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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games

Seeing all the gushing over this, I started playing/replaying Bioshock 1 today (played it before, but never finished.) That hacking mini-game man :(

Graphics are definitely a bit dated too, even with everything turned to high or on except global lighting I think(?) Not sure what that one does.

Will definitely get Infinite sometime soonish, but I spent a good deal of my budget on a HotS CE, and since I missed all the pre-order deals, it's probably better for me to wait until it goes on sale. Probably ~$40 at minimum before I'd buy. Infinite is Steamworks, correct?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
So I
opened the 3 tears and it's revealed Liz isn't Comstock's kid, but it's not clear whose she is exactly... The plot thickens and is getting weirder.
Can anyone tell me how far I am?

tbh I enjoy messing around with the vigors a lot more than the skyhook combat. I tend to avoid that, don't think it's that much fun (outside of doing landing strikes). Tossing fools up with bronco and pushing them off ships with undertow however, is.

I had one pretty hard encounter so far, the one
where you first run into the rocket guys.
I can imagine that fight being hell on hard.

btw there seem to be more people who run into the bug where trophies stop appearing. Just delete your game data to fix it. When I restarted, one popped up immediately upon booting. It started tracking my kills again as well. If you missed any story ones, you'll have to replay.


Aren't Elizabeth and Columbia all part of the narrative?

An shooting? You need shooting, otherwise there's no game.
I'm too lazy to get into it all but a few brief points:

-Gameplay priorities make protecting Elizabeth a facade.
-Loot, being important for balance, is everywhere. Including where it shouldn't be. There's money in trashcans and ammunition in picnic baskets.
-Linear storytelling forces the world to be designed less as a place, and more as a series of sets. The extreme focus on key characters like Elizabeth leaves most Columbians seeming like extras, not people.

Also :lol at all real games being shooters.


I'm too lazy to get into it all but a few brief points:

-Gameplay priorities make protecting Elizabeth a facade.

Ken Levine said he never wanted you to be Elizabeth baby sitter. They purposely designed her that made her a tool, another weapon in your belt so to speak, than someone you must constantly guard at all times.

-Loot, being important for balance, is everywhere. Including where it shouldn't be. There's money in trashcans and ammunition in picnic baskets.

So? Bioshock did that as well. Have loot is weird ass places, no one complained then.

Btw, how far are you in the game? I have a feeling not very.


The game immediately tells you that Elizabeth can look after herself. If you thought you'd be protecting her you wished that into existence yourself.


I'm too lazy to get into it all but a few brief points:

-Gameplay priorities make protecting Elizabeth a facade.
-Loot, being important for balance, is everywhere. Including where it shouldn't be. There's money in trashcans and ammunition in picnic baskets.
-Linear storytelling forces the world to be designed less as a place, and more as a series of sets. The extreme focus on key characters like Elizabeth leaves most Columbians seeming like extras, not people.

Also :lol at all real games being shooters.


Ken Levine said he never wanted you to be Elizabeth baby sitter. They purposely designed her that made her a tool, another weapon in your belt so to speak, than someone you must constantly guard at all times.

True, and is great to not have to care about a stupid npc dying during all the game, but at the same time it doesn't really make sense narrative wise. Elizabeth is invisible to enemies, unless there is a script event of course.


Ken Levine said he never wanted you to be Elizabeth baby sitter. They purposely designed her that made her a tool, another weapon in your belt so to speak, than someone you must constantly guard at all times.
Yes, that's exactly what I was referring to.

It ruins the fiction. Booker is supposed to be guarding Elizabeth but her invulnerability in the simulation undermines that.

So? Bioshock did that as well. Have loot is weird ass places, no one complained then.
Because Rapture was in ruin, inhabited by crazies. A gun in a stroller makes sense in that context.
I am loving this game, the atmosphere is top notch and I am enjoying playing it through with my brother. Can't wait to uncover more of the world, though I am glad I didn't choose hard I don't think I would have faired too well...


Yes, that's exactly what I was referring to.

It ruins the fiction. Booker is supposed to be guarding Elizabeth but her invulnerability in the simulation undermines that.

No. Booker is supposed to kidnap Elizabeth out of Columbia to repay a debt. Elizabeth can take care of herself.

Because Rapture was in ruin, inhabited by crazies. A gun in a stroller makes sense in that context.

You would still find food and other crap in weird places like the toilets when you visited the apartments and homes in Apollo Square.

Also, lets not forget how the dead splicers would respawn into tool boxes either.

An once again, I'm curious, how far are you?


No. Booker is supposed to kidnap Elizabeth out of Columbia. Elizabeth can take care of herself.
You're not being serious here, are you?

Edit: If being able to "take care of yourself" in the fiction equates to invincibility then Booker and all enemies would be like Elizabeth.

You would still find food and other crap in weird places like the toilets when you visited Apollo Square.
Better =/= perfect.

Also, lets not forget how the dead splicers would respawn into tool boxes either.
People turn into lockboxes in Infinite as well. Except for Comstock's soldiers who
surrender, they all have no loot and disappear. How convenient.


I need help!

I am stuck on
the part where Daisy send guys to kill Booker, including ones like fireman and Handyman. Fireman I can deal with not much problem, but Handyman is killing me! I know you have to shoot the heart but its really hard to aim while he is jumping around like crazy! Any tips? Which vigor and weapon is most effective against him?

also, how far am I in the game?


Press O to go into your menus and the 2nd one is gear, you can even swap them mid battle too lol

Was semispoiled about some parts of it going in (from this thread actually) but still loved it

... I didnt realize you could change gear. I need to read the tool-tips more often..
The checkpoints in this game suck, plain and simple.

I finished a big, relatively uninteresting wave-based fight, continued on a bit, then had to go. I come back and I have to do the fight again. Not cool.


Before reading keep in mind I have not finished the game...

I think the game is great so far. However I believe bioshock 1 is far superior. I dont get the same vibe as bioshock 1. I believe it would have been a better game if the city was kinda abandoned like bioshock.

Dont get me wrong the game is great, but I find myself just spamming the "grab everything" button and laying waste to enemies with no strategy at all. I remember in bioshock holding on to certain ammo, exploring every nook in the game for clues and extra "plasmids". Hacking a sentry gun for use later. Really looking at the loot I was getting to make sure it made sense and if it was useful. I know they only made a few of the "spells" becuase they wanted "all of them to be useful" but It was part of the fun in the original game. Also,
the Handymen
are nothing like big daddies. Not even close in awesome value.

Its also missing its "Metroidvania" style that bioshock 1 had. I enjoyed having to use heat or cold to get to doors and change the map layout. There is none of that in this game (so far). I guess it just doesnt have the same eerie vibe to it.

Columbia is fucking beautiful, but because of the game play its missing some of its atmosphere.


You know what I love about this game?

Whenever I find myself falling back into tired habits gleaned from other shooters (take cover, peek furtively, and shoot with iron sights), I stop and think, "Oh, wait, I can jump on that sky line, careen over to that vantage point and have Elizabeth open a 'cover' tear. Then I can reload, get my bearings, and return fire with a flurry of fiery crows and a barrage of RPG rockets... WHILE ZIPPING ON A RAIL IN THE SKY."

It's subversive, fun, and wondrous. Bravo, Irrational.
Personally I think the combat is great, I love doing landing strikes, so satisfying.
Liz is easily the best AI companion ever.

It was already obvious from the footage of the recording sessions but it can't be said enough, Troy and Courtnee poured their heart and soul into these characters, congratulations to these two fantastic actors for their performance in this game.


The game immediately tells you that Elizabeth can look after herself. If you thought you'd be protecting her you wished that into existence yourself.

My biggest worry about this game was exactly that; that I'd be baby sitting her and she'd just be irritating because of it - one long protracted escort mission. So glad to discover this wasn't the case at all.


You know what I love about this game?

Whenever I find myself falling back into tired habits gleaned from other shooters (take cover, peek furtively, and shoot with iron sights), I stop and think, "Oh, wait, I can jump on that sky line, careen over to that vantage point and have Elizabeth open a 'cover' tear. Then I can reload, get my bearings, and return fire with a flurry of fiery crows and a barrage of RPG rockets... WHILE ZIPPING ON A RAIL IN THE SKY."

It's subversive, fun, and wondrous. Bravo, Irrational.

Melee is fucking brutal. Seriously considering a replay with melee + vigors.
Elizabeth is almost too good. Free health packs, free salts, she summons historical figures with machine guns to aid you in battle and she makes you money on the side while you're not looking.

Her utility is going to negatively impact how I perceive women
Melee is fucking brutal. Seriously considering a replay with melee + vigors.
Love the Sky-Line Strike as well, you really feel the impact when you leap off the sky-rail and land on top of an enemy. Even if you're just landing on the ground feels really solid, especially when you're equipped with the gear that creates a shockwave as you land, and the little hand/arm movements in Booker's animation when he lands, seriously feels like it's the Hulk leaping sometimes.


oh i love elizabeth ('s AI)!
from small things like how shes never in the way (sitting on bench to wait for u) to throwing me salt/health in the midst of battle - amazing!
Melee is fucking brutal. Seriously considering a replay with melee + vigors.
Just about finished hard and I was spamming Charge most of the time. Felt like I was Corvo, blinking around like a badass, setting everyone on fire and never running out of shields.

Kind of spoiler?
You can knock down handymen and seance ghosts really quickly without losing health. Also kill robots really quickly with charge/shotgun combo.
I DON'T think such a tactic will work in 1999 mode, though.


Also I did not expect this game to be so brutal! Some of the kill/suicide animations are insane.

yeah right at that first kill of the game I knew this shit was going to be crazy. A little over the top the first time I shunked off someone's head with my skyhook lol

I remember thinking to myself "wow, I did that? clean off, eh?"

Your reaction to the game mirrors mine exactly. You'll be happy to know that the game will consistently have your jaw dropping through out. It's just a pleasure to look at, and savor from any and all angles. Once you hit the large areas with Skylines is where the game gets to be a lot of fun with the sheer number of options available to you. There are some intense fire fights awaiting you.

And the story becomes much more interesting towards the home stretch when the pieces start to align but remain just out of focus as to leave you pondering over the possibilities. I had to force myself to stop playing even though I'm sure I don't have too much left to play through. Maybe another 2 or 3 hours. I just don't want the ride to be over just yet :/

All of the "DAT ENDING" style posts are not helping my case at all. I genuinely hope the ending melts my face off. If it achieves that feat, this will to down as one of my favorite experiences ever

Yeah I mean, I am a big fan of visuals in general - the nose sniffers would say I'm a graphics whore - and Bioshock Infinite is like one big old fascinating experiment from that perspective. You say it's fun to savor the game from all angles, but that's literally what I'm doing... I think I've looked at every nook and cranny the game has up to where I am. And particularly good scenes I'm just like F12-F12-F12-F12. Sort of feel like a tourist in a foreign land lol

But yeah, I have nitpicks, but what the game gets right is superlative. Top tier, step aside other devs you're not even tryin', go sit in a corner, etc

Antichamber is my GOTY, and I can't see Infinite beating that even with how nice it is, but let me tell you, I'm pretty cynical about big AAA projects these days because of how frequently awful they actually are, but this one nicely bucks the trend.

Mileage will very. But yeah, the ending was fucking incredible.

This has got to be one of the few big AAA releases this gen where I have heard people actually praise the ending.

You guys must have went into it thinking "ok, guys, someone has to nail a goddamn ending before the end of the generation" lol

It does open up. You do realize you won't always be going down this 1 straight linear path for the whole game.

man I can't wait for whenever this happens! My strategy so far has been this: whenever a path diverges... press the navigate button, and then go the OPPOSITE of where the arrow is pointing haha
Does beating it on 1999 count for the Hard difficulty too?

Yes, the achievements are stackable.

I'm leaning towards health, since you're picking up everything anyway.

Really do recommend going the Shield/Salt route. Shields recharge (and can do so very quickly with certain outfits) and if you play carefully health will rarely even come into consideration. That is, if you have an upgraded shield that can withstand a few more bullets and allow you to get out of heavy situations.


Hey if anybody is interested i have a code for the Elizabeth avatar costume for 360 and i'll likely never use it, so figured i'd trade it to someone for something if they wanted it. So if your interested then just let me know ok ^_^


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
man I can't wait for whenever this happens! My strategy so far has been this: whenever a path diverges... press the navigate button, and then go the OPPOSITE of where the arrow is pointing haha

Hah, that's pretty much my MO in every single game.
This has got to be one of the few big AAA releases this gen where I have heard people actually praise the ending.

You guys must have went into it thinking "ok, guys, someone has to nail a goddamn ending before the end of the generation" lol

I did come into just after playing Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, so...yeah, I guess so.
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