Why portray him as a villain just to rig a win that fans will hate?
Doesn't make sense
He's kinda sorta doing it to himself...and Ariana Grande
Why portray him as a villain just to rig a win that fans will hate?
Doesn't make sense
Yeah, they have audience behavior protocol they choose to selectively enforce.I remember reading a reddit AMA with a person who attended a big brother live taping and they said they were instructed not to boo.
So I can only surmise this audience was either told they can boo or just wasn't told anything.
I propose that we all watch Amazing Race 5 together, since that was a good show and I love Colin and Christie still.
Colin and Christie were such an amazing aggressive team that you loved to root against.I propose that we all watch Amazing Race 5 together, since that was a good show and I love Colin and Christie still.
No way they let the audience boo Frankie.
Ugh, Frankie is convinced that America hates Christine because she was saying bad things about Frankie. I can not wait to see the look on his face when he gets booed.
You should watch the first Amazing Race season that Boston Rob & Amber starred in (Season 7).I watch Survivor and BB almost religiously even when they are bad but I never watched Amazing Race.
No way they let the audience boo Frankie.
Colin and Christie were such an amazing aggressive team that you loved to root against.
Shame they never came back for an All-Stars season.
Amazing Race 5 is one of my all-time fave installments of TAR. Love me some Bowling Moms.
Derrick is going to end up as the most boring winner in the history of this show. He's playing a good game but this is just such a stupid cast. And I almost felt bad for Christine tonight. Almost.
CBS has contractual obligations with the Grande family to uphold
Good thing that big golden glitter button is there to parachute him to safety.Just saw that Frankie is talking about throwing tonight's HoH so he can play next week. Little does he know that's he the target. Like he really has no idea and he'll be shocked if he gets voted out. He's convinced the other three guys plan to go to the final four with him.
Looking forward to bbau, just compare Tahan and Victoria. No contest for entertainment and beauty. Im so proud of BBGaf for seeing what that reset button is for. This is the last safety net to ensure frankie gets to final four...he can then play hoh back to back, final 3
Ok so I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty of how the production works because the last post about a taping did such a good job. I work on the CBS lot and walk by the BB stage every day so I'm glad I finally got to go to a taping this season.
So first off, we all expected Nicole to get voted off, so it wasn't too much of a heartbreaker, but she is definitely a fan favorite, the crowd loved her. Also, damn...she is gorgeous.
Then the HOH comp. After question 1 when Derrick was the only one who chose False, you could hear everyone holding their breath. People didn't necessarily seem happy or sad that he won HOH, but everyone just wanted Frankie to end up on the block.
Nominations come around and Christine and Victoria are up. Everyone in the audience is on the same page that the plan is/should be to backdoor Frankie.
Veto competition happens and every time Frankie makes it to the next maze first, the audience is audibly disappointed. People were NOT happy that he won, but they make you clap.
I asked my friend that I was with if he thought people would boo Christine and he said no because people don't hate her THAT much. Boy were we wrong. Everyone around us was booing and honestly, even though I don't like Christine and even though her flirting with Cody constantly is pretty disgusting, I still felt kind of bad for the girl. She had NO idea she would be the one walking out the door. I did not boo, I just clapped politely. She didn't react to the booing at all but you could tell it weighed on her a lot, along with thinking you were safe and then ending up outside talking to Julie.
And just to clarify, just like when I went to a taping last year, they tell you to "react any way you want" when the evicted houseguest comes out. The guy did mention briefly that it was a huge issue after everyone booed Aaryn because someone claimed they were told to boo and lawyers had to get involved and the thing they settled on is that it's ok to tell everyone to react how they want to react, but not encourage cheers or boos.
Right before Christine got evicted during the break the guy was asking some questions about Christine and one guy said "I have 4 daughters. Christine needs to GO!" That was when I realized people were probably going to boo her.
Also, before the show started they brought 5 guys up on stage and made them dance but when he was interviewing them about who they were and who they came with one guy accidentally called his girlfriend his wife and he was SO embarrassed. Felt bad for him too. That guy and Christine both wound up in painfully awkward situations tonight.
Edit: Christine also looked pretty bummed that she was going to miss Jeff and Jordan
Frankie won HoH and they pushed the button.
Here. We. Go.Frankie won HoH and they pushed the button.
Ruh Roh
So when do they redo everything? All on Wednesday? So the nominations and ceremony are going to be pointless? What was the reasoning for all of them pushing it? Does this mean Derrick doesn't get to play again?
Just flashbacked to the button pressing. I'm guessing they don't really know what the button is. This could be great.Yeah, looks like it'll all go down on the live show Wednesday. They're talking about a countdown timer that's going down to Wednesday at 5pm.
Also, they all pushed the button together? Can they do anything by themselves? Lol.
I'm gonna love Frankie's face when he realizes he's not going to be HoH anymore.
Ugh, I know.It just resets so knowing this season, he'll just end up winning HoH again.
edit: According to the internet, that "TMZ" post about Christine is completely fake.