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Bill O'Reilly Has Had His Brian Williams Moment Says New Mother Jones Report

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From the same guys that broke the Romney 47% video.

After NBC News suspended anchor Brian Williams for erroneously claiming that he was nearly shot down in a helicopter while covering the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly went on a tear. On his television show, the top-rated cable news anchor declared that the American press isn't "half as responsible as the men who forged the nation." He bemoaned the supposed culture of deception within the liberal media, and he proclaimed that the Williams controversy should prompt questioning of other "distortions" by left-leaning outlets. Yet for years, O'Reilly has recounted dramatic stories about his own war reporting that don't withstand scrutiny—even claiming he acted heroically in a war zone that he apparently never set foot in.

O'Reilly has repeatedly told his audience that he was a war correspondent during the Falklands war and that he experienced combat during that 1982 conflict between England and Argentina. He has often invoked this experience to emphasize that he understands war as only someone who has witnessed it could. As he once put it, "I've been there. That's really what separates me from most of these other bloviators. I bloviate, but I bloviate about stuff I've seen. They bloviate about stuff that they haven't."

Fox News and O'Reilly did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Here are instances when O'Reilly touted his time as a war correspondent during the Falklands conflict:

In his 2001 book, The No Spin Zone: Confrontations With the Powerful and Famous in America, O'Reilly stated, "You know that I am not easily shocked. I've reported on the ground in active war zones from El Salvador to the Falklands."

Conservative journalist Tucker Carlson, in a 2003 book, described how O'Reilly answered a question during a Washington panel discussion about media coverage of the Afghanistan war: "Rather than simply answer the question, O'Reilly began by trying to establish his own bona fides as a war correspondent. 'I've covered wars, okay? I've been there. The Falklands, Northern Ireland, the Middle East. I've almost been killed three times, okay.'"

In a 2004 column about US soldiers fighting in Iraq, O'Reilly noted, "Having survived a combat situation in Argentina during the Falklands war, I know that life-and-death decisions are made in a flash."

In 2008, he took a shot at journalist Bill Moyers, saying, "I missed Moyers in the war zones of [the] Falkland conflict in Argentina, the Middle East, and Northern Ireland. I looked for Bill, but I didn't see him."

In April 2013, while discussing the Boston Marathon bombing, O'Reilly shared a heroic tale of his exploits in the Falklands war:

I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I'm looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important.

Yet his own account of his time in Argentina in his 2001 book, The No Spin Zone, contains no references to O'Reilly experiencing or covering any combat during the Falklands war. In the book, which in part chronicles his troubled stint as a CBS News reporter, O'Reilly reports that he arrived in Buenos Aires soon before the Argentine junta surrendered to the British, ending the 10-week war over control of two territories far off the coast of Argentina. There is nothing in this memoir indicating that O'Reilly witnessed the fighting between British and Argentine military forces—or that he got anywhere close to the Falkland Islands, which are 300 miles off Argentina's shore and about 1,200 miles south of Buenos Aires.

uring a 2009 interview with a television station in the Hamptons, O'Reilly talked about reporting on the Buenos Aires protest, which he claimed other CBS journalists were too fearful to cover: "I was out there pretty much by myself because the other CBS news correspondents were hiding in the hotel." ("We were all out with our camera crews that day to cover the protest," Schieffer says. "I'd been out there with a crew too.")

O'Reilly noted that soldiers "were just gunning these people down, shooting them down in the streets" with "real bullets." And he told of rescuing his South American cameraman, who had been trampled by the crowd: "The camera went flying. I saved the tape because it was unbelievable tape. But I dragged him off the street because he was bleeding from the ear and had hit his head on the concrete…The sound man is trying to save the camera…And then the army comes running down and the guy points the M-16. And I'm going, 'Periodista, no dispare,' which means, 'Journalist, don't shoot.' And I said, 'Por favor.' Please don't shoot…Then the guy lowered his gun and went away."

The protest in Buenos Aires was not combat. Nor was it part of the Falklands war. It happened more than a thousand miles from the war—after the fighting was over. Yet O'Reilly has referred to his work in Argentina—and his rescue of his cameraman—as occurring in a "war zone." And he once told a viewer who caught his show in Argentina, "Tell everybody down there I covered the Falklands war. They'll remember."

O'Reilly has frequently represented himself as a combat-hardened journalist—he has visited US troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and reported from those countries—and he has referred to his assignment in Argentina to bolster this impression. On his television show in 1999, O'Reilly responded to a letter from a retired Air Force colonel, who said he had flown 123 missions over Vietnam and who criticized O'Reilly for supporting military action in Kosovo, by citing his Falklands war days: "Hey, Colonel, did you ever have a hostile point an M-16 at your head from 10 yards away? That happened to me while I was covering the Falklands war." In his 2013 book Keep It Pithy, he writes, "I've seen soldiers gun down unarmed civilians in Latin America." During his radio show on January 13, 2005, he declared, "I've been in combat. I've seen it. I've been close to it." When a caller questioned him about this, O’Reilly shot back: "I was in the middle of a couple of firefights in South and Central America." O'Reilly did not specify where these firefights occurred—in The No Spin Zone, the only South America assignment he writes about is his trip to Argentina—and then he hung up on the caller.

O'Reilly's account of his El Salvador mission is inconsistent with the report he filed for CBS News, which aired on May 20, 1982—shortly before he was dispatched to Buenos Aires. "These days Salvadoran soldiers appear to be doing more singing than fighting," O'Reilly said in the opening narration, pointing out that not much combat was under way in the country at that time. O'Reilly noted that the defense ministry claimed it had succeeded in "scattering the rebel forces, leaving government troops in control of most of the country." He reported that a military helicopter had taken him and his crew on a tour of areas formerly held by the rebels. (This fact was not included in the account in The No Spin Zone.) From the air, O'Reilly and his team saw houses destroyed and dead animals "but no signs of insurgent forces."

As part of the same 90-second story, O'Reilly reported from Meanguera, saying rebels had been driven out of the hamlet by the Salvadoran military after intense fighting. But this was not a wiped-out village of the dead. His own footage, which was recently posted by The Nation, showed residents walking about and only one or two burned-down structures. O'Reilly's CBS report gave no indication that he had experienced any combat on this assignment in El Salvador.

When O'Reilly was excoriating Brian Williams last week for telling a war-related whopper, he said of his Fox television show, "We've made some mistakes in the past but very few…We take great pains to present you with information that can be verified." And he asserted, "Reporting comes with a big responsibility, the Founding Fathers made that point very clearly. They said to us, 'We'll give you freedom. We'll protect you from government intrusion. But, in return, you, the press, must be honest.'"


More at the link.

Bill O has disavowed the report really fast.

Bill O'Reilly says a new Mother Jones report alleging that the Fox News host made false claims about his Falklands War experience is "a piece of garbage" and that its principal author, David Corn, is "a liar."

In a telephone interview with the On Media blog, O'Reilly called Corn a "despicable guttersnipe" who has been trying to take him down "for years."

"It's a hit piece," O'Reilly said. "Everything I said about what I reported in South and Central America is true. Everything."

The report, published late Thursday, alleges that O'Reilly repeatedly misled viewers by claiming to have been in a war zone during the conflict between England and Argentina in 1982. In his book, in public appearances and on his television program, O'Reilly has claimed to have been "in an active war zone" in the Falklands, despite the fact that no American correspondents are believed to have reached the combat zones on the islands.

In the interview, O'Reilly said that he never claimed to have been on the Falkland Islands.

"I was not on the Falkland Islands and I never said I was. I was in Buenos Aires... In Buenos Aires we were in a combat situation after the Argentines surrendered."

Yeah, the bold seems to be incorrect given the actual quotes in the first article.

Interesting. Wonder if Fox News will hold Bill O to the same standard Brian Williams was held at NBC...



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Bill says stupid shit all the time.



No Scrubs
The difference is O'Reilly isn't an anchor.

Still not allowed to lie like that. Opinion guys can get away with a lot more than a normal journalist, but they're still not allowed to lie. They can say whatever they want so long as someone somewhere backs that opinion up, which is why most editorials cite some sources, but they can't lie.

Also he was a reporter when he started making these claims. Either way he should be in some trouble here, but it will just be hand-waved by FOX.
He's a talking head on Fox News. Nothing is going to happen.

People expect more from national network news anchors.

I know nothing is going to happen, hence my

that's not the point. The point is to point out the hypocrisy. He chastised NBC and Williams and he did the same fucking thing.
When O'Reilly was excoriating Brian Williams last week for telling a war-related whopper, he said of his Fox television show, "We've made some mistakes in the past but very few…We take great pains to present you with information that can be verified." And he asserted, "Reporting comes with a big responsibility, the Founding Fathers made that point very clearly. They said to us, 'We'll give you freedom. We'll protect you from government intrusion. But, in return, you, the press, must be honest.'"

The founders loved their propaganda

I know nothing is going to happen, hence my

that's not the point. The point is to point out the hypocrisy. He chastised NBC and Williams and he did the same fucking thing.

If you watch Fox News over the course of a day, your head would explode from the hypocrisy and asinine reporting and opinions. Try watching Sean Hannity. O'Reilly is like Walter Cronkite compared to Hannity.
If you watch Fox News over the course of a day, your head would explode from the hypocrisy and asinine reporting and opinions. Try watching Sean Hannity. O'Reilly is like Walter Cronkite compared to Hannity.

You're right, we should simply ignore all instances and just pretend it didn't happen.

Are you done trolling the thread, now?


No Scrubs
If you watch Fox News over the course of a day, your head would explode from the hypocrisy and asinine reporting and opinions. Try watching Sean Hannity. O'Reilly is like Walter Cronkite compared to Hannity.

Yea but on any other network, even CNN or MSNBC, he would be put on a suspension for this. There are still things you aren't allowed to do in his position and straight up lying is pretty much the list.

Rebel Leader

Yea but on any other network, even CNN or MSNBC, he would be put on a suspension for this. There are still things you aren't allowed to do in his position and straight up lying is pretty much the list.

You are comparing a entertainment channel to actual news channels


Not gonna stick. The Brian Williams thing wasn't just him telling a lie, it was him telling a very specific story that turned out not to be true.
The man runs on liquefied bullshit, and has no shame. This will roll off of him like every other example of his awfulness. No spin, ladies and gentlemen.
Not gonna stick. The Brian Williams thing wasn't just him telling a lie, it was him telling a very specific story that turned out not to be true.

I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off, you know, but at the same time, I'm looking around and trying to do my job, but I figure I had to get this guy out of there because that was more important.


"I was not on the Falkland Islands and I never said I was. I was in Buenos Aires... In Buenos Aires we were in a combat situation after the Argentines surrendered."
You're right, we should simply ignore all instances and just pretend it didn't happen.

Are you done trolling the thread, now?

I'm agreeing with your assessment for the most part, I'm just not disappointed over it like I was with Williams. I expect nothing from Fox News and they've once again succeeded. I'm not trolling anything. This just isn't on the same level as Brian Williams.

Yea but on any other network, even CNN or MSNBC, he would be put on a suspension for this. There are still things you aren't allowed to do in his position and straight up lying is pretty much the list.

That's because their coverage doesn't only affect the echo chamber like Fox News and their viewers. He'll bullshit his way out of this and it will blow over like that.


No Scrubs
I'm agreeing with your assessment for the most part, I'm just not disappointed over it like I was with Williams. I expect nothing from Fox News and they've succeeded once again succeeded. I'm not trolling anything. This just isn't on the same level as Brian Williams.

That's because their coverage doesn't only affect the echo chamber like Fox News and their viewers. He'll bullshit his way out of this and it will blow over like that.

Oh I agree, they'll just let it blow over or cover it up but he should be seeing some kind of punishment for lying. He'd be out on his ass anywhere else for this. Even The NY Post and Washington Examiner have higher editorial standards than Fox News.


I doubt Fox will do anything. They didn't even suspend him, for sexually harassing a producer on his show and she even had a recording of him doing it.
and fox news is not a news network

He can lie as much as he wants. The guy's fan base makes him untouchable.

Nail on the head.

Fox's target audience probably doesn't care, so neither will Fox. BillO prints money for them. They wouldn't throw one of their bros under the bus! It ain't like Fox is known for their credibility, and they know it. Fox is like the WWE of news. It's News Entertainment.

Edit: I'm not saying that people shouldn't call him out, either. Everyone absolutely should call out BillO and anyone else who BS's when their job is to tell the truth.


You're right, we should simply ignore all instances and just pretend it didn't happen.

Are you done trolling the thread, now?

I don't think he's trolling. He is trying to explain that Fox doesn't care. Fox news has never cared. The company let's O'Reilly and Hannity do pretty much what they want with little blowback. Fox news has played by their own rules for so long that it has become standard. These nightly talk news shows seem to have a different set of standards than a major broadcast news companies. I'm not saying it's right at all. They don't seem to care because people still tune in.


David Corn has already hit back at O'reilly's response.

David Corn, the lead author of a new report alleging that Bill O'Reilly lied about his Falklands War experience, says the Fox News anchor is hiding behind name calling and refusing to account for legitimate discrepancies in his statements.
"To me, the issue here is whether a media figure and journalist like Bill O'Reilly, who claims to be a truth teller, can get away without answering questions about specific statements he's made, and hide behind name calling," Corn told the On Media blog on Thursday. "I would encourage anyone else who covers this story to get Bill O'Reilly to answer those quesitons -- if not to me, than to anyone else."

Corn also told On Media that he gave O'Reilly and Fox News more than nine hours to respond to the issues raised in his report, and that they never responded to him.

"Yesterday I checked in with [Fox News spokesperson] Dana Klinghoffer, and said, 'if I have questions about a personality is it best to direct them to you?' She said yes. So this morning at 8:30 I sent them a detailed list of questions -- a dozen or more questions -- with all the individual quotes and citations that the piece reports. I asked them to explain O'Reilly's comments and to explain contradictions between what he said and the public record. And, to make things easier for Fox News, I added links wherever possible," Corn said.

"I presented all these quotes and assertions that he made at 8:30 a.m. Then I started calling at 9 a.m. to make sure my email had been received," Corn continued. "I called Dana about four times today, left voicemails, and sent her two follow-up emails, asking that she get back to me by 3 p.m. That would give them most of the day to respond, which seemed fair and balanced to me."

"When I had nothing from Dana, I sent [Fox News Executive Vice President] Bill Shine an email alerting him that I'd sent this email to Dana and even said that if they needed more time, I would try to accomodate them. I never heard back from Bill and I never heard back from Dana --- so at about 5:30, I published the piece."
I love how there's a whole article on the facts of the matter, as if the facts are what decide the outcome. Brian fessed up and took the L. Bill will continue to play it up as if his side is always being persecuted. They have nothing to do with each other. It's a question of presentation.


Didn't Hillary Clinton once say that she was ducking to avoid sniper fire while boarding a plane in Afghanistan?
Technically many officials are warned about sniper fire on hotspots, hell I was even told that while getting on an Hércules plane en route for a voluntary medical mission and im not even military.


Bill O'Reilly having a Williams moment requires his audience expecting him to be a journalist, so I think his career is safe.


It's not going to stick because Fox news doesn't give a shit if their news is true or not, just that they smear everyone else that's not them.


Didn't Hillary Clinton once say that she was ducking to avoid sniper fire while boarding a plane in Afghanistan?

Was Bosnia. Claimed when they landed instead of the joyous children dancing and giving flowers etc. she was instead under attack by snipers and had to run to vehicles etc.

Bill O'Reilly is the first to say he isn't a journalist but an editorialist so this wont have any kind of real impact. He isn't the lead anchor of what's supposed to be a trusted institution like the nightly news
I'm agreeing with your assessment for the most part, I'm just not disappointed over it like I was with Williams. I expect nothing from Fox News and they've once again succeeded. I'm not trolling anything. This just isn't on the same level as Brian Williams.

Then we are in agreement. My OP indicated I never expect anything from Fox as they are a joke.

I'll also agree it's not on the same level as Brian Williams because everyone assumes he reports in good faith whereas at least a significant percentage of us know O'Reilly is a lying shitstain.

Just felt it right to point it out. Especially since this has a chance to actually become news, unlike the usual course. Even CNN discussed it!
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