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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Will they just lock the door if Frankie wins HoH so no one can push it?

edit: Oh, probably HoH gets to push it. So production will just tell Frankie not to do it.
Frankie calling people into that room to talk after the veto kind of made me dislike him even more...

Not sure if I'm gonna keep watching if he's in the final two with someone other than Derrick.


Neo Member
The only way this button is good is if Frankie is HOH and the button dethrones him. But I'm sure Grodner would tackle anyone that dared to use it against Frankie.


all i heard in that explanation of the rewind button was "we have found a way to save frankie for another week, u little cunts"


all i heard in that explanation of the rewind button was "we have found a way to save frankie for another week, u little cunts"
Or a "if Frankie wins, you get another shot to see HIM go - KEEP WATCHING!"

Velcro Fly

Even on double evictions the comp winners normally go in a room and people go talk to them either individually or in a group.

If this is an HOH sort of button and things go well who knows if it gets pushed.

I hope Frankie wins HOH and pushes it hoping to get money and it dethrones him.


Just re-watched the booing scene. It was definitely contagious - people started to clap when she walked out and the boos were pretty loud and took over. Once person laughed near the end.


if it's pushed, the nominees for next week are taken off and the hoh is dethroned and the hoh comp is done again

That sounds terrible.

I hope they're using it to ensure a Derrick win. I'm fine with rigging as long as Frankie doesn't win.


So... if Caleb or Cody win HOH, Frankie and Victoria are nominated.

If Frankie doesn't win POV, they cast eviction votes to boot him from the house but the giant #SaveFrankie button gets pushed instead and a rigged comp gets trotted out for Frankie so he can evict Cody.

If Frankie wins HOH, Frankie nominates Cody and Victoria. Derrick tells Caleb he wants to split the vote so Cody doesn't bear him hard feelings and Frankie casts the tiebreaker to evict Cody. Cody gets evicted and the giant #SaveFrankie button does not get pushed.

The only way Cody doesn't go to the jury house in 6 days to canoodle with Christine is if he wins POV. In which instance, Caleb will go home instead.

Velcro Fly

I think with all the house vote crap they just want something to throw a tiny bit of uncertainty in the air. It just so happens that everyone wants Frankie out so he's going to benefit the most when it gets pushed (and believe me it will)


I think with all the house vote crap they just want something to throw a tiny bit of uncertainty in the air. It just so happens that everyone wants Frankie out so he's going to benefit the most when it gets pushed (and believe me it will)
Unless he's HOH. Then it won't get pushed.


7:11 PM Derrick is in shock... has never heard boos like that it was the *entire* crowd. Not even last season. "That's scary... to think you could get booedlike that. Derr thinks she had to have been crushing them in the DR


Any reason why one of the two people on the block would not push the button?
One does not rationalize the pushing or not pushing of the button.
Just know that it will be pushed to save Frankie and not pushed if he is safe.
There is nothing else to muse about.

E92 M3

Lol @ save Frankie button. They are not even trying to hide it.

Also, the boos were painful, but she deserved. Not cool to go on national TV embarrass your family and husband by acting promiscuously and essentially cheating.


im starting to love Frankie

Well, why else would Christine receive such an unprecedented scathing reaction from the live audience?
Clearly it MUST have something to do with besmirching the good Grande name!
It couldn't possibly be for any other reason.


I dont see any way the button is not pushed. If I was on the block I would push it 100%.
You understand the button only comes into play to save Frankie, right?
The reason why they didn't explain how it works is that they will tailor its usage to whatever outcome works best to keep him safe.
If Frankie is HOH, the nominees on the block won't be given a chance to push it.


You understand the button only comes into play to save Frankie, right?
The reason why they didn't explain how it works is that they will tailor its usage to whatever outcome works best to keep him safe.

I'm sorry but this is horseshit. They never explain pandora boxes and twists like this. It could easily and just as likely to work the other way and kick out Frankie as HoH. Your theory is pure conjecture to think the show is fixed. The last episode proved they are not giving him a clean edit.


You understand the button only comes into play to save Frankie, right?
The reason why they didn't explain how it works is that they will tailor its usage to whatever outcome works best to keep him safe.
If Frankie is HOH, the nominees on the block won't be given a chance to push it.

Why portray him as a villain just to rig a win that fans will hate?

Doesn't make sense
I laughed initially at the boos but kinda felt bad for her afterwards. She was annoying as fuck, but she wasn't as bad as Aaryn, GinaMarie and Amanda. Cody and Frankie better get some of those boos too if they're just giving them out.


I remember reading a reddit AMA with a person who attended a big brother live taping and they said they were instructed not to boo.

So I can only surmise this audience was either told they can boo or just wasn't told anything.
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