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BioShock 2 |OT| of Big Sisters, Delta Daddies, and Creepy Uncles


DigitalDevil said:
spoiler from the amusement park:

that first women's bathroom where you see the shadow run across the wall, and then you walk up to the stall to get the eve hypo and when you turn around......

I screamed and threw the controller on the floor and jumped about a foot off the couch. My wife couldn't stop laughing for five minutes :lol

Really? I thought it was very obvious ( but still awesome ) I just shot her ass :lol 6 shooter double barrel shotgun to the face baby, woohoo!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
DigitalDevil said:
spoiler from the amusement park:

that first women's bathroom where you see the shadow run across the wall, and then you walk up to the stall to get the eve hypo and when you turn around......

I screamed and threw the controller on the floor and jumped about a foot off the couch. My wife couldn't stop laughing for five minutes :lol

That's nothing, I bloody well jumped a mile. :lol
Solo said:
A proper sequel would entail bringing something new to the table.

Im not talking about the "wow factor" being recreated, either. But this game doesnt feel so far like it brings anything new. Plasmids, audio logs, gatherers gardens, the ammo and health vending machines, etc. are all identical to the first game. The narrative appears to be an attempt to flip Andrew Ryan on his head, and the twist already seems predictable. It justs feels note for note like the first game at this point, while lacking the innovation and creativity the first game had. Technically the game is (incomprehensibly) inferior to the 2.5 year old original (what is with these low rex textures?). Playing as a big daddy is rendered null and void when the big daddy moves as fast as the player from BS1, and is weaker.

How is any of that my fault? I didnt tell Jordan Thomas what direction to take the game in!

Anyways, its not like Im hating the game or anything. The gameplay feels refined and Ryan Amusements was fun, and Im looking forward to finishing the game, but it remains an expansion pack in my eyes even with the "2" slapped on it so far.

Pretty much all the reviews seem to be similar with the game not really doing anything new and more of the same, yet they all give it high marks. I don't know, it just feels weird to me how so often games are trashed or marked down for this with sequels but this game is getting a free pass? I enjoyed the original but by the end I was sick of it. With most of the reviews sounding the same with how this is kind of a retread, I'm having a hard time bringing myself to want to play.


So I could really use some help here. I thought I was decent at the first game, but I apparently suck at this one. I am attempting to gain adam from the 2nd splicer in Ryan Amusements. I am getting completely it up when trying to protect the sister as she extracts the Adam. Any tips? I attempted to find a vending machine to buy packs, but I eventually ran out of money doing this. Been on this for about an hour....

Also, what do the trap bolts do? I set them around the exits to the room, but I don't see them doing anything when splicers run over them?


BattleMonkey said:
Pretty much all the reviews seem to be similar with the game not really doing anything new and more of the same, yet they all give it high marks. I don't know, it just feels weird to me how so often games are trashed or marked down for this with sequels but this game is getting a free pass?

How is it getting a free pass? It's a damn good game. Not every game has to be original to be good or fun.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
mattfabs said:
So I could really use some help here. I thought I was decent at the first game, but I apparently suck at this one. I am attempting to gain adam from the 2nd splicer in Ryan Amusements. I am getting completely it up when trying to protect the sister as she extracts the Adam. Any tips? I attempted to find a vending machine to buy packs, but I eventually ran out of money doing this. Been on this for about an hour....

I find laying the area with trap rivets, slowing down any close Splicers with electro-bolt and finishing them off with a shot to the head with the rivet gun to work quite well. Protecting the Little Sister, at least in the initial stages of ADAM harvesting, isn't particularly difficult even on Hard.

Also, what do the trap bolts do? I set them around the exits to the room, but I don't see them doing anything when splicers run over them?

They fire rivets when triggered and they do a fair amount of damage. It's best to put them in small bunches of 3 or so.
Interfectum said:
How is it getting a free pass? It's a damn good game. Not every game has to be original to be good or fun.

Again, yet other games get treated poorly in reviews for the exact same thing. I wouldn't say it's getting a free pass per say, but when reading review after review where the reviewer acts like the game is just more of the same yet it hasn't affected the score.

I'm not trying to say the game is bad or getting a free pass I guess in a bad sense, it just concerns me personally as the original game started growing thin on me after the initial hours of enjoyment, and I'm scared of jumping in again cause of these reviews. I don't know if I really want just more of the same personally.


Kind of disappointed by the first couple hours. First game had one of the best opening sequences I've ever played through. Remember the demo? Imagine if the same section of BS2 had been shown early. Not as impressive.

It's an okay game, but I'm hoping it gets more engaging soon.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd like to enter too, Dax.

I'd post some impressions but i haven't played it yet. I'm not at home until Friday and then i have to download it from Steam, can't wait though!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I feel like I may be using the camera wrong. If someone has an A+ as their rating or whatever, does that mean they are maximum researched?


Solo said:
Anyways, its not like Im hating the game or anything. The gameplay feels refined and Ryan Amusements was fun, and Im looking forward to finishing the game, but it remains an expansion pack in my eyes even with the "2" slapped on it so far.

from page 1

Solo said:
Im so down on this game its not even funny. However, that may work out to my benefit, as going in with low expectations often leads to getting blown away. Heres hoping thats the case with Bioshock 2.

from page 3

Solo said:
At work, but the trailer is just a CG one? Man, I really hate the gaming industry sometimes.

both page 7

Solo said:
Looks like those 3 Gaffers and their "sources" were full of hot air

Solo said:
Probably means the art design and level design arent as inspired as the first. ie. maybe theres nothing like a Fort Frolic here.

page 19

Solo said:
Picking my copy up at noon. Looking forward to playing some of this tonight. Hopefully my many fears can be quelled.

page 32

Solo said:
After a few more hours I still cant shake the "expansion pack with slighty improved gameplay" feelings. Thats what it feels like instead of a proper sequel. Almost everything in this game has been brought over from the original just as it was. I like familiarity and continuity, but there is a line for me.

Its seems like in past history of this thread you've done your best, IHMO, to dislike the game and essentially hate on it. There's not been any really attempt to take it at face value. Thats all most any developer wants you to do, take the game and run with it. I mean Halo is in the Halo Universe, Quake is in the Quake universe, MW is in its own universe. It all comes down to the fact that the game is in its own universe and the deisgner runs with that.

There is a difference in wanting to be the voice of reason and wanting to be the voice of pessimism. Which one are you ?

When I saw that underwater city coming down the bathyspehere in the first I knew there was no way I'd be exploring the whole city and there would room to explore and when I finished BS1 I knew I was right.
squ said:
Anybody got the problem with console freezing during MP loadings? 2 from 15 map loadings ended with it for me, I can't open dashboard or eject disk to restart the game, only turning off xbox helps.
Also I can't find Daddy Suit. Do they spawn randomly or in direct map place?

I think the BD suits randomly spawn on the map, and yeah, the game sometimes freezes on me during loadings.

MNC said:
So I share the same bits as the rest: No WOW factor anymore, solid gameplay. A bit disappointed so far, I hope this picks up.

Dax01 said:
Now, see, I don't understand this. What about
when the Big Sister breaks the glass and all the water rushes through and when you're overlooking the city on the small cliff next to the sign "Welcome to Rapture"? What about when the train falls and shakes everything in the building? How are those not memorable? How are those not exciting?

All of those have that "wow" factor... at least for me. And I'll say it again: I enjoyed the bit before
Ryan Amusements
more so than, say, Medical Pavilion.


I haven't played a great deal of it yet but it looks like there will be more opportunity for varying your tactics in battles (and, more critically, actually needing to). One of my biggest issues with the first Bioshock was the gameplay, so this is good sign. Still need to play more, though.


hednik4am said:
from page 1

from page 3

Its seems like in past history of this thread you've done your best, IHMO, to dislike the game and essentially hate on it. There's not been any really attempt to take it at face value. Thats all most any developer wants you to do, take the game and run with it.

First, Ive never made any allusions to being hyped through the roof for the game. Im always honest. Whether you interpret that was wanting to hate on the game is up to you. Second, I have taken the game at face value, and my thoughts are just that. But one cannot play BS2 without associating it with BS1. And when you do, thats where the issues lie. It doesnt do, well, anything really to separate itself and is thusfar content to follow in the footsteps almost step for step.


Dax: I'm in for the contest.

I'm not sure when I'm going to get to this game. I still have a lot of Mass Effect 2 to play, and I fear by the time I finish that, BF:BC2 will be out. Damn this crowded release schedule :(
Had to take it off hard and drop it down to medium, the protect the little sister parts are brutal on hard especially at first when you don't have much in the way of offense or health.
Solo said:
First, Ive never made any allusions to being hyped through the roof for the game. Im always honest. Whether you interpret that was wanting to hate on the game is up to you. Second, I have taken the game at face value, and my thoughts are just that. But one cannot play BS2 without associating it with BS1. And when you do, thats where the issues lie. It doesnt do, well, anything really to separate itself and is thusfar content to follow in the footsteps almost step for step.

I guess maybe I was asleep through the first bioshock but I am liking this one more. It doesn't have the awe factor as much as the first one did but the gameplay seems really improved. I also still catch myself running over to windows to look out. :lol


Dax01 said:
I think the BD suits randomly spawn on the map, and yeah, the game sometimes freezes on me during loadings.

All of those have that "wow" factor... at least for me. And I'll say it again: I enjoyed the bit before
Ryan Amusements
more so than, say, Medical Pavilion.
Oh indeed, those were good moments. I love the Big Sister moments where she startles you about. She's a solid opponent, but not on par with the original Rapture reveal. And I did mention the
water part Rapture reveal
which still gave me the 'good ol' rapture' feeling.
Personally, if the game somehow began immediately after the events of the first, kept the same gameplay, in the same world (obviously), with the same characters, I would have been happy.

More of Bioshock 1 was exactly what I wanted.

I would have been disappointed if they had strayed too far or experimented too much.


Something that is the bioshockee in me: I automatically just look around and take it all in, hammer E like a madman and collect stuff, reading stuff, listen to audio diaries. It's something that crept over from Bioshock 1 :lol Always on the lookout for stuff.
DigitalDevil said:
spoiler from the amusement park:

that first women's bathroom where you see the shadow run across the wall, and then you walk up to the stall to get the eve hypo and when you turn around......

I screamed and threw the controller on the floor and jumped about a foot off the couch. My wife couldn't stop laughing for five minutes :lol
The one that got me was
when one of those charred guys after getting the incinerate plasmid attacked. I was jolted.
zero margin said:
Had to take it off hard and drop it down to medium, the protect the little sister parts are brutal on hard especially at first when you don't have much in the way of offense or health.
Yeah, that is what I had to do. Tactic spoiler on the topic:
If you lose a protect sister battle where you do have some supplies, you then come out of the vita-chamber with nothing and then have to do the whole battle over again with even less supplies. Thus, it is much harder. I basically then had to intentionally lose the battle several times over by just using melee and collecting a few more supplies each time until I had enough to make a full effort. I this frustrated me and made me drop to medium.
speculawyer said:
Yeah, that is what I had to do. Tactic spoiler on the topic:
If you lose a protect sister battle where you do have some supplies, you then come out of the vita-chamber with nothing and then have to do the whole battle over again with even less supplies. Thus, it is much harder. I basically then had to intentionally lose the battle several times over by just using melee and collecting a few more supplies each time until I had enough to make a full effort. I this frustrated me and made me drop to medium.

Yup, it's like it manages to actually get harder. I even busted the health station with my drill in one of the fights so I didn't even have that to use!


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Will someone please confirm/deny my fears that the PC version doesn't have any sort of radial menu for weapon/plasmid selection? I understand designing to the PC's strengths/limitations but it seems to me that there would be some pretty fundamental balancing issues if the console version allows you to pause the action and look at the radial menu (as well as using med packs from what I understand) while the PC version does not. Plus, using F1 and such to switch plasmids is irritating as hell. You pretty much have to look down to do so.


You can remap all of the controls on the PC version, but there is no radial menu present. Personally, I mapped plasmids to the NUMPAD and put quicksave/quickload where they belong.
I echo what pretty much everyone else has said. Good game thus far (almost finished Ryan Amusements) but I'm definitely disappointed that it feels like BioShock 1.5.

I can't believe how uneventful the first section of the game is. I mean, I wasn't expecting to be as blown away as the first, but seriously it's like the most boring opening sequence I've played in awhile.
I'm really enjoying this, but - and it's a big but - the voice acting is, with the exception of Sophia Lamb and Andrew Ryan on the tapes, fucking dreadful.

(The following aren't spoilers, per se; just names of characters.)

Eleanor Lamb is dreadful as a child; it's an awful faux-British accent. Her pronunciation of 'Mum' manages to actually be 'Murm', which is astonishing. Augustus Sinclair sounds like Ewan MacGregor's accent in Big Fish. If you never saw that, just imagine the worst Southern White Male accent imaginable, and you're there. Grace Holloway was all "lawdy lawdy" in the worst possible way, and I've just met the Wales brothers. Are they Irish? Are they Scottish? Are they from some strange part of India? I just cannot tell.

Feels slightly like a rush job on the recording/casting of these, I reckon. Why not use voice actors from the actual places that the characters are meant to be from? Madness.


People saying this is Bioshock 1.5 certainly haven't played the multi-player........

It's bloody awesome!

Currently at level 16 and it's the most fun i've had for months.

The single player story may be similar but apart from that,
CozMick said:
People saying this is Bioshock 1.5 certainly haven't played the multi-player........

It's bloody awesome!

Currently at level 16 and it's the most fun i've had for months.

The single player story may be similar but apart from that,

Yeah I played some yesterday, pretty decent, I did not expect playing any kind of multiplayer, its decent. I think I got to level 10 yesterday and stopped. Might work on few games today as well :D


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Ridley327 said:
You can remap all of the controls on the PC version, but there is no radial menu present. Personally, I mapped plasmids to the NUMPAD and put quicksave/quickload where they belong.

To the numpad? Do you use your right or left hand to select them? Either way, neither sounds particularly good but at least it's not the function keys...

I just cannot grasp why they didn't allow 360 controller options for the PC version. It's a GFWL game for crying out loud. They're really, truly testing the bounds of my graphic whoredom. I may end up getting it on 360 in the near future.
Don't know if this has been posted but . . . stolen from the Zero Punc thread:

A BBC TV report on Bioshock 2

It is amusing/interesting a few reasons:
1) It is weird to see a major international news organization doing a story about some video game. But I do believe video games are more popular in the U.K. per capita than they are in the USA. They take it so seriously.
2) It is funny to watch some British twat explain the general bioshock setting. :lol
3) It includes a clip of the Zero Punctuation review of Bioshock 1! :lol
Finished up the single player earlier. The last few hours of the game, especially the ending more than make up for the slow start. Looking forward to playing through it again to view the bad ending.


Bioshock 2? More like Bioshock too!

Hoo Hoo, rim-shot!

It's still pretty awesome though, but man those bit where you protect the little sister gathering ADAM are rough.


CozMick said:
People saying this is Bioshock 1.5 certainly haven't played the multi-player........

It's bloody awesome!

Currently at level 16 and it's the most fun i've had for months.

The single player story may be similar but apart from that,
It's decent, but I don't like the weapon loadout/unlocking. Plasmids with weapons is fun - but only if you have the weapons in the first place... Matchmaking works fine, but I just don't like the console treatment for PC games. I like that you can join midway though.
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