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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
All the praise this game gets seems too good to be true! How long is it going to take until people start inevitably saying "you know, Bioshock Infinite was good, but it was really overrated."
console version impressions?

I'm playing on PS3. This is the first time I've chosen a PS3 version of a major release over the 360 version. Hardware wise, it's running fine. If you've got both a 360 and a PS3, I don't think it matters which you choose. Even if one is better than the other, you're never going to see the other one running alongside it so you'll never know what you're missing.

But the PS3 controller leaves something to be desired when it comes to aiming. The sticks are just way too loose and floaty. This will take some getting used to.


Bioshock Infinite is not overrated.

It really is one of the best games of the generation, and by time I finish it I expect it to claim that title outright.


Really REALLY enjoying this game, did not expect it to look sooooo good (PC). I guess it plays ok and tells a decent story too =0) I can possibly only see GTA V matching/eclipsing the fun I am having with this game so far this year...
I can be fine with it as pulp. Aside from the wood NPCs, nothing in it is bad and much of it is very good. But it is still tonally inconsistent pulp. It's when people start talking about this game as some kind of masterpiece or something that shows how games can be "serious" that is when I have the problem. It's about as "serious" and unified as if you made Mission Impossible 5 and then stuck scenes of serious social political commentary in it.

In literature we mostly consider it an unsophisticated mechanism to use a story as a conduit for medicine (i.e. a moral). That is why we generally think of fables as being for kids because they have a very pointed moral message that is covered up by a fantastical story. It seems like Bioshock uses the gameplay as the sugar to cover up the taste of it's medicine, the narrative. And I don't think it even needs to because either of these things could make a very fun and interesting experience on their own. They just don't really seem to gel to me.

It's probably worse because of the principle of the uncanny valley. The closer you get to discussing serious cultural and political issues in an adult way the more everything that surrounds those issues that make it a traditional videogame stands out in relief.

That tonal inconsistency you refer to strikes me as being 100% planned. Not some kind of oversight. It's really cool. Totally subverts your built up expectations. It's an intentional juxtaposition.

And I don't find the game to be overly moralizing. At least not what I've played. Bioshock I never once became like a fable beating you over the head with a black and white moral, and neither has this game so far.


All the praise this game gets seems too good to be true! How long is it going to take until people start inevitably saying "you know, Bioshock Infinite was good, but it was really overrated."

Aside from a bunch of nit picks my only real gripe with the game is that it feels too similar to Bioshock, from the whole start of the game, to vigors being identical to tonics to the string sections in the music. I'm guessing that's as intended but it feels off to me.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Guess I'm gonna have to get this game to see if it lives up to the reception. I really did not expect it to get the incredible amount of praise it has been getting.


If even Derrick loves this game, then it must be pretty fucking good. I may have to buy it ASAP instead of renewing my XBL.

He never said he loves it, just that the intro was pretty solid. He's barely even gotten into the meat of the gameplay.

And yes, fuck Xbox Live, get Bioshock, how is that even a question?


hide your water-based mammals
If even Derrick loves this game, then it must be pretty fucking good. I may have to buy it ASAP instead of renewing my XBL.

Is there a reason why some are holding his opinion in high regard?

I would put others over his any day considering it's up and down. It means hardly anything in the end.

Make up your own mind.


Holy freaking ball shits! The opening is so amazing, I didn't want it to end. I must have spent more time wandering around taking in the sights, than I have in any recent game. I would have to say my favorite part so far was
the baber shop quartet. I sat there and listened to the whole song.
I can't wait until I get off work to play some more.


Also, dear god the
hall of heros
was an amazing location. it's like they took the best bit from bioshock 2 and then expanded it to make it even better. i guess i just really enjoy the
it's a small world/disney animatronics fake set atmosphere
loads. top notch
Was a fun game, I don't think I've experienced the same feeling of wonder and awe in a long time that the first 15-25 minutes provided me. I just want to walk around Columbia restriction free for awhile. So beautiful.


Also, dear god the
hall of heros
was an amazing location. it's like they took the best bit from bioshock 2 and then expanded it to make it even better. i guess i just really enjoy the
it's a small world/disney animatronics fake set atmosphere
loads. top notch

Without question my favorite part of the game, so far. The
Boxer Rebellion
set piece is exquisitely crafted.


Just met Elizabeth for the first time, taking a short break so I don't get burned out.

GOTY so far, which despite my hype, really surprises me. I expected to love the exploration and hate the combat, but I'm having a blast all the way around so far.


Without question my favorite part of the game, so far. The
Boxer Rebellion
set piece is exquisitely crafted.

so good. if the ending really is as amazing as people say it is (although I think I may have figured bits of the twist out already) this could become my game of the generation


Currently I've played 3 hours of Infinite and just reached Catherine. Really enjoying just all of the expressions that she provides. Walked into the toilets and she held her nose, she coughs when she's near to smokers, if she doesn't like something, you'll see it in her face.
--4.5 HOURS IN--

I haven't reached
Hall of Heroes
but I wanted to note the cool vibe of that bit before, where
the whole ticket waiting area is all a trap. Felt like a classic movie where everyone is really bad at pretending and you just know shit's going to go HAM. I actually didn't pull on the ticket guy so I got stabbed in the hand for the trouble.

Greatest game.
All the praise this game gets seems too good to be true! How long is it going to take until people start inevitably saying "you know, Bioshock Infinite was good, but it was really overrated."

I said something along those lines yesterday, it's a matter of time. For me it deserves all the praise it gets though.


--4.5 HOURS IN--

I haven't reached
Hall of Heroes
but I wanted to note the cool vibe of that bit before, where
the whole ticket waiting area is all a trap. Felt like a classic movie where everyone is really bad at pretending and you just know shit's going to go HAM. I actually didn't pull on the ticket guy so I got stabbed in the hand for the trouble.

Greatest game.

I drew on that motherfucker without hestitation.

"If you don't draw first, you don't get to draw at all."


Have to say image quality is very good for console on the 360 here. Nary a jagged edge in sight. And there's even an option to disable vsync to improve response. Seems a good solid 30fps so far.


Just started the game and man the guy who said you really feel like you're in the air was completely right.

Felt kinda sick in the first few seconds but man it's amazing. First time I get a physical reaction from a game.

We had something called floating section drift in for a while, and although I can sail in open ocean and not barf, drink any amount of booze and not barf and understandably loved what this tech did, it destroyed almost everyone else without sea legs and cast iron stomachs.


We had something called floating section drift in for a while, and although I can sail in open ocean and not barf, drink any amount of booze and not barf and understandably loved what this tech did, it destroyed almost everyone else without sea legs and cast iron stomachs.

Damn. This is literally exactly what I wanted.


Elliott, can you comment on whether some of the questions in the spoiler thread will be answered in DLC? Or at least addressed in some way?


I did it too. Didn't want to cause any trouble lol

Haha oh dear. As bad as it sounds this is the exact reason I did it.
Everything is so beautiful and peaceful I didn't want to mess everything up. I feel bad now.

The whole foreshadowing the events before hand with the poster and the telegram was brilliant
Haha oh dear. As bad as it sounds this is the exact reason I did it.
Everything is so beautiful and peaceful I didn't want to mess everything up. I feel bad now.

The whole foreshadowing the events before hand with the poster and the telegram was brilliant

And also TOTALLY CRAZY!!!!!

I'm only 4.5 hours in (as noted) but yeah. That shit is so "Wait whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut." (™The Best Show on WFMU)


Ok the atmosphere in this game is phenomenal. Elizebeth is now up there with Clementine for gaming characters i've actually emotionally invested in. I don't get when people who played pre-release say the combat was "just ok". There is so many options and the sky hook adds another layer of depth. i'm playing on hard and i'm getting my ass kicked sometimes. 1999 mode is going to have me in tears.
Why do you regret hard mode?

I remembered reading a few people recommending Hard if you are at least familiar to shooters before starting the game up last night. That lead me to assume that it would have been similar to the Hard difficulty in Dishonored which was perfectly fine for me. Granted, I did go for a no kill run in that game so I should have known better.

I'm not a great FPS player, but I certainly am familiar with them. I just found the Handymen fights, fights with a lot of enemies, and how fast it takes to be at very low health to be pretty obnoxious for me. Dying fairly frequently and having to see that revive animation every time didn't help either. It all just got to me near the end of the game.

I wouldn't say it hurt my overall enjoyment of the game, but if I could do it over again, I would have picked normal like I usually do. Maybe I will on another playthrough some day.


We had something called floating section drift in for a while, and although I can sail in open ocean and not barf, drink any amount of booze and not barf and understandably loved what this tech did, it destroyed almost everyone else without sea legs and cast iron stomachs.


Just finished the game and honestly it's a bit of a mixed bag. A lot of the problems come from attempting to transplant Bioshock's framework into a different city and failing to spot the aspects that don't quite fit.

There's a lot to like though and parts of it are pretty brilliant. The discussion when more people have finished it will be interesting, but I would guess it's lasting impact will be less than Bioshock's.

Oh, and who knew UE3 could look that stunning?


Hm ok silly question maybe I had murder of crows earlier and now it's not there. Now I have bucking bronco and some other vigor. How do I get murder of crows back?

You never lose vigors and have access to all of them at all times. on console for example holding the vigor swap button opens a wheel and will pause the simulation while you set the vigor to an active slot. good way for slower players to experiment with combo outcomes, too. e.g. stun with bronco, open your wheel and consider a good follow up.
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