No kidding, I had Alexa throw up Billy Joel last night and while he has a lot of hits, fuuuuuck are they all kinda depressing until Uptown Girl comes on and its rocking the house!!
Interesting, as I don't really think of Billy Joel to be an depressing artist, but it does write about some fairly serious subject matter at times. As for uptown girl, I've always seen it as a retread of Only The Good Die Young, only without the religious element. But if you just hit a bunch of random depressing Billy Joel songs, that might have just been luck.
As for this new song, I've been listening to my old Billy Joel albums for the last several days now, and this doesn't come close to any of his previous hits. Sorry to say it, but this didn't need to be made. Almost every song on his last album is better than this, other than a couple, and even then there's no clear winner. That's sad. It feels like this was more of a PR move, and that possibility is even sadder. I was hoping for a lot more.