Do you get anything for that? Or is it just a new detail? What if you choose the other option?In the "jail" area in the Fink area, he'll be in a cell you can open if you didn't kill him.
Do you get anything for that? Or is it just a new detail? What if you choose the other option?In the "jail" area in the Fink area, he'll be in a cell you can open if you didn't kill him.
The part where you turn around
Do you get anything for that? Or is it just a new detail? What if you choose the other option?
What part where you turn around?
I'm towards the end of the game (maybe) in aand I can't seem to do anything, there are two buildings that I want to get into but I can't. Do I come back here and something else happens because of video game magic or is there a way in and I'm just not smart enough?cemetery
The part where you turn around
Ok thanks, didn't want to waste any more time there.Yes, you'll come back.
I'm towards the end of the game (maybe) in aand I can't seem to do anything, there are two buildings that I want to get into but I can't. Do I come back here and something else happens because of video game magic or is there a way in and I'm just not smart enough?cemetery
Shit made me jump too when I turned around. I fired my shotty just as a reaction
Boy of Silence in the Hospital control room.
It's good to hear it picks back up. It's actually starting to feel like a bit of a slog. I'm totally OCD about these kinds of games, so I feel compelled to explore every corner of every area, and it's starting to feel a bit predictable. Enter new area. Clear area. Collect loot from bodies. Explore area for more loot and locked areas. Move to next area. Repeat. I miss the Metroid Prime vibe of the first Bioshock where it felt more exploration driven rather than combat driven.just finished it on hard. Final playtime was right at 14 hours.
The story was incredible, especially the beginning and ending; however, the game in between wasn't all that great. It was good overall, but the pacing was off. Some of the design decisions with the combat and feeling like you need to scavenge everything were misses. The game had some stellar story-based moments...lots actually, but i didn't have much fun actually playing it. I think i liked Bioshock 1 more.
Oh man oh man this game is sooo good. It kind of annoys me though that there is a massive amount of upgrades in the game, and the game gives you very meager currency to buy them. (anything that is over $1000 is BS)
Right now I just got toHow far am I roughly through the game? Also without spoiling anything, are there multiple endings like the original Bioshock?Downtown Emporia.
Oh man oh man this game is sooo good. It kind of annoys me though that there is a massive amount of upgrades in the game, and the game gives you very meager currency to buy them. (anything that is over $1000 is BS)
Right now I just got toHow far am I roughly through the game? Also without spoiling anything, are there multiple endings like the original Bioshock?Downtown Emporia.
It's good to hear it picks back up. It's actually starting to feel like a bit of a slog. I'm totally OCD about these kinds of games, so I feel compelled to explore every corner of every area, and it's starting to feel a bit predictable. Enter new area. Clear area. Collect loot. Explore for more loot. Move to next area. Repeat.
I'm about 7 hours in and am atI have a feeling I still have a long way to go, and that thought is making this feel really slow. The pacing does seem really off through these middle sections (or at least, what I assume are the middle sections). Makes me wish more games were willing to shoot for the 6-8 hour sweet spot for a shooter.Finkton Docks.
Good to know. I'll keep powering through and look forward to it hitting those high highs again. The first two hours are unbelievably awesome. If it can hit those notes again, then this really is a game for the ages.Where your at now is kind of the meh part of it. It's like a sub plot that is still part of the main story but mainly fluff.
That said your a little or 50 percent done I believe
The part where you turn around
I've just finished it...Stay tuned??
i'm kind of upset that i finished this game in 10 hours, but i guess that's partially my fault. i didn't think i was rushing, but i could have been exploring more, maybe? either way, i'm not disappointed, i just feel weird about 10 hour games. nevermind i'm not upset.
Haha I came here to post that...holy shit, I'm taking a 5min break on gaf to wait for my heart to come back to normal haha.
The part where you turn around
oh, good idea! let me go check.
EDIT: i got 55 voxophones. i listened to them all. i had never opened the menu to check them until i just checked. in fact, i couldn't figure out how to open it using my keyboard so i plugged in my keyboard and hit the back button. how many are there total?
oh, good idea! let me go check.
EDIT: i got 55 voxophones. i listened to them all. i had never opened the menu to check them until i just checked. in fact, i couldn't figure out how to open it using my keyboard so i plugged in my keyboard and hit the back button. how many are there total?
So can I show my brother in law the start of the game without blowing up my game? My guess is I will just load the chapter I'm on and go from there it will remember my voxs I've collected and stuff?
No, I don't think so.
Haha exactlythe story will dictate when you come back there. It's weird, because I ran over there myself with Elizabeth before going to the gate, and considering what you find there, I was like, "Uh...this is kinda important Elizabeth say something!"
"Want some money?" *flips coin*
You don't have a memory card (any USB stick will do, just about) or cloud saves? (Assuming you're on Xbox which is probably a mistake.)Ugh wtf I can't show anyone the game besides where I am?
You don't have a memory card (any USB stick will do, just about) or cloud saves?
Ugh wtf I can't show anyone the game besides where I am?
people who finished the game said all Voxs are saved. i dunno what happens if you didn't finish it.
can't you start a new game in a different save slot?
I don't believe there is save slots?
Just create a new offline profile/account (on 360) to safely see the start again, Make sure you sign into that before you boot up the game.
Sorry I should have specified I'm on PC.
Sorry I should have specified I'm on PC.
Also I just clicked new game and it says it will overnight my last auto save.
Lack of PC game profile support strikes again.
Wtf guys is this for real??
Probably the one big misstep of the whole game. Who the fuck thought no individual saves was a smart idea on PC?