Just finished
I feel like I am getting to the end and I missed a lot of collectibles, which makes me a bit sad because I am actually making some effort to look for them.
Oh well.
The game is surprisingly good. I know a lot of people were overhyped to it, but I honestly only got it because the GMG deal was too good to not take advantage off.
I'm really glad I am playing this. I have minor gripes here and there, but it is an excellent game from a story point of view and from pure gameplay point of view.
Battles are seriously exciting to me and the story is seriously interesting. It is a very good balance between both, where in the first Bioshock we kind of excused the weird gunplay because of the story.
Maybe in the future, I'll start nitpicking what I don't like. Right now I just want to say it has been a great experience.