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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Either he feels now way too comfortable in the house and around the other houseguests, and forgot that there are cameras in the HOH room, or he lacks public decency in certain social situations. Regardless of the causes, you have to be a nasty person to do such a thing in front of people without their consent.

That is fucking disgusting. I wish the BB eye in the sky would chime in and embarrass him on that "Frankie... Please wash your hands after applying topical ointment to your anus, especially when you are about to COOK FOR THE REST OF THE HOUSEGUEST.... thank you, that is all"



Did that ACTUALLY happen?

I will never understand the mind of an attention whore. He's always so damn annoying extra.


I'm still rooting for him to win HOH again on Wednesday. Only so Cody and Derrick can realize how dumb they were for being a Helen the previous 2 weeks. Besides the POV comp and ceremony was there anything that really happened?

Also, someone def goes home tomorrow, right? They're not going to waste a week and no eviction I hope.


literally why would you not use the veto to put up derrick



thank god for the button
i hope frankie doesnt get hoh again


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
No Jury footage today, instead we got to watch what felt like half an hour of a gold button being "judy chopped" :/

Didn't get any jury footage last Thursday either, so I haven't been able to see my faves Zach and Donny since they left :mad:
Why I'm still watching this trash season is beyond me, I'm only doing so as I don't wanna ditch my friend that we've been getting together to watch the show.

-Veronica SUCKS and I have to mute the TV during her vile DR sessions. How this chick functions in real life with her princess routine and child-like mind is beyond me

-Derrick is a good game player but a total SNOOZEFEST to watch

-Frankie is repugnant, but I wish they had never pushed that button just to watch that utter baboon Cody leave tomorrow. But I can't wait for him to LEAVE and get BOO'ED worse than Christine did!

-Caleb, is actually quite enjoyable since Amber left! Only entertaining thing left, I won't lie the boy cracks me up
and is the only eye-candy left
But he can't stop running his damn mouth about his "crossed my mind moments" so he ain't getting to final 2!

Show us the jury house til the finale and forget these flop contestants!


Why I'm still watching this trash season is beyond me, I'm only doing so as I don't wanna ditch my friend that we've been getting together to watch the show.
That's my situation as well. I stopped caring about week 4, so just hurry up and get this horrendous season over with already so we can get to the new Survivor.


Victoria thinks she's a Batman competition warrior princess? Unbelievable. I think I gave myself a concussion with the facepalm.


Victoria thinks she's a Batman competition warrior princess? Unbelievable. I think I gave myself a concussion with the facepalm.

I don't understand how someone who has the same brain size as everyone else can be so dumb. Maybe a few brain cells will awaken when she goes back, watches the whole season and finds out what the rest of humanity thinks about her.


The Team America rat patrol was pretty funny.
That's the type of stuff they should have been doing from the beginning. Just get them doing silly fun stuff instead of trying to manipulate the game with tasks that effect their strategy.
That's what they were doing with the Marsha the moose tasks in BBCAN. Just dumb stuff for some distractions instead of game manipulation.



I don't understand how someone who has the same brain size as everyone else can be so dumb. Maybe a few brain cells will awaken when she goes back, watches the whole season and finds out what the rest of humanity thinks about her.

That's my biggest issue with her.

One of my favorite aspects of BB is watching the requisite vapid turd girl actually grow up in the house since they finally get a taste of "real" life. Think Jessica in BB8 as a good example. Came in as the ditzy/worthless sorority girl stereotype and ended up being an actual human being by the end. I guess what I'm saying is that I prefer the personal mental aspects of the game caused from being isolated and out of your comfort zone.

Then you have Victoria. She has been in this house for almost three months and I'm still not convinced she even understands she's on a tv show. Her presence is two things: 1) poorly reading DR cue cards that obviously take 20 attempts each and 2) saying hi to Julie at evictions and thinking Julie actually gives a flying fuck about her. I think everything else she does revolves around hair/makeup or staring blankly at the wall whenever anyone talks to her.

Calling her child-like is an offense to children. She's a pod person.


So I'm confused. Is someone getting evicted tonight after they rewind? Or are they only going to redo the HOH tonight and stretch out the rest? Because the finale is not til the 24th....

As I understand it, this will be just like a double eviction night, except a single eviction. A whole week of big brother played in a single episode. They will re-do HoH (and everyone is eligible to play), nominations, veto, veto ceremony, live vote, and eviction.


I guess what I'm saying is that I prefer the personal mental aspects of the game caused from being isolated and out of your comfort zone.
It's the age of social media, where people can exist only in their comfort zone bubble. Interaction is minimal with people who are not similar or exactly like themselves.

This is why I would prefer the show had more age diversity. A house full of 20-somethings doesn't provide enough conflict.
I love how the players are saying this might be the time to make a big move in the episode DRs.


I hate them. Why is this show so addicting? If I hate a drama or a comedy I stop watching. If you hate Big Brother, you just watch it 3x a week while saying you hate it, it's law, it's unavoidable, it's crack.


As I understand it, this will be just like a double eviction night, except a single eviction. A whole week of big brother played in a single episode. They will re-do HoH (and everyone is eligible to play), nominations, veto, veto ceremony, live vote, and eviction.

There's some rumbling there won't be an eviction tonight. The biggest red flag is the countdown timer in the house isn't set to go off until 36 minutes into the episode.

However, if there isn't an eviction tonight, it's going to completely throw off the schedule. They still need to get someone out of the house soon in order to set up timing for the F3 comps properly.

It's the age of social media, where people can exist only in their comfort zone bubble. Interaction is minimal with people who are not similar or exactly like themselves.

This is why I would prefer the show had more age diversity. A house full of 20-somethings doesn't provide enough conflict.

Well said. Agreed on the 20-somethings also.


I hate them. Why is this show so addicting? If I hate a drama or a comedy I stop watching. If you hate Big Brother, you just watch it 3x a week while saying you hate it, it's law, it's unavoidable, it's crack.
It is possible to not watch the show. Find other enjoyable crack to replace the maddening Big Brother crack in your life.
Sometimes I watch the show with my parents, and going in I ask them what would be the most boring possible outcome, and to expect that.

Last ep it was "Frankie wins veto and doesn't use it."

It rarely, if ever, fails.
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