Woooooow. Derrick got gunshy. I respect it but goddamn does it make for boring TV.
It's only boring because it's playing it safe, but also because he's always safe. Derrick is indeed a great player like Dan, but he never was a target like Dan was at some point. So he didn't have to pull a rabbit out of his hat.
I can't get over the fact that everytime I look at Victoria she reminds me of Michael Imperioli (Sopranos).
Like she could be his daughter.
Thank you. I always thought that as well but never mentioned it. She has to be the daughter of Christopher Moltisanti!
I think you may need to go see the eye doctor. Or deal with your repressed anger lol.I think Victoria looks like a 60 year old corpse that just came out of the embalming makeup room.
But that's just me.
I can't get over the fact that everytime I look at Victoria she reminds me of Michael Imperioli (Sopranos).
Like she could be his daughter.
I think Derrick is playing a dangerous game with his whole self-deprecation routine of saying how weak his game is and how much he sucks at competitions. His plan can't be to downplay himself and what he has done right until the finale, and then go "lol nope, it looked like I did nothing, but I actually did EEEEEEEVERYTHING!!!!!" Nicole knows what's up, so I guess if she feels compelled to convince her fellow jury members....
I think you may need to go see the eye doctor. Or deal with your repressed anger lol.
It sounds like he pretty much blew up his game this week between basing his next 2-3 plays off Christine going home and then making up contradicting lies to Caleb and Frankie. However, no one else in the house is actually playing the game so it probably won't hurt him in the long run.
The thrill of tonight's episode will be who wins that HoH for the DE.I think Derrick knows that it's DE and has a plan to blow up Frankies game in the chaos and get him out when he has no time to campaign to save himself.
Everyone is already for a Frankie eviction, so as long as he doesn't win HoH or Veto, then I'm pretty sure it will be bye bye frankie.
If Derrick, Cody, or Victoria (lol) win, then I'm happy.
Cody will wuss out and put up Christine and Victoria because he has no brain or spine.
I'm okay with this. Though I'd prefer Frankie and Christine, so if either wins the veto competition, I still win because one of them is gone!Cody will wuss out and put up Christine and Victoria because he has no brain or spine.
I know we're all rooting for a Derrick win this season, but I kinda hope that he's nominated or something soon. I know it won't happen, but it would be funny if he was even evicted tonight. It's insane how this game has been pretty much a cakewalk for him.
oh, and is there a veto comp for 2nd eviction on DE nights?
Yeah. The last two seasons they even used the same comp.
Having idiots in the house helps too."you don't go 11 weeks in this house without getting put on the block once like I have, without having a flawless strategy." - Derrick #BB16
Yes. They basically have to guide a stick or something through that maze to win.what is it? a maze?
Beast Mode trying to get a record deal.LTTP but I can't believe Caleb DIDN'T BACKDOOR FRANKIE and said he'd be fine if Frankie got him kicked out.
I know we're all rooting for a Derrick win this season, but I kinda hope that he's nominated or something soon. I know it won't happen, but it would be funny if he was even evicted tonight. It's insane how this game has been pretty much a cakewalk for him.
LTTP but I can't believe Caleb DIDN'T BACKDOOR FRANKIE and said he'd be fine if Frankie got him kicked out.
How will they work Ariana Grande into the episode tonight??
Live performance at Frankie's "surprise" eviction during his exit interview.
I know we're all rooting for a Derrick win this season, but I kinda hope that he's nominated or something soon. I know it won't happen, but it would be funny if he was even evicted tonight. It's insane how this game has been pretty much a cakewalk for him.
The game is on NBC tonight, not CBS. CBS doesn't start Thursday night games until next week.I have a feeling that it will be a very late episode due to football starting up tonight.
The game is on NBC tonight, not CBS. CBS doesn't start Thursday night games until next week.
What could it mean?
A major factor. If Derrick wins he's going to be considered one of the greatest players, but seriously, a cakewalk season this year has more to do with a house full of clueless.Having idiots in the house helps too.
What could it mean?
As if it could be anything else.The new twist is probably something to save Frankie, since there is a chance he could go home in the Double Eviction.
What could it mean?
How will they work Ariana Grande into the episode tonight??