Should I play this if I haven't beaten the original Bioshock?
You can. But there are certain parts that simply will take you to another level if you've played Bioshock before.
So playing Bioshock will definitely enhance the experience a bit.
Has anyone decided to go for the season pass? If so, what convinced you to go for it?
Im on the fence. I love this game, but i also havent bought a single piece of dlc the entire generation and i dont want to get burned.
First there are extra gears that the season pass gives you right off the bat that are very useful.
Besides that, the next dlc' pieces will be DIRECTED by Ken Levine himself. So no side team making shitty dlc just for the sake of selling dlc.
This will also be seperate side stories, with new characters set in the world of Columbia that will flesh out the world and it's lore even more so. There will be 3 stories/DLC episodes. So if you've ever played Bioshock 2's DLC Minerva's Den, than it'll be something very akin to that.
Just finished it.
I teared up a bit. My jaw was on the floor. The ending blew my mind.
Best final boss arena, best graphics, best audio, best ending.
Game of the generation.
Yeah the ending is just something incredibly special for this medium. Definitely a big mile stone in the arts of video games.
The best part? Doing a second playthrough. Your jaw will simply SHATTER by how much foreshadowing there is that pertains to the end. All throughout the game, fucking amazing. It's clear that Mr. Levine took his time with this narrative.
So delicately handled, no plot holes, and just so much good ass writing involved with this. Fucking bravo Levine.
I said this in the spoiler thread, but I'll say this here to. I would say Bioshock Infinite has the best narrative in all of video games. Yes, even better than Planescape: Torment.
Just so fucking well done.