Anyone know the song that is played when you are escaping out of the tower with Elizabeth on the rails?
It's super intense, I love it.
The Songbird
Straight There Will Be Blood shit here. 1:11 for best part
Anyone know the song that is played when you are escaping out of the tower with Elizabeth on the rails?
It's super intense, I love it.
What do you think the ending is, out of interest? I won't confirm either way of course. And best spoiler tag it, but it'd be interesting to see how close you are.
One thing I love about the ending, it doesn't do the typical twist thing of flashing back to instances of foreshadowing. I always hated the WYK flashbacks, as if you can't remember them yourself.
Spoiler tags Vire .....
I feel like a father talking to my little kid.
Would you kindly head to Ryan's office and kill the son of the bitch.
Sorry, I love that line.
Oh C'mon, it's like an hour into the game and you know Elizabeth is with you the whole game...
and even if it's only 2 minutes into the game, it's a huge event in the game and there is no need to ruin it for other people don't you think?
My God, that track was amazing. Ominous as fuck.
Just finished it. My reaction to the last hour.
I'm 8 hours in and just got to. Is this the half way point or more?Soldier's Field
Deus Ex 1.
Infinite is not the first and won't be the last game to do this. Borderlands was a thousand times worse. I'm just reaching a breaking point with this.
Anyone know the song that is played when you areescaping out of the tower with Elizabeth on the rails?
It's super intense, I love it.
Bossfight on hard in Graveyard. BullshitLady Comstock
This game on hard is at times more unfair that playing COD on Veteran - which I call COMEPLTE BULLSHIT
Whoever designed the boss fight encounters needs a slap. ALL OF THEM SUCK. They ruin the challange of the rest of the game - which is fun on hard
If you're where I think you are, you can't actually progress anyway, you'll be forced to explore that hub once you go to your current destination.I finished a big fight, the next part says I should head to Comstock's house.
There are 3 hairpin locks I can head in different directions. I don't want to miss anything. What do I do?
Okay WTF.
Just died 15 times in a row and lost alotta cash!
How do I beat(Emporia Area)Liz's Mom's Ghost?
Quoting for new page.
So do you have to collect all 80 voxophones in one playthrough for the achievement? I think I finished at 79. >:|
If you're where I think you are, you can't actually progress anyway, you'll be forced to explore that hub once you go to your current destination.
Okay WTF.
Just died 15 times in a row and lost alotta cash!
How do I beatLiz's Mom's Ghost?
Yeah, you're where I thought. Go where it wants you to, and it'll force you to explore that level before you return and can progress.Ok. Main reason I ask is it says head to Comstock's house, and I just don't want to be locked out of exploring the other areas. I assume after I goto my objective the game will lead me down the other 2 hairpin lock areas afterwards? I went exploring down one, no save points at all, came across a cemetery (but there was nothing to do besides kill 2 soldiers)
Help on boss:
Try and ignore the little minions and only focus on her, she has a lot of health but eventually she'll go down. When she dies, the rest of them evaporate.
Yeah it doesn't seem to have much to do with Anarchism as I understand it.Without getting into too much detail, I found that the game's politics were pretty half-baked as a whole. (Spoilers, act 2)The Vox Populi work better as an allegory for lynch justice or the French revolutionary vanguard--especially in light of Elizabeth's explicit reference to Les Miserables--than for turn-of-the-century anarchists or even trade unionists, which is what the game leads you to expect.
I was a little disappointed because I find the early 20th to be very fascinating politically, especially in a US context. McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson... flight, the Russo-Japanese intervention, Cuba, Panama, World War 1... America's uneasy relationship with race... the conquest of the last continental frontiers... anarchism and the assassination of McKinley, the attempted assassination of Roosevelt... Just really riveting stuff. Instead we don't get a single political reference post-Lincoln, even in the Boxer Rebellion conversation it's explicitly unsaid WHICH president asked Comstock to stand down...
So basically I felt like the Vox sort of went nowhere. I enjoyed how the first act kept it ambiguous whether or not they even existed, or if they were just a boogyman Comstock used to keep people complacent.
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Okay WTF.
Just died 15 times in a row and lost alotta cash!
How do I beatLiz's Mom's Ghost?
The Lutece's are such fun characters. Hope we get to see more of them in the DLCs .
Do we have any clue what the DLC will be at this point? Or is it all completely in the dark?
45 bucks on GMG to buy or not to buy...
The Lutece's are such fun characters. Hope we get to see more of them in the DLCs .
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