Whats that youre mumbling to yourself? You prefer a console controller? Dont worry, traitor, your secret is safe with us. There are three separate controller layouts (Default, Marksman, and Retro), each of which support loads of configuration options. You can tweak aim assist, sensitivity, vibration, and look inversion. Are you a left-handed player? Go ahead and revel in your genetic superiority because all controller layouts support multiple analog-stick configurations: Default (Look on right stick, Move on left), Southpaw (opposite of Default), Legacy (for those GoldenEye fans), and Legacy Southpaw. And for those who truly yearn for an old-school feel, or who use special controllers for medical reasons, we even let you swap the left or right analog stick with the D-pad.
All UIs in the game are controllable via either keyboard and mouse or the console controller, and you can switch back and forth between the two input paradigms without ever pausing the game.