Did they ever patch in controller support?
Oh. Fuck.
I thought it was BS2 that didn't have controller support.
Did they ever patch in controller support?
Play on Easy. Use Vigor combinations. Fun fun.
Oh. Fuck.
I thought it was BS2 that didn't have controller support.
I kinda want to do that but I won't. I really dislike the combat but I won't make it braindead.
I have the same offer I gave Derrick... if you live in the USA, I have an HD Radeon 5870 that you could average 30fps on with more than very low settings. I wouldn't be able to send it out before next Thursday, but if you want it I can send it.
Or just use Vigor combos. It's the recipe for success.
I shall do so when I get enough Vigors to combo lol
Sit, maybe? I may be mistaken.
Thanks, will try that. I have 8GB of RAM (although 2GB must have died since my system is only reading 6 now), a top tier processor from 2012 and I just purchased myself an HD Radeon 7870, so I definitely should be able to hit a better framerate than what I am getting.
Did they ever patch in controller support?
Did they ever patch in controller support?
Oh. Fuck.
I thought it was BS2 that didn't have controller support.
Oh my god
Justpicked up the guitar
This game. THIS GAME
Yes because he said the ending in particular was mainstream.Yes because that ending was so mainstream.
SO things that make a bioshock game a bioshock game shouldn't be in the latest bioshock game?
Yeah, that's exactly what I said...
I didn't know that the Bioshock franchise was supposed to be like COD where everyone is happy to buy the tenth iteration of the exact same game--with a new map!
I like how Booker puts his weapon down when you don't shoot for a while.
My favourite moment, also stick around at the credits for more goodness.
Yeah, a personal highlight for me too. When I watched the credits, I was concernedMy favourite moment, also stick around at the credits for more goodness.
CoD is a strange comparison, those games are like rail-shooters off rails, Infinite is much closer to the encounter arena style shooters, Halo, Crysis 2, etc.So far, the only thing that is any different is the paint and narrative. People keep talking about how "vastly improved" the gunplay is, but it actually feels extremely generic and about the same as the first. The AI is also setup so that it plays just like a shooting gallery.
Yes, this is exactly like Call of Duty. Totally the exact same game with new maps.
I just killed the first Handyman you come across by only shooting his heart...on 1999 mode.
Come at me bros.
Ok, I'm inAbout how much longer do I have until I'm done? Trying to decide on going to dinner right now or finishing the game first.Comstock House on the third floor looking for the Warden's Office.
Did you use vigors?
Nope. Just the sniper.
So far, the only thing that is any different is the paint and narrative. People keep talking about how "vastly improved" the gunplay is, but it actually feels extremely generic and about the same as the first. The AI is also setup so that it plays just like a shooting gallery. The audio and visual aspects are nice, but the gameplay is extremely weak all around. Some of the Vigors seem like nothing new as well after having played Bioshock 1&2 and more recently Dishonored.
Thanks.Maybe an hour/90 minutes depending on how long the final battle takes you.
Ah crap, immediately skipped that.
I'd gladly take DLC that was just more skyrail-room combat scenarios.
I'm curious: how many shots did it take on that mode to kill him, approximately?
Just finished.