As boring and wack as this season has been, if Derrick actually doesn't end up winning because of productch, it would be truly horrifyingly offensive.
Eh, his family is rich already and his sister could still do that. I'd rather see the money go towards the average American family that is not inherently wealthy.
It's very annoying that production is assisting Frankie. I wouldn't be shocked if there are contracts in place for his survival in the show.
Indeed. It was perfect time to get Frankie out, but I am sure there was some DR manipulation.
A previous poster quoted Caleb as saying the DR told him he and Frankie would be the best final 2 ever. He was the only one called after it became well known that the plan was to put Frankie out. Then he puts up Victoria.
I say its definitely happening.
Oh wow really...that is such crap. Frankie is already wealthy.
Man, all this stupid DR manipulation.
Just stick to Survivor, you'll be much happier.and this is why I usually don't watch "reality" TV, as it's all either scripted or manipulated to pander for ratings or ulterior motives.
If Frankie ends up winning this, my girl is gonna have a pretty hard time getting me to watch a 2nd season of this shit....
I've never watched a season of Survivor, although I've caught an episode or 3 over the years.
Maybe I'll check it out.
Seasons to watch:I've never watched a season of Survivor, although I've caught an episode or 3 over the years.
Maybe I'll check it out.
Seasons to watch:
You could probably start with 28, it just finished airing and was a top 5 season.
I'm not sure why production is still assisting him so much when they're now giving him complete douchebag edits.
I mean they actually showed all the stuff he said about Donny on Sunday. They must know 90% of the fans are going to hate him after that.
Seasons to watch:
You could probably start with 28, it just finished airing and was a top 5 season.
I don't know if Season 28 was that good so much as the rest of American reality TV has been so awful of late that a decent Survivor season without a returning player to be seen and some genuinely enthusiastic contestants that weren't afraid to play the game came off as a breath of fresh air.Season 28 was that good? I still have it on my DVR and never got around to watching it. Might have to check it out pretty soon then.
This is not the reason to watch Big Brother this year.I just want something unexpected to happen. I still need to watch the last 3 episodes too.
Q: When will your faves?
A: Never.
Season 28 of Survivor was really good. If you want to watch a current season watch that one. 27 was really good too. I just started watching Survivor and it's miles better than Big Brother. I would kill for live feeds of Survivor(Yes, I know it's pre-taped months in advance.). lol
I plan on giving Utopia a shot. I wish they had a season pass for the feeds of that because I think I would have ponied up for them.
Is Big Brother suffering because of Grodner?
Is Big Brother suffering because of Grodner?
Obviously. She has her favorites every season, and does everything she can to help them. Jeff, Evel Dick, Frank, Rachel, she's been ruining this show since the day she took over. One of the reasons I like Hayden so much is that he's the only person who managed to win AGAINST Grodner's riggage. Even a great winner like Dan had some sort of help from production.
Yup. Besides her playing favorites and all the rigging, the show is just too convoluted at this point. It needs to be stripped down to it's purest form. No coaches, or teams, or cliques, or dual HOH's, or Diamond POV's, or Pandora's Box, or any of that other bullshit.
Also, while many rip on casting for these houseguests, this is what Grodner wants. She has her templates that need to be filled every year and they fill them.
Caleb in HOH with Derr & Vic. Caleb saying how crazy in love with Cody Christine is and she is married.
He keeps saying that it's bad. He says she can't stay away from him it's like she is literally melted to him. He looks at the camera and says "Tim just sign the divorce papers. Just sign 'em. They're in love baby. Ain't nothing nobody can do. None of us houseguests can seperate them. I don't know what to do!" He laughs. Camera locks on Caleb while he is talking. Derr says I am wearing a ring. Caleb says "and you notice Victoria isn't wearing his ring playing pool and badmittion like Cody was wearing Christine's."
Wow, the over dramatics are insane. Cancel the show? Come on guys, one bad season and it's game over? This season was a sign of one thing - big alliances are dumb and the game should be made to expose them. It would be so easy to make a comp point out the alliance or where things are at. This season needed MORE rigging and less giant alliances from hour one.
I like 15. It was interesting and note worthy - nothing quite like watching horrible people be horrible. It's entertainment.One bad season? I'm not saying cancel the show, but lets not pretend BB15 was good either
No, more rigging is never the right answer.
What this season needed was for Grodner to stop her template casting. Then once selected, show them actual good seasons of BB gameplay while in sequester, not fucking BB15
Best season was S2 imo.
This exactly my favorite seasons list. When did Grodner take over?2,3,6,& 7 were very good IMO. Seasons 2 and 3 are basically a different show at this point though...
This exactly my favorite seasons list. When did Grodner take over?
[Caleb in HOH with Derr & Vic. Caleb saying how crazy in love with Cody Christine is and she is married.
He keeps saying that it's bad. He says she can't stay away from him it's like she is literally melted to him. He looks at the camera and says "Tim just sign the divorce papers. Just sign 'em. They're in love baby. Ain't nothing nobody can do. None of us houseguests can seperate them. I don't know what to do!" He laughs. Camera locks on Caleb while he is talking. Derr says I am wearing a ring. Caleb says "and you notice Victoria isn't wearing his ring playing pool and badmittion like Cody was wearing Christine's."]
The Mole was an amazingly underrated series (at least the non-Celebrity installments).If you guys are more recent reality competition viewers (which clearly SOME here are) I highly recommend checking out the first two seasons of The Mole from back in the early 2000s also, with Anderson Cooper. That show would run into huge flaws if it had kept running I'm sure (production interference is almost impossible to avoid with its format) but it was super entertaining at the time.
Same.Danielle from Season 3 is my all time favorite house guest.
I hate this article. 3 of the major points happened in the last week. Kind of a biased way to look at things.
Danielle Murphree is my favorite house guest![]()
Danielle Murphree is my favorite house guest![]()
Danielle Murphree is my favorite house guest![]()
Oh yeah! They actually did pretty well casting that season. Too bad Willie went crazy so early.That's crazy talk, BUT Danielle was great casting
Cody is wearing her wedding ring!?
So he is officially her house husband...
That's kinda sweet, but there is no way her husband is ok with that. That's a line that didn't need to be crossed.
What's the deal with production helping Frankie?