Just thought I'd post my config post here, from the PC thread
So I basically eliminated all the stuttering. Yes, virtually all of it. No noticeable stuttering or frame drops. I got this shit locked down at a smooth 60 fps.
My config:
PXG's Bioshock Infinite XEngine
I've made a lot of changes to this (too many to list), including setting bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming to FALSE. It's known that changing that line can cause major issues to scripting. So keep it as is at your own risk. In the event you do run into a problem, just exit it the game, set the value to True and reload your game. You should be fine. I only had one issue early in the game. Since then I've had smooth sailing. Once in a while, a few shadows will pop in, but I think those are just bugs in the game that aren't necessarily caused by changes to the config.
I'm downsampling the game from 2560 x 1440 to 1080p.
I'm using mrhandi's SMAA injectors. You can find them here. Follow the included instructions. Mine are set to Ultra. I've heard that FXAA interferes with SMAA, so I turned it off. For some reason, AA is seems to be disabled in screens, but it most definitely looks much better in real-time.
Anyway, Mostly everything is set to Ultra. Dynamic shadows are on High. Very high doesn't yield much a difference and Ultra is too blurry for my liking. Alternate Post Processing doesn't seem to do much besides lower performance a bit, so I turned that off. AO....yuck. I hate how it looks. I turned it off completely. It's a lame effect that has takes a big hit to your performance. It's not worth it.
I did not add any launch options through Steam. Adding -ReadTexturePoolFromIni gave me a lot of issues. I don't recommend using it. I suggest letting the game calculate texture pool size on it's own. Forcing the wrong number can lead to odd things, such as pop in or even worse performance. Leave it alone. Even if you mess with the value in XEngine, nothing will happen unless you add -ReadTexturePoolFromIni in Steam.
In the XEngine find
Default = 400
1024 MB of VRAM = 600
2048 MB of VRAM = 1200
ect....You get the point
I mistakenly left mine on 1024. You can change it.
Basically, every 512 MB of VRAM is 300.
Inspector Settings
Thanks to maldo, I changed the SLI compatibility bit from the one included with the latest driver. This helped performance. Most people set their pre-rendered frames to 1. I set it to 3. Why not?
I'm on NVIDIA 314.22 beta drivers.
Let me know your results.
Using your XEngine file seems to be solid 60fps from the little I tested cheers. Not using the injectors though I use RadeonPro for that.