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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Have you read Frankie's Facebook (private?) entry thing about prepping for building houses in Africa? Read on to see what really goes inside Frankie's head when the camera's not rolling. Hint: he's an Omega-Level Bleached Asshole.

Choice blurbs:

Wow, if this Frankie stuff is real, he's jaw droppingly awful......well, moreso. Why is everyone's race at the forefront of his mind? Why is everything about how stupid and annoying everyone is compared to him? And how sad is it that his behaviour makes it all too easy to believe this is true?

Also, it's sad how likely this rewind twist is going to make us watch the same boring week repeat on wednesday live.(i.e. Frankie again wins hoh and veto) Frankie gloating about winning 4 comps in a row, yaaaaay. He needed the ego boost, poor thing.

Velcro Fly

Wow, if this Frankie stuff is real, he's jaw droppingly awful......well, moreso. Why is everyone's race at the forefront of his mind? Why is everything about how stupid and annoying everyone is compared to him? And how sad is it that his behaviour makes it all too easy to believe this is true?

Also, it's sad how likely this rewind twist is going to make us watch the same boring week repeat on wednesday live.(i.e. Frankie again wins hoh and veto) Frankie gloating about winning 4 comps in a row, yaaaaay. He needed the ego boost, poor thing.

even if he wins they can send victoria home and have all three of them competing for HOH to vote him out. it's not quite the crisis everyone imagines it to be. although the whining would be glorious
even if he wins they can send victoria home and have all three of them competing for HOH to vote him out. it's not quite the crisis everyone imagines it to be. although the whining would be glorious

should have backdoored Frankie instead of sending home Christine.... (or Nicole)
that will be looked back as the biggest mistake of the season.

Frankie has annoyed me for so long now, I don't know how people live in the house with him and have no other entertainment to distract them outside of interacting with each other.

I wish someone would throw him in the pool seconds before the eviction ceremony where he gets sent home, so that he has to go out and talk to Julie soaking wet.
and hopefully that gets a hearty laughing BOOOHOOBOOHHOOOOO from the entire audience.


Love him or hate him, Frankie is clutch as fuck.

More like they are spoon feeding him easy competitions.

Reminds me when in survivor they had a celeb on it and they gave him a challenge that played completely to his strength.

Srsly tho, you got a pro basketball player and when his tribe plans to throw the comp and backstab him, you give him a shooting challenge. I was secretly happy though. Cliff seemed like a complete bro


I would have booed her more for turning on Nicole/Hayden and not listening to Donny/Zach than about her making Tim look like a fool.

Jokes on all of you when we find out that Tim has a cuckold fetish and was getting off to the idea that christine and cody had a showmance.

She was actually doing him a favour the whole time

ah fuk double post. How do i delete a post


After getting to see the proposal segment...why is anyone shocked at anyone crying? That was a really sweet segment. Sure the advertising made it seem super pandering and lame, but the actual video of it I thought was very genuine and touching. Was good, if a bit pointless in game terms.


He's certainly good at competitions, but they're also very much playing to his strengths (balance out of the ones playing? lol).

More like they are spoon feeding him easy competitions.

Reminds me when in survivor they had a celeb on it and they gave him a challenge that played completely to his strength.

Srsly tho, you got a pro basketball player and when his tribe plans to throw the comp and backstab him, you give him a shooting challenge. I was secretly happy though. Cliff seemed like a complete bro

I agree they may be giving him comps to his strengths but he still has to win them in the end. Plus the one where Caleb sat down Frankie totally came through big to win that one and Caleb could have won this one.


So are the Utopia feeds actually unedited or is this show one big semi-fake thing?

More like they are spoon feeding him easy competitions.

Reminds me when in survivor they had a celeb on it and they gave him a challenge that played completely to his strength.

Srsly tho, you got a pro basketball player and when his tribe plans to throw the comp and backstab him, you give him a shooting challenge. I was secretly happy though. Cliff seemed like a complete bro

Except Spencer would have kicked his ass if it didn't take J'tia five hours to get through the first half.

Velcro Fly

Spencer had to shoot and then dive in to rebound his own misses after having to dive down 2 or 3 times to get the stuff. He almost won the challenge all on his own.


Unconfirmed Member
Big Brother needs some better comps. Sure they don't have room for the big elaborate comps, but even the smaller Survivor ones are way better.

Take that one endurance competition from last season where they had to stand on the wooden frame balancing a block on their head against the top of the frame, way better than the shitty BB endurance comps.

Velcro Fly

just as long as it doesn't devolve into puzzles and knots and shooting something into a goal or at a breakable target like survivor


I find the endurance comps the most boring kind tbh :/ Both shows have gotten a lot better at making it steadily harder so that ti's not a snooze fest though. BB tends to still go REALLY long, but survivor 'endurance' comps are like 30 minutes these days most of the time.


Big surprise.

Does anybody know if the rewind is going to all take place on Wednesday, or will it be an entire extra week?

Has to all take place Wednesday like half of a DE, right? Show is over two weeks from then and still five people in the house.

Congratulations Victoria that is the first time I have counted you as a houseguest all season.
But she is the best of the girls, the last girl in the house for season 16.
When you look at the wall, her face is the only female face next to the men, and that in itself makes her a winner.


The veto ceremony leaked on the live feeds.


Frankie didn't use it.

What an idiot!

Yes, I understand there is the whole "rewind" twist - but he doesn't know it's going to dethrone him as HoH.

He also really thinks Cody/Derrick/Caleb are looking out for him when every second those three are alone together, they are plotting Frankie's demise.

Also the fact that Frankie would want Victoria out (who he can easily beat in every future competition), instead of putting up Derrick, and thus it's Cody vs Derrick fighting for their Big Brother life (and both these two buddies throwing each-other under the bus to stay in the house), is bonkers.

He could have destroyed the Derrick/Cody final two alliance and he chose not to. Very foolish of him.

I also detest Derrick. He seriously thinks because he's a dad, that somehow he is more deserving to win. He actually said to the other houseguests "anyone who nominates me is taking food out of my daughter's mouth". Fuck him!

He also said he wanted to "break Zach's jaw", when Zack told Victoria that Derrick has multiple alliances. Cody has also made threats including wanting to "knock out Frankie's teeth" when Frankie suggested to Nicole that she nominate Cody to be put on the block (even though behind closed doors, Cody was plotting that same week for Frankie to be backdoored).

I just feel Derrick and Cody are playing this game with a really shitty and arrogant attitude, in that they are allowed to play Big Brother and plot and scheme other houseguests demise, but when somebody does it to them, it's all about breaking their jaws and knocking out their teeth (their words, not mine).


Junior Member
Yep very idiotic game move on his part. Only rationale I can think of is he thinks staying true to the alliance will help him with votes at the end.


At this point the alliance thing is so stupid. I can't imagine why people are so eager to prove their loyalty, only one person can win in the end.


Have you read Frankie's Facebook (private?) entry thing about prepping for building houses in Africa? Read on to see what really goes inside Frankie's head when the camera's not rolling. Hint: he's an Omega-Level Bleached Asshole.

Choice blurbs:

Wow that travel diary entry was horrible. However, what disturbed me the most were some replies in the comments section:

Urethra Franklin said:
@ September 6, 2014 at 6:42 pm
I’ll never forget the look on Derrick’s face one night when in the HOH room Frankie took out a tube of ointment and proceeding to apply it to his asshole while standing up while having a conversation with Derrick only 2 feet away. Derrick looked at him and asked him “Are you fingering your ass right now in front of me?” That’s the kind of overbearing obnoxious entitled jerk this guy is.

Urethra Franklin said:
@ September 6, 2014 at 6:47 pm
I forgot to add that after he applied his ass-cream he left HOH room and went downstairs and started to cook for the HG. And NO he did not wash his hands.

Either he feels now way too comfortable in the house and around the other houseguests, and forgot that there are cameras in the HOH room, or he lacks public decency in certain social situations. Regardless of the causes, you have to be a nasty person to do such a thing in front of people without their consent.
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