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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games


- She teleports. A lot. It's very noticeable, even a few times popped right in front of me. The sound gives it away every time, I hear her footsteps in the distance, then there she is by my side as I turn. Breaks the illusion a lot. I realise she has to keep up, but I'd rather she had a faster sprint to do so, and would much prefer waiting a few seconds for her to catch up than have her constantly by my side.

This is absolutely true. She may as well be one of the ghosty guys from the shitty second Matrix movie.

Reminds me of the infamous Creepy Watson.


I'd be curious to hear people's thoughts on Elizabeth. Some things I observed after an hour or so with her:

- The experience of wandering around with her feels a lot like the game wanting me to see everything she does. This is by no means a bad wish but I feel its too overt. She twitches if I twitch, makes awkward movements when I do, just generally moves around a bit awkwardly if you're doing anything other than moving directly to an objective/interest point.

- She teleports. A lot. It's very noticeable, even a few times popped right in front of me. The sound gives it away every time, I hear her footsteps in the distance, then there she is by my side as I turn. Breaks the illusion a lot. I realise she has to keep up, but I'd rather she had a faster sprint to do so, and would much prefer waiting a few seconds for her to catch up than have her constantly by my side.

- She isn't reactive to me the way I expected. Her ability to interact with the world is impressive, but she doesn't react to things I do. Would she not care that I'm stealing coins from a child? Is it not weird when I bunny hop around the carousel she thinks it'd be funny to see me on? I expected something akin to the Bastion narrator in terms of reacting to the player's fringe actions in surprising ways, but I get very little feedback from her when I do things. The first time combat broke out after the scripted stuff near the start, she didn't even say a word about it, just looked at me.

- Why is she always throwing money at me. ALWAYS WITH THE COINS

This may be uncanny valley stuff because such a good job has been done with her voice actiong and animation, and also may be the hype of her pre-release trailers/behind the scenes stuff putting her on an AI pedestal, but she's underwhelmed me thus far.

The AI pedestal is more about how she interacts with the world.

Her emotions just by seeing a dead body.

Or exploring a room, and her calling you over to see what it is (some minor things). It's the small things that set her apart.

Yeah, she isn't perfect and has flaws. I agree with that 100%.

But AI partners are hardly ever done in games, and when they are, they are usually incredibly annoying, or you become there "baby sitter" of sorts.

With Liz, she's independent, and aids you (which is a big thing I think) rather than hinder you. An plus, she makes the journey..I don't know..just sooo much more enjoyable I think. I honestly don't love many video game characters, but I think I do with Liz.

But yeah, she ain't perfect. But she's a big step forward in the right direction in regards to those who have similarly tackled an ai partner in there games.


Vigor upgrades reduce salt consumption per Vigor, In the end, it doesn't matter its not as if your playthrough was wrong or I want to tell you how to play. Playstyle-wise, I'm very expressive though and like to at least suggest to other players some of the possibilities they might experiment with.

Yeah, I had my Vigor upgraded pretty far, though I pumped most of my upgrades to shield because you take so much damage on hard. As a matter of fact, I think that my playthrough was soiled by the fact that I played on Hard. You basically need to cheese the enemies due to their hitpoints and the damage they dish out.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Ok i need to know something from someone who has finished the game cause this is driving me nuts, I consider myself a completionist in these kind of games and i appear to have missed something. Me and Elizabeth came across
Some Vox markings inside a tavern and I was alluded to the existence of a book that she could use to decode them
however I am unable to find this, the game has a tendency of letting you need something, find it later and backtrack if you so desire however I feel I have gone too far now to backtrack.
I have just reached the Airship, been knocked out by Elizabeth and been conscripted to get arms for the Vox in return for the ship, since there appears to be no way back to that tavern I believe ive missed the book somewhere
If someone could confirm or not wheher I have missed this item and need to reload a save, id be most gracious.
So, can anyone describe what laying a Devil's Kiss mine looks like? Do you still toss it? Maybe I've been doing it right and just didn't realize it? Or does it drop where you're standing?

Halp plaese



Yeah, I had my Vigor upgraded pretty far, though I pumped most of my upgrades to shield because you take so much damage on hard. As a matter of fact, I think that my playthrough was soiled by the fact that I played on Hard. You basically need to cheese the enemies due to their hitpoints and the damage they dish out.

When you saw that the enemies were bullet sponges why didn't you try switching to Medium?


The game is awesome,I didn't even reach Elizabeth yet but man that stuttering is driving me nuts...I tried all the tricks/tweaks,everything is down to high,disabled ambient Occlusion and it still does it..it shouldnt on my rig...only thing left is to try lower resolutions then 1080p...


So, can anyone describe what laying a Devil's Kiss mine looks like? Do you still toss it? Maybe I've been doing it right and just didn't realize it? Or does it drop where you're standing?

Halp plaese


You'll see a sticky glob of boiling magma. You can stick them walls (where skylines pass by) or wherever. You might have to upgrade it first.


Ok i need to know something from someone who has finished the game cause this is driving me nuts, I consider myself a completionist in these kind of games and i appear to have missed something. Me and Elizabeth came across
Some Vox markings inside a tavern and I was alluded to the existence of a book that she could use to decode them
however I am unable to find this, the game has a tendency of letting you need something, find it later and backtrack if you so desire however I feel I have gone too far now to backtrack.
I have just reached the Airship, been knocked out by Elizabeth and been conscripted to get arms for the Vox in return for the ship, since there appears to be no way back to that tavern I believe ive missed the book somewhere
If someone could confirm or not wheher I have missed this item and need to reload a save, id be most gracious.

I think you passed a point of no return. That first code book is pretty close to the words it decodes.

Dr Dogg

I seem to have so much more fun in this game when I'm not shooting. I'm truly taken aback by how completely beautiful Columbia is and how much fun it is just to walk around. I wasn't expecting to be this wowed. I wasn't by Rapture.

As soon as the guns come out, I feel kind of overwhelmed. Loud is how I would describe things.

I'm still trying to figure out which control scheme I want. 1 or 2...

Hahaha that's what I'm loving at the moment. Eavesdropping on strangers conversations has never been so much fun. Quite scary when they start talking about you, like you've just been caught. Just over an hour in and the world has sooo much to it already.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I think you passed a point of no return. That first code book is pretty close to the words it decodes.

Man, I am pretty ocd when it comes to searching everything, cant believe i missed it
You'll see a sticky glob of boiling magma. You can stick them walls (where skylines pass by) or wherever. You might have to upgrade it first.

Oh! So the pop up that appears when you first get it may not apply until its upgraded? (It shows you button presses for both throw and set trap.)

Also, there's no way I'm even close to upgrade Vigors! I'm at like 600 and the first machine I came across was 1200. Do the machines offer the same upgrades no matter the location/how far you are?


When you saw that the enemies were bullet sponges why didn't you try switching to Medium?

Because dammit if I started it on hard, I'm going to finish it on hard. Even if it's through gritted teeth.
Bad habit, I know.

Oh! So the pop up that appears when you first get it may not apply until its upgraded? (It shows you button presses for both throw and set trap.)

Also, there's no way I'm even close to upgrade Vigors! I'm at like 600 and the first machine I came across was 1200. Do the machines offer the same upgrades no matter the location/how far you are?

Yeah, later machines just add more stuff. You always have access to the upgrades you haven't bought yet.


I don't think you know what that word means.

The internet, where you cant simply disagree with someone, you have to accuse them of not understanding what theyre saying instead.

point me another game that's as "uninspired" as this. I dare you.

I'm afraid youre going to have to at least double dog dare me

It's okay to be in the vast, vast minority.

So glad I have your permission for that champ

I'd like to know what game he thinks are inspired.

The first one that springs to mind in relation to this would be Bioshock, for all its flaws it felt genuinely novel and creative. Infinite on the other hand feels like Bioshock only lacking any of the spark, the game slaps you around the face with its "message" and the gameplay itself is, if anything, a step back from the original. It seems to be treading the same ground, hence I find it to be uninspired.


So, can anyone describe what laying a Devil's Kiss mine looks like? Do you still toss it? Maybe I've been doing it right and just didn't realize it? Or does it drop where you're standing?

Halp plaese


You toss it. It's a fiery thing on the ground with smoke coming out of it.


I found a key and it told me it was a side mission and that sometimes I should go back to do them...but where do I see that side mission...? how do I know when or where the key is used for? I looked into the journal with O but saw nothing?...did I miss it already...?


The internet, where you cant simply disagree with someone, you have to accuse them of not understanding what theyre saying instead.


I found a key and it told me it was a side mission and that sometimes I should go back to do them...but where do I see that side mission...? how do I know when or where the key is used for? I looked into the journal with O but saw nothing?...did I miss it already...?

Just scout around where you've already been. Don't move too far ahead or you won't be able to return. There's no quest marker or anything for the optional stuff.


I think I'm about halfway through the game. Really enjoying it. Combat on hard I have no problem with. Enemies don't feel too bullet-spongy and the only fight that really pissed me off was the one with the Handyman after you get undertow. The machine gun is just insane after upgrades too, so I regret switching it out occasionally.

Elizabeth is great and as stated before she isn't perfect but light years ahead of what there usually is. My only real complaint is that her eyes feel a little dead at times when she is idle, like sitting down or leaning up against the wall. But other than that she's pretty amazing for an AI partner.


The atmosphere in this game has captured me like no other game in a longtime. Everywhere the amount of detail makes me want to explore it off course i do that. Guns feel pretty good,those vigors are awesome and Elizabeth is really fantastic.


Bioshock Infinite is a game that falls apart the more you start to navel gaze at it. If you play through it like your average braindead military game, it all works well enough. But once you stop and look around, you notice how certain assets are way too low poly or badly textured for a 2013 PC title. The idle chatter of the citizens are fine if you are just running past them, but if you listen to their dialogue it's all horrible expositionary shlock. If you bother backtracking for the sake of the sidequests, you notice that while the world sure looks neat and seems creative, it's pretty dull and ordinary from a level design perspective.


haha im at an arcade with elizabeth and she sees a puppet game and goes

"This is the new flawless flintlock, i heard it was delayed THREE TIMES"

oh ken

The art direction of this game is astounding. It's like im back in boshock. The narratives of racism, hating on the irish, it's such an interesting message.


Yeah, I wish Elizabeth wasn't constantly throwing coins at me. It doesn't seem like she's actually helping by picking up coins I've missed, either. It's just on a cooldown and it happens like every five minutes or if I go to a vending machine.

And this girl must have been softball pitching champion of the tower youth team, because she can underhand toss a machine gun directly into my hands from about 100 meters away.


Honestly, I thought the opening of the game couldn't be topped, but I just got to the part where SONG SPOILER
Mozart's Requiem is playing
. Unbelievable atmosphere.

Guess Who

while the world sure looks neat and seems creative, it's pretty dull and ordinary from a level design perspective.

Nonsense. Very few games have such wide open and varied arenas these days. So much use of verticality and mobility - I wish level design like this was "ordinary", so that it would be in more games.


Also the guy you're playing as is the
iest asshole ever and I'm starting to think that he's a self-insert of whoever is writing this crap. 'The tea party, am I right fellas?'


hide your water-based mammals
Some of you guys need to spoiler little details. I don't even want to know names and would rather see that in spoiler tags or just take it right to the spoiler thread.


I just bought the Season Pass, it popped up in game saying I had the Early Bird DLC.

I got all the other parts of the DLC (skins, weapon upgrades etc)

But it said the 5 Infusions were at the Blue Ribbon Restaurant. I've already done that part, so is there any way for me to get back there?

Thanks to anyone who can help.


I seem to have so much more fun in this game when I'm not shooting. I'm truly taken aback by how completely beautiful Columbia is and how much fun it is just to walk around. I wasn't expecting to be this wowed. I wasn't by Rapture.

As soon as the guns come out, I feel kind of overwhelmed. Loud is how I would describe things.

Its a difficult line to tow that, between being suspenseful and being boring. "So we'll just give you action!" has been the general consensus now for a while. Im getting used to it.


Handymen are pretty difficult on Hard, what is your man stragedy for dealing with them?

Lots of options but they can't touch you if you're riding full speed on a skyline, instead theyll shock the line to get you off of it. As soon as they start shocking the line, leap off and attack their hearts. Many vigor combos are especially effective too such as laying a shock jockey mine field and then using undertow to pull the handyman into it. as that stuns him (and the water/electricity combo in these two produces a true stun) shoot his heart. These are just a few ideas.


Handymen are pretty difficult on Hard, what is your man stragedy for dealing with them?

Zap them with Shock jockey (seems to have a very minor stun effect on them), then shotgun/RPG to the heart. Use the rail systems where possible to maintain your distance from them, they will also waste time electrocuting the rails (at which point you should leap off), giving you a few seconds to unload on them without fear of reprisal. Be careful as on hard mode you can quickly find yourself with very little ammo/cash if a handyman keeps stomping you, whenever you recover he'll also get a partial health regen. Can be pretty hard to come back from if you're against the ropes financially and ammo wise.


Pretty sure I just ate shit in Bioshock.

Technically, it was two potatoes, but they were perfectly placed in an otherwhise clean upscale toilet, surrounded by flies. And I don't think I've seen potatoes anywhere else in the game yet.

Is that another one of Levine's deep messages?
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