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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games

Put in 2 hours last night, quit when I entered
Monument Island Gateway
and I gotta' say I am very impressed so far. Exploring every nook and cranny is awesome, the gunplay feels so much tighter than BS1, the vigors are great, the music, the atmosphere, the melee attack... You guys get the point.

And I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface yet!


it just occurred to me, and I'm sure others may have noted it before, that Rapture is a far better name for what Columbia is than the actual Rapture.

All religious cult shit and you get 'carried up' to Columbia in the sky, and it's a super idealized version of the world... heaven, basically.


Neo Member
This game controls like a fucking dream on the PS3

I've found it problematic - to turn quickly whilst sprinting you have to put the look sensitivity way up, otherwise Booker feels like an ocean liner when trying to make fast turns. Bizarrely this isn't the case on the 360 version in which he'll turn on a dime. There's no aim acceleration in the PS3 version, but does appear to be some in the 360 one.

I don't know if this is a problem with my PS3 hardware, a bug, or deliberate. I can't see what I can reset on the PS3 to make a difference.


@Milchjon Do you eat potatoes?

It actually is... "Potato eater". This game can come knocking hard on the racism sometimes!

And FUCK, this game is GORGEOUS. I'm doing every nook and cranny and Elizabeth's facial animations are great and this game. Is great.


Is it just me or is the mouse sensitivity messed up somehow? I seem only to be able to use the lowest setting possible. Even on the second-lowest setting, the mouse is just insanely quick.
is there a huge difference between the 360 and PC versions? i have the xbox copy here and wanted to know if would be wise to go and exchange it.


Yeah, combat is appropriately Bioshock-y for the most part, and that is fine by me. But the addition of the Skyhook puts on another level. Can't say enough about how it controls, either. It just feels so silky-smooth.
I'm playing this game so slowly. I might start over and speed through to where I am on hard because normal is CAKE. I didn't realize you get a (less than an hour in gameplay mechanic spoiler):
shield - yeah that's how much of a mdeia black out I was in
, but that plus normal has been way too forgiving.


Is it just me or is the mouse sensitivity messed up somehow? I seem only to be able to use the lowest setting possible. Even on the second-lowest setting, the mouse is just insanely quick.

You aren't alone haha. I have no idea if it was even tested...who would play at the highest setting???


The game truly is absurdly good looking though. I spent so much time gaping when first arriving in
Battleship Bay
. Amazing.
I'm really enjoying it so far. I didn't really know much about the game previous to this so I wasn't expecting the story and world this is set in to be quite the way it is.

In regards to a song I heard at one point, can anyone confirm this for me but did I hear
girls just wanna have fun

You'll hear a snippet of the actual song later on
but yea there's a story reason why you hear that song in it's Columbia form.


Check Point systems are such a flawed way to go about a game.

If you are going to do them, make sure they are spaced out correctly.

Like right before a big boss battle, not 20 minutes before....


Played a couple hours so far and I'm really enjoying it :)

I'm going to make a prediction on what I think the twist will be so let's see if I am right by the end :p

I think the game takes place in DeWitt's head


is there a huge difference between the 360 and PC versions? i have the xbox copy here and wanted to know if would be wise to go and exchange it.

If you have a capable PC go for that. It looks amazing and you get M&KB. Its also cheaper on GMG I believe.

Played a couple hours so far and I'm really enjoying it :)

I'm going to make a prediction on what I think the twist will be so let's see if I am right by the end :p

I think the game takes place in DeWitt's head

Really hope that isn't the case, although it really feels like that's where the story is going.


I had to put the ingame setting to the lowest possible one and the setting on my mouse to mid to get an acceptable result. Weird issue.

Looking into it. For now someone posted some great ini. settings to use in this very thread. Let me find them. Edit: can anyone find Antitrop's recommended settings?
Hey Shawn, not sure if this has already been answered, but was it a conscious desicion to not subtitle the audio logs? I know I can read the transcript in the menu, but the logs were all subtitled in BS1 yet not here. That's the only thing that's irked me so far.
I just picked it up on PC- had some trade in credit at Gamestop that needed spending. Felt weird buying a boxed copy of a PC game.

It's installing now- excited to try it out!

Guess Who

Wow. (HUGE Spoilers)
Currently wandering around Comstock House under the rule of Our Lady Elizabeth, trying to avoid getting caught by the Sirens. I think anyone who missed the creepy horror atmosphere of the original game is going to love this shit. Personally I'm wondering what the fuck is happening oh god


I'm about an hour and a half in. Had to stop to attend to another matter.

It's good thus far. The attention to detail is stunning. The imagery is indelible; some great artistry and care clearly went into Infinite. I'm still toying around with the controls, hoping to find an ideal sensitivity and placement of prompts. I look forward to playing more of it.

Question for PS3 players with 1080p television sets: are you noticing a a great deal of aliasing?

I know the game runs natively at 720p, but is there any way I could tinker with the settings to reduce it? Would having the PS3 output in 720p instead of 1080p affect it?


Hey Shawn, not sure if this has already been answered, but was it a conscious desicion to not subtitle the audio logs? I know I can read the transcript in the menu, but the logs were all subtitled in BS1 yet not here. That's the only thing that's irked me so far.

Sometimes Elizabeth or another character talks over an audio log, and that's what shows up in the subtitles. Since you can replay the audio log at any time but not these bits of dialog, it makes sense.
Wow. (HUGE Spoilers)
Currently wandering around Comstock House under the rule of Our Lady Elizabeth, trying to avoid getting caught by the Sirens. I think anyone who missed the creepy horror atmosphere of the original game is going to love this shit. Personally I'm wondering what the fuck is happening oh god

You mean with Elizabeth being all Pro-Comstock? If you think about it, when you get past songbird suddenly it's snowing when it wasn't when you arrived...you're playing a game about time/universe manipulation. That and listen to all the voxrecordings ;)


Is it just me or is the mouse sensitivity messed up somehow? I seem only to be able to use the lowest setting possible. Even on the second-lowest setting, the mouse is just insanely quick.

You aren't alone haha. I have no idea if it was even tested...who would play at the highest setting???

Turn off mouse acceleration and put mouse sensitivity as low as possible.

Anyways, started to play on 1999 mode which sure is harder than when I played System Shock 2, so much that I'm going to go to a lower difficulty and start a new game. I would like the rest of the mechanics without the Ghouls'n Ghosts difficulty.


Open XUserOptions.ini in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\My Games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config



You can adjust those values further to your liking depending on the DPI settings of your mouse. That's still sort of high if your DPI setting is anything higher than 3k. But the default values are astronomical. What kind of 1997 fucking mice do the devs think people own?

Here we go.
dat opening area

my god, i've only played 2 hours but what a game!

dripping with atmosphere. was worried it wouldn't match Bioshock 1 in that department but its equalled it easily.
Sometimes Elizabeth or another character talks over an audio log, and that's what shows up in the subtitles. Since you can replay the audio log at any time but not these bits of dialog, it makes sense.

Ah yeah, that makes sense I guess. Might just start listening to them in the menu then, I don't want to miss a single thing.


it just occurred to me, and I'm sure others may have noted it before, that Rapture is a far better name for what Columbia is than the actual Rapture.

All religious cult shit and you get 'carried up' to Columbia in the sky, and it's a super idealized version of the world... heaven, basically.

I haven't seen any one else say that, but it's very astute.
Ok so I preordered the game yesterday at Gamestop and they told me I would get all the preorder bonuses. I just got home and the only code I have is for the shotgun. Does the Industrial revolution bonus come as a code, or did I get screwed? Can anyone help?

Guess Who

You mean with Elizabeth being all Pro-Comstock? If you think about it, when you get past songbird suddenly it's snowing when it wasn't when you arrived...you're playing a game about time/universe manipulation. That and listen to all the voxrecordings ;)

Well, I mean, I understand
that obviously I went through a tear somehow, and I'm in some version of Columbia where Comstock and that doctor worked their indoctrination magic on her and she took over Comstock's place as the Prophet. Still, this shit be crazy.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Quick question, I keep getting notifications that my DLC season pass stuff is in the area, but I can't find it. I have the pistol, but no luck finding the machine gun. [PC]
Just played an HOUR today :( work early tomorrow :(

but man I can not stop thinking about it already! :D

AMAZING game simply amazing :D looks incredible and so far the setting is fantastic!
I loved the use of Lacrimosa.

Well, I mean, I understand
that obviously I went through a tear somehow, and I'm in some version of Columbia where Comstock and that doctor worked their indoctrination magic on her and she took over Comstock's place as the Prophet. Still, this shit be crazy.

Indeed, though I'll say this
No indoctrination was needed, Elizabeth's voxrecordings will tell you why she went pro-comstock. Not gonna ruin it for ya but remember Booker can't manipulate tears, so you gotta ask yourself how you got there.

But yea that entire place is trippy.
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