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BioShock 2 |OT| of Big Sisters, Delta Daddies, and Creepy Uncles

Nose Master

EatChildren said:
You know, this game reminds me a lot of the aftertaste of the original BioShock.

I loved that game, but every time I tried to give it another whirl I couldnt bring myself to go through the game. There's fun to be had, but I honestly believe a vast majority of that fun comes from the wonderfully original and exceptionally crafted world. Its so fun to explore, marvel, and see what little secrets and details the artists and world builders have put in.

But the gameplay? I cant help but find it average. The shooting felt nowhere near as tight as other games. Many of the weapons and features felt thrown together without any real purpose or refinement. Combat scenarios never felt particuarly special.

Thinking back, all my best memories of BioShock come from the story, the characters, the world, the tension, the art, the atmosphere, the pace; the experience of being absorbed in a world. I have few, if any, fond memories of any of the combat, the guns, or the plasmids.

And I'm finding it all over again. The only reason I want to go to the next room is to see what the level artist has conjured up. I explore nooks and crannies to see secrets. I pick up every recording I can as I love the writing and the voices. I love what Rapture is.

But the combat? Fuck that shit. I cant bring myself to enjoy anywhere near as much as the rest of the game. It feels so average, like a second thought to the rest of the game's design.

Which then makes me feel like I'm playing a different game from the one others are raving about. Burr.

I felt the same way, then I played it at night / got past the amusement park. I'm enjoying it a lot more now.
ruxtpin said:
Maybe it's just me, but is this game more difficult? I'm playing on medium and to me it seems slightly harder than the first games medium setting. Could be that I just don't play as much as I used too. It's not a complaint, just wondering.

Heh. I'm actually finding the game to be not that difficult so far. I'm playing on hard, and I took down my first Big Daddy without dying. Though, I do notice I'm a little more on edge than in BioShock.

jim-jam bongs said:
Informative that those were the inferences you made from a single word post, old chap. I'm about to start playing the game so I'll be back to post my impressions once you're done with this promotion.
What else could you have possibly meant, given how you reacted to me when I said that RSP review was "arrogant"? I did say I was sorry if I had misinterpreted your post.

Domino Theory said:

It's no Halo but it gets the job done! :p It's tons of fun.

Firestorm said:
You can't go back after finishing a level =/ Also, the first actual level has a missable achievement and is also probably the easiest stage to get two other achievements on. So I'd save there.
What achievements are you talking about?


Also, today's a kind of bittersweet day. See, today's my birthday and I have BioShock 2, but I have to go to the DMV today to upgrade my license. FFFFFUUUUUUUU


Damn the people that get to keep playing this today, I have so much work to get done, and Liverpool are playing tonight. And here I am procrastinating on GAF, au revoir...

/\ But knowing Dax too is tied down makes me feel slightly better, I'm not the only one hamstrung by life.


Arnie said:
Damn the people that get to keep playing this today, I have so much work to get done, and Liverpool are playing tonight. And here I am procrastinating on GAF, au revoir...

Spoiler for you -
Arsenal will win

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I really liked the Big Sister fight. It was the most tense I've felt playing a game in a fair while, because she kicked my ass when I met her earlier without my newly found plasmids and weapons, which meant the lead-up to the fight had me on my toes. it wasn't 'oh dear, I've shitted myself' scary, but it was a really neat climactic moment for the level. I'm playing with vita-chambers off, too, so that added to it.

It wasn't terribly difficult, but I did use the whole environment available to me out of necessity, which often isn't the case in most FPS. I don't know how many people are like this, but whenever I finish some large-scale encounter in a FPS, I usually walk out from my one little vantage point after the battle is over and realise that there was a whole playground I could have been running around and actually taking advantage of instead.

My experience with the first game mixed with the whole 'dual-wielding' weapon and plasmid thing meant that I was actually having an interesting back and forth between plasmids. I'd fire off a round or two, incinerate her as she ran over a slick, before switching to switching to telekinesis and firing off a dead splicer at her.

Fun stuff, I'd hope she continues to show up at somewhat random intervals, as in maybe once per-level after any random little sister save, but I've heard she only shows up after you've dealt with all of the little sisters?

that's enough for tonight, but yeah, really solid, fun game so far.
Oh, and just so anyone isn't confused, when I said midnight on Wednesday, I meant one minute after 11:59 PM PST on Wednesday. So, you know, you can still enter the contest (I'm lookin' at you, Arnie).

After seeing the flood of "I'm in!" posts, though, I'm with Rez in that you should post something about the game to ensure the discussion doesn't get drowned out.


Sign me up for the contest please, Dax.

So far I am about 3/4 the way through and while I am enjoying it I have to say I am rather disappointed by the levels. There is no sense of wonderment or memorable set pieces that bind to the narrative which were rife throughout the first game which made it so good. Examples being Steinmann in the Medical wing and how he was revealed with the splicers hung from the ceiling, being Locked in the freezer with Peach Wilkins though this one is a bit weaker akin to those in Bioshock 2 and ofcourse Fort Frolic with Sander Cohen and the miriad of interesting set pieces.

Ryan Amusements was quite interesting but other then that there's been nothing in Bioshock 2 that gives me the same excitement the original did or anything that seperates and defines each level.


EliCash said:
Not really a spoiler but just incase

I killed Dennis Wales with his own top hat, it was fucking awesome

:lol Excellent.

I love telekenesis - never really used it in the first game, but for some reason using it as a big daddy and being able to kill enemies by throwing cans of beans/hats/bottles of merlot/crisps at them is very satisfying.


Sign me up, Dax. I'd post impressions I don't have it yet. I'm getting the game after work. So, I'm posting now so I don't forget while playing it all night tomorrow =/


Oh, to add to my negative post further.

I am not liking how they handled Big Sisters, though I am not far enough through for them to play a big(ger) part in the narrative yet, they feel very detached from it. Throughout the game I feel I am being led on a story, guided by the chatter over the radio and the audio diaries but then when the Big Sisters appear it definitely feels forced and pulls me right back down to being in a game giving me warnings she's coming and to get ready. It doesn't feel natural or flow with the game at all.
Cagen said:
Ryan Amusements was quite interesting but other then that there's been nothing in Bioshock 2 that gives me the same excitement the original did or anything that seperates and defines each level.
Now, see, I don't understand this. What about
when the Big Sister breaks the glass and all the water rushes through and when you're overlooking the city on the small cliff next to the sign "Welcome to Rapture"? What about when the train falls and shakes everything in the building? How are those not memorable? How are those not exciting?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
oh yeah, thanks for reminding me: the 'Rapture reveal' moment in this game was great.
I loved that they used the same musical cue from the first game, as well as the squid swimming by and all that. It made me feel warm and fuzzy and Bioshocky. I want to buy whoever designed that a beer.


Dax01 said:
Oh, and just so anyone isn't confused, when I said midnight on Wednesday, I meant one minute after 11:59 PM PST on Wednesday. So, you know, you can still enter the contest (I'm lookin' at you, Arnie).

After seeing the flood of "I'm in!" posts, though, I'm with Rez in that you should post something about the game to ensure the discussion doesn't get drowned out.
Sign me up then Dax. I hope I win a poster. Walking around Rapture I keep seeing the new years ball poster and get repeatedly jealous of all the people who own one in real life.

Now to finish this essay so I can get back to my 360.


I've played the first couple of hours, I'm at Ryan Amusements. I think it's good, it has a nice vibe about it and I'm interested to see what the rest of the game offers. The hacking is much improved. A couple of things though, there seems to be a lot more combat in this one, while it can be fun and rewarding, I'm not that interested in the combat system. Another thing, is of course, the escorting Little Sisters stuff, I hate it.

Other than those, I think it's a good game so far and I'm anxious to get back to play it. I put my 2nd playthrough of Mass Effect 2 on hold for this.


Rez said:
I really liked the Big Sister fight. It was the most tense I've felt playing a game in a fair while, because she kicked my ass when I met her earlier without my newly found plasmids and weapons, which meant the lead-up to the fight had me on my toes. it wasn't 'oh dear, I've shitted myself' scary, but it was a really neat climactic moment for the level. I'm playing with vita-chambers off, too, so that added to it.

It wasn't terribly difficult, but I did use the whole environment available to me out of necessity, which often isn't the case in most FPS. I don't know how many people are like this, but whenever I finish some large-scale encounter in a FPS, I usually walk out from my one little vantage point after the battle is over and realise that there was a whole playground I could have been running around and actually taking advantage of instead.

My experience with the first game mixed with the whole 'dual-wielding' weapon and plasmid thing meant that I was actually having an interesting back and forth between plasmids. I'd fire off a round or two, incinerate her as she ran over a slick, before switching to switching to telekinesis and firing off a dead splicer at her.

Fun stuff, I'd hope she continues to show up at somewhat random intervals, as in maybe once per-level after any random little sister save, but I've heard she only shows up after you've dealt with all of the little sisters?

that's enough for tonight, but yeah, really solid, fun game so far.

Well, she drained all of my machine gun ammo, med kits and hypo refills. You kinda have to keep running around so she doesn't get too close to you and hide behind shit when she's hurling stuff at you. I'm also playing it by save files, without vita chambers. I sort of see the "boss" fights breaking up into 2. Hunting Big Daddys will be more of a strategic battle, conserving resources. On the other hand Big Sister fights will just be about survival any way possible.

Going back to the point that the amusement park was bland, I agree. It's not particularly interesting to explore(very linear... deliberetly so but still) and not much to look at. On top of that, it's going for the same bag of tricks.
Ryan with his usual ideology that we know all about already. Splicer hiding among burning maniquins. Obviously the little sister mechanic is no surprise unless you know nothing about the franchise at all...
I wouldn't say it stumbled out of the blocks, but if you put Ryan's Amusement Park up against the original's levels, it would be in the bottom tier. Probably right by the Big Daddy/Little Sister factory :lol

Also, and I guess this is somewhat of a spoiler if you're like 30 minutes into the game...
Is anyone else finding Elenore's "gifts" a little creepy? With the bows and the crayon drawings. I'm not exactly sure how old she's suppose to be, but I'm getting the sense she's gonna be a little odd when the team finally reunites.
I've spent another few hours with it tonight and I'm just near the end of
Sirens Alley
and the game is getting better as it goes. I'd love to keep playing but I've got a massive day at work tomorrow. Oh well, I've got Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. One more day at work until a three day weekend... one more awful day.


After a few more hours I still cant shake the "expansion pack with slighty improved gameplay" feelings. Thats what it feels like instead of a proper sequel. Almost everything in this game has been brought over from the original just as it was. I like familiarity and continuity, but there is a line for me.
I'm still in two-minds getting this. I fancy a game with a bit of depth to it, but I wasn't in love with the first game as many seemed to be.

Is there a difference significant difference between the 360 version and the ps3 one?


Played 3 or 4 hours of this last night. They definitely captured the atmosphere of Rapture well, the story is interesting and the sound design is perfect. I started playing on Hard but had to knock it down to medium because the lack of ammunition meant I was spawning, getting in a few melee blows with my drill and then re-spawning. I'm not in the mood to grind through the game that way.

It's too early for me to decide how I feel at the moment but I'm kind of underwhelmed. I was a bit perturbed by the instruction to save before I entered the end of the level too, I assume Rapture is much more linear this time around :(


Cagen said:
So far I am about 3/4 the way through and while I am enjoying it I have to say I am rather disappointed by the levels. There is no sense of wonderment or memorable set pieces that bind to the narrative... Ryan Amusements was quite interesting but other then that there's been nothing in Bioshock 2 that gives me the same excitement the original did or anything that seperates and defines each level.

this x 1000, exactly my thoughts. There's no "wow" factor in Bioshock 2, nothing remotely as good as the opening scene / Rapture reveal / medical wing / Fort Frolic... nothing. I guess they've focused on the multi, singleplayer is fun but feels like Bioshock leftovers put together, some kind of glorified DLC.

I'm disappointed, definitely Bioshock needed no (this) sequel.


Was playing this some more yesterday night, no internet @ the house makes me play this more :p. No internet sucks tho :(. But yeaaaaah really liking it :D.


Solo said:
After a few more hours I still cant shake the "expansion pack with slighty improved gameplay" feelings. Thats what it feels like instead of a proper sequel. Almost everything in this game has been brought over from the original just as it was. I like familiarity and continuity, but there is a line for me.

On the basis that I accepted L4D2 as a proper sequel I pretty much have to accept Bioshock 2 as a proper sequel.

That said, I am having a tonne of fun playing it, and the new story/characters are pretty compelling, so I don't know if the distinction matters so much.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Lince said:
this x 1000, exactly my thoughts. There's no "wow" factor in Bioshock 2, nothing remotely as good as the opening scene / Rapture reveal / medical wing / Fort Frolic... nothing. I guess they've focused on the multi, singleplayer is fun but feels like Bioshock leftovers put together, some kind of glorified DLC.

I'm certain 2K Marin had nothing to do with the MP; that was left up to Digital Extremes.
Bought it for my wife,
she loved the first one to bits,
but she can't seem to get in the mood for this one.
It's sad watching her play,
she really looked forward to this one and she seems so disappointed.


JaseC said:
I'm certain 2K Marin had nothing to do with the MP; that was left up to Digital Extremes.

whatever, the only innovation in there is the multi. Two years for an expansion pack with a couple of new weapons and splicers are not what I expected. The word that defines Bioshock 2 is "bland".


Lince said:
whatever, the only innovation in there is the multi. Two years for an expansion pack with a couple of new weapons and splicers are not what I expected. The word that defines Bioshock 2 is "bland".

:lol Please stop trolling


What I do like is that every big daddy fight completely drains you of all your resources this time around, even on medium.

It's weird that I feel so much more vulnerable in this game, than the first.


I have mixed feelings. The gameplay is solid in my opinion. Stunning a splicer or two, shooting the remaining one with my rivet gun, then whack the rest, it feels great, just like the launch trailer showed me. However, storywise I hardly feel any progression yet (I'm at Ryan Amusements, so I'm not too far in (AM I?!?! D:)

There's hardly a second 'reveal' to Rapture for me. The first game did it, but this doesn't do anything for me, except for
the underwater Rapture reveal. The music kicked in, the fish swam by and the giant squid came into screen; it was like home.

I'm not liking any of the new characters so far, except for Tenenbaum, but that's because she was in the first game.

The story itself... Well, from what I've seen, it feels like the third game using the same intro/story. System Shock 2, Bioshock 1 and now Bioshock 2 all share story elements.
Down to the damn same intro for the last two. The videofeed with Ryan/Lamb, then the splicers attacking, the 'final' tower that will soon have to be conquered.
Although I'm still way into the beginning, this is what's implied.

I don't feel as solitary as Jack in Bioshock 1. I guess this was deliberate, since you're a Big Daddy and all, so tenenbaum/little sisters make this game feel a bit more crowded, as well as Sinclair. I liked that feeling in Bioshock 1 though, so different strokes.

I want more
Eleanor voiceclips from when she was little! Telling the story in her way is alot more fun than hearing Lamb or Tenenbaum banter at their ideology/mistakes.

So I share the same bits as the rest: No WOW factor anymore, solid gameplay. A bit disappointed so far, I hope this picks up.
Solo said:
After a few more hours I still cant shake the "expansion pack with slighty improved gameplay" feelings. Thats what it feels like instead of a proper sequel. Almost everything in this game has been brought over from the original just as it was. I like familiarity and continuity, but there is a line for me.

What would be a proper sequel?

I hope no one went into this game expecting the wow factor of the original. It is impossible to to recreate that in game called Bioshock 2. I think the very concept of the game is limited. It kind of has to take place in Rapture or a rapture like setting. There aren't too many liberties it can take and still be considered Bioshock. It's your fault for being disappointed in a lack of wow. Not the game's.

I am having fun re-exploring Rapture. I love searching for the tapes, seeing different environments. That first underwater sequence was very impressive, and a nice change of pace. The game sort of has a Back to the Future 2 feel going for it. Familiar but different, and great to be able to revisit something that I enjoyed so much.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Truant said:
What I do like is that every big daddy fight completely drains you of all your resources this time around, even on medium.

I'm playing on Hard, and I just got my arse handed to me by the second Big Daddy you meet. I've put away my diving suit for the night. :lol


VistraNorrez said:
What would be a proper sequel?

I hope no one went into this game expecting the wow factor of the original. It is impossible to to recreate that in game called Bioshock 2. I think the very concept of the game is limited. It kind of has to take place in Rapture or a rapture like setting. There aren't too many liberties it can take and still be considered Bioshock. It's your fault for being disappointed in a lack of wow. Not the game's.

I am having fun re-exploring Rapture. I love searching for the tapes, seeing different environments. That first underwater sequence was very impressive, and a nice change of pace. The game sort of has a Back to the Future 2 feel going for it. Familiar but different, and great to be able to revisit something that I enjoyed so much.

A proper sequel would entail bringing something new to the table.

Im not talking about the "wow factor" being recreated, either. But this game doesnt feel so far like it brings anything new. Plasmids, audio logs, gatherers gardens, the ammo and health vending machines, etc. are all identical to the first game. The narrative appears to be an attempt to flip Andrew Ryan on his head, and the twist already seems predictable. It justs feels note for note like the first game at this point, while lacking the innovation and creativity the first game had. Technically the game is (incomprehensibly) inferior to the 2.5 year old original (what is with these low rex textures?). Playing as a big daddy is rendered null and void when the big daddy moves as fast as the player from BS1, and is weaker.

How is any of that my fault? I didnt tell Jordan Thomas what direction to take the game in!

Anyways, its not like Im hating the game or anything. The gameplay feels refined and Ryan Amusements was fun, and Im looking forward to finishing the game, but it remains an expansion pack in my eyes even with the "2" slapped on it so far.
Truant said:
What I do like is that every big daddy fight completely drains you of all your resources this time around, even on medium.

It's weird that I feel so much more vulnerable in this game, than the first.

Yeah, each Big Daddy fight feels more epic, I've found, and then
after depositing the last Little Sister in each area, when it throws Big Sis at you? That's just brutal. Hearing the noise of her coming is enough to make me panic, to make me frantically run for the nearest CIRCUS OF VALUE! and buy everything I can manage.
I put in some time last night, got to Ryan Amusements and the first little sister adam hunt. I'm digging it, but if you aren't a fan of the first Bioshock, this game isn't going to change your opinion. I am enjoying the chance to explore new areas of Rapture, can't wait to play some more tonight.

Haven't played the multiplayer yet, I want to finish the campaign first. I've heard good things about the multi, but I can't help but think that the servers will be a barren wasteland two months from now.


After hearing about an easy-to-miss achievement in Ryan Amusements, I knew I made a good choice in having a save before stepping on the train to leave that area. :lol :lol :lol


Ridley327 said:
After hearing about an easy-to-miss achievement in Ryan Amusements, I knew I made a good choice in having a save before stepping on the train to leave that area. :lol :lol :lol

Which one is that?


Neo Member
Anybody got the problem with console freezing during MP loadings? 2 from 15 map loadings ended with it for me, I can't open dashboard or eject disk to restart the game, only turning off xbox helps.
Also I can't find Daddy Suit. Do they spawn randomly or in direct map place?


Solo said:
Which one is that?

9-Irony, which you get by
finding a golf club at the first Andrew Ryan display in Journey to the Surface and then launching it at his head with Telekinesis.

Man, some of these secret achievements really didn't need to be so secret.
spoiler from the amusement park:

that first women's bathroom where you see the shadow run across the wall, and then you walk up to the stall to get the eve hypo and when you turn around......

I screamed and threw the controller on the floor and jumped about a foot off the couch. My wife couldn't stop laughing for five minutes :lol


Actually, this game makes perfect sense. I always wondered what the Big Daddies were doing when you weren't around trying to kill them. Now I know. I feel sort-of bad now, thinking back to the first game; if the other Big Daddies are like me, then all they were looking for was some potato chips and aspirin. =(


Played for a couple hours last night. I like that it's still a fun house/shooting gallery, just a zany, surreal place to be stuck in. That you are now a Frankenstein monster is a neat addition but you move and turn with a lightness and speed that belies a Big Daddy's bulk.

The place looks great but a bit gloomy and yeah, the textures are lacking. It's a bit of a let-down that Bioshock 2 will have no place in a visual powerhouse discussion.

The challenge is really good. I'm playing on Hard and so far every Splicer fight has been a nail biter. They seem to be a much more canny, aggressive opponent (though that might have been the beers.) I'm still getting the hang of combat and was walking around without many supplies most of the time. Still, getting off some plasmid/weapon combos is very satisfying. Oh yeah, drilling people, that will never get old. Ever. Ever. I'm serious. It's just an awful thing to do to anyone. Awfully wonderful. I am constantly searching for fuel.

Overall the game is giving me a Doom - Quake - The Suffering - Wolfenstien vibe. That's alright by me as games like that don't come out too much anymore but by the same token it doesn't feel like a new game. It's strange that Bioshock - a game that revitalized and repurposed the shooter genre - went old school.


I'd like to enter the contest DAX !

Thanks for doing this

Any first time players here who neve rplayed the first one ?

I was listening to the bomb cast and reading most of the reviews and its seem slike it might be a great experience for those that didn't even play the first one.

Still have a few more days till I can get the game.... this is really sucking :(
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