It reminds me of Helen saying 2 weeks in a row that it was too early to get rid of Amanda, then Amanda got rid of Helen.
Can someone tell me what Derrick will say in the Final 2 speech to win? If he is up against a bomb squad member what can he say? They will say all the moves they made were together. Every move that derrck made, Caleb was almost always the first to initiate it.
To us Derrick is playing a great game all around, to the housemates, he is just in a big alliance where he helps them decide things TOGETHER.
I think the main reason Derrick doesn't want to blatantly target Frankie is that he knows Production is favoring the Grande brat and doesn't want them to sabotage his game.
Although this season was still better than last.
Overall, the worst season for me was BB9. I watched the first week and turned it off after that. That was the only season I haven't watched. After that, I'd say last year with Aaryn, Helen, GM, Andy, Mcrae, etc., rank slighly above BB9. It was god awful.
I think the main reason Derrick doesn't want to blatantly target Frankie is that he knows Production is favoring the Grande brat and doesn't want them to sabotage his game.
if that is the thought process he's so far beyond these other people in the house it's like they are playing a different game
Double eviction is definitely the time to make that move. Just as it was when Shelly made her play to send Jeff packing in BB13 despite swerving Production that she would do otherwise. Especially with Frankie's most loyal soldier in Caleb ineligible to play for HOH.If he is thinking this way, it's no wonder that he is going for the dollars at every opportunity. He needs to get his while he can because Production will fight him getting to the $500K.
Still hope he can figure a way to get Frankie out with Production powerless to stop it. Double Eviction might be the best shot. Things happening too fast for them to do much influencing. Just makes this next HoH (while super short) extremely important.
If Christine wins HOH, she would likely nominate Caleb & Victoria initially. Caleb winning POV would set up a nightmare scenario for Derrick as he could get nominated and sent packing if Frankie-Caleb get urged towards their Final 2 deal.
It's not so much Christine helping Frankie (everyone is a Derrick puppet so long as he has time to work) as much as Christine helping herself. Whether she wound up on the block or not last week pre-veto Frankie wasn't the one who made those noms. Caleb did. A Derrick elimination is in Christine's best interests because it removes the one obstacle that prevents Cody from being completely loyal to her.I don't watch the live feeds so anything I see comes from reading this thread or watching the edited shows, but would Christine help Frankie? It seemed pretty obvious in the edit that Frankie gave her shit for "supporting" Nicole, and then suddenly she's on the block next to Nicole, when there is someone not in the Detonators who could be on the block too.
Frankie is donating the money to african children doe.
I think the main reason Derrick doesn't want to blatantly target Frankie is that he knows Production is favoring the Grande brat and doesn't want them to sabotage his game.
As boring and wack as this season has been, if Derrick actually doesn't end up winning because of productch, it would be truly horrifyingly offensive.
Indeed. It was perfect time to get Frankie out, but I am sure there was some DR manipulation.
A previous poster quoted Caleb as saying the DR told him he and Frankie would be the best final 2 ever. He was the only one called after it became well known that the plan was to put Frankie out. Then he puts up Victoria.
I say its definitely happening.