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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games

I had huge problems with this section, but I don't think I ever got this mad.

Volley Gun + Shock Jockey works well here I found. Almost made the encounter easy after I got annoyed with it many times. Stay in the tomb with he 4 medkits too (not in he tunnels), and you can stay relativly safe..

Also, if you want to be cheesy. Mine the whole area in front of that tomb with traps. Run back to the Circus of Value. Buy salts, mine some more runs back to Circus of Value get full Salts, and then finally stat the fight. That will do some decent damage even before you have to fire once.

Charge upgraded is much easier to use. It gives you invincibility while you do it, and as long as your salts are high, you can chain attack after attack which is compounded on to of having the piece of gear that gives you a 70% chance to light your enemies on fire. It makes almost the entire game too easy.
Charge upgraded is much easier to use. It gives you invincibility while you do it, and as long as your salts are high, you can chain attack after attack which is compounded on to of having the piece of gear that gives you a 70% chance to light your enemies on fire. It makes almost the entire game too easy.

It's crazy to think I never used Charge at all (bar testing it after I got it). I almost exclusively used Possession and Shock Jockey to beat most encounters.

I could probably play this game all the way through again, and have it feel completely different.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nope, she's pretty useless. All she literally does is hide in a corner and occasionally pass you some health, mana, or ammos. Narratively she also opens rifts for you, but functionally you are the one to do that. And rifts aren't even much of a choice. You pretty much only need one open at a time anyway, so it's functionally the same as if there were no worrying about the rifts at all. They don't really seem to add to the gameplay at all, even though they do add to the story.

Can't wait until Anita Sarkeesian gets her hands on this game, lol...


Infinite is a game that plays like a 7/10 but it's written so damn well that it doesn't matter. Infinite plays much better on the second time through in the same way that The 6th Sense was better on a second screening. It's layered more than you probably realize and it's much better for it. It has production value out the ass and you can tell that it had a ton of heart poured into it. It'll be a shining example of what is possible in story-telling in gaming even if it's not its champion. If that makes sense. It will live, live, have lived as a beacon of the future potential that producers of story heavy games should use as an example. Hope, Hoped, had hoped.

The stuff that will simply "click together" on a second playthrough is equally as mindblowing as the ending itself.

Infinite isn't perfect..but I'd say it's narrative is close to perfection this medium will see (I'm not saying it's the be all, end all for narratives. Infinites narraitve is still flawed somewhat in some regards. What I am saying though is that Infinite narrative design, and creation should be a template for any other developers who give 2 shits about making a half way compelling narrative)


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Also I feel like a god damn monster in this game. These people have their happy little floating kingdom and not even an hour after I get there I have ripped maybe 5 heads off of people's shoulders.

What's worse is I kept doing it. I went out of my way for those damn executions.
It's crazy to think I never used Charge at all (bar testing it after I got it). I almost exclusively used Possession and Shock Jockey to most encounters.

I could probably play this game all the way through again, and have it feel completely different.

I didn't use charge on my Hard play through. I used Charge and Possession almost exclusively on my 1999 play-through and it made it incredibly easy. I died less on my 1999 play-through than I did on my Hard play-through because of that. Possession/Charge is an overpowered skill. They just plain are. I didn't even have to use a dollar bill machine at all on my second go as a direct result of Charge. When you can chain attack after attack which makes you invincible while doing it you feel like a bad ass. Charge and Possession are the two easiest spammable vigors in the game. It's not bad because of it, it's just one avenue of attack that I've found that works extremely well. So well that you can cheese the hell out of the A.I. with them. I would literally not even think twice about charging into a group of 10 people as long as I led with a charge and knew that I had more than half my salt bar filled.

No exaggeration.


I said it earlier. Give me something more challenging.


Unconfirmed Member
I had huge problems with this section, but I don't think I ever got this mad.

Volley Gun + Shock Jockey works well here I found. Almost made the encounter easy after I got annoyed with it many times. Stay in the tomb with he 4 medkits too (not in he tunnels), and you can stay relativly safe..

Also, if you want to be cheesy. Mine the whole area in front of that tomb with traps. Run back to the Circus of Value. Buy salts, mine some more runs back to Circus of Value get full Salts, and then finally stat the fight. That will do some decent damage even before you have to fire once.

Yeah, I didn't happen to bring an explosive in because I wasn't expecting a boss fight, and like all "hard" modes when you aren't using explosives it just takes so many damn shots that it becomes both boring and frustrating at the same time. And sure you can cheese pre battle with traps if you knew it was coming, but the boss moves around fast and frantic, with plenty of expendable minions to set them off worthlessly to use them post triggering the fight.

I mean what other tactics could i be missing. It's not like circle strafing makes you actually dodge damage in this post regenerating health world, and I can't pick off the true damage dealers because they regen way faster than i can damage them, so its down to really boring really/cheesy health regen tactics, which maybe wouldn't be as annoying if that weren't what this whole game has been up to this point. It's just gotten more intense, in a really dumb and unimaginative way.


Still yet to buy this.

I can't make up my mind between the 360 version and the PC version. I am just not sure if my laptop (Alienware m14x) can do it justice with a GeForce 555M GPU.


I didn't use charge on my Hard play through. I used Charge and Possession almost exclusively on my 1999 play-through and it made it incredibly easy. I died less on my 1999 play-through than I did on my Hard play-through because of that. Possession/Charge is an overpowered skill. They just plain are. I didn't even have to use a dollar bill machine at all on my second go as a direct result of Charge. When you can chain attack after attack which makes you invincible while doing it you feel like a bad ass. Charge and Possession are the two easiest spammable vigors in the game. It's not bad because of it, it's just one avenue of attack that I've found that works extremely well. So well that you can cheese the hell out of the A.I. with them. I would literally not even think twice about charging into a group of 10 people as long as I led with a charge and knew that I had more than half my salt bar filled.

No exaggeration.


I said it earlier. Give me something more challenging.

I guess I didn't update the right things, because the only way I got through two certain parts (
The Lady Comstock ghost fights part 2 and 3
) were by camping by the vending machine, taking shots with my upgraded Hand Cannon, and buying health and ammo when I needed them.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I found Shock Jockey and the piece of armor that chains it when you kill a person stunned with the hand cannon made the game really easy, hardly ever died also barely had to use any other vigors. Was playing on hard as well.

Might try the Charge and Possession combo for my 1999 playthrough.


I think I'm about halfway through. I loved the first part but its kind of fallen off since I got to
Finkton Docks & have been trying to get this guy's tools..
. The color in this game is amazing


I think I'm about halfway through. I loved the first part but its kind of fallen off since I got to
Finkton Docks & have been trying to get this guy's tools..
. The color in this game is amazing

The part where you at is probably the weakest section. Just keep pushing through, it only gets better from there.
I guess I didn't update the right things, because the only way I got through two certain parts (
The Lady Comstock ghost fights part 2 and 3
) were by camping by the vending machine, taking shots with my upgraded Hand Cannon, and buying health and ammo when I needed them.

I wouldn't have figured that out on my first play-through. I think that Hard is the best way to play Infinite. 1999 mode is not hard if you know how to plan your build and your vigilant. You have to scrounge the hell out of money to get the upgrades that you'll need. Hard mode is challenging enough to make you think twice about just giving you enemies the benefit of the doubt but forgiving enough to let you experiment. If you can't play through on Hard, your doing 1 of 2 things.

1. Stopping and ADS too much and not utilizing your vigors.
2. Not putting enough movement around the battlefield.

Or both.

There are only a few times where you don't have access to Sky-Lines. When you have them, use them. They give you versatility throughout the field that the A.I. can't match. Use it.

When there aren't Sky-Lines, play your enemies. When sky-lines are there you can cheese the hell out of your enemies(don't forget that you can change your equipment at will). But if they aren't available, use your environment to set traps with the vigors that you are most comfortable with. Whether you choose Charge/Devils Kiss/Undertow/Etc. Set traps. You are given that ability for a reason. If you need to cheese a wall just to take out 3 enemies, do it.

Most importantly, experiment. If your not having fun, your playing how you think is the most efficient way, even if it's not. I spent about 90% of my time not ADS. Which let me utilize my vigors. My game was very fast paced and a ton of fun.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, did they really not put a checkpoint after the story sequence before the boss I was talking about? Seriously if you're going to take away my ability to save myself, at least put some decent checkpoints in. I mean that should be freaking game design 101 here. Unskippable cutscenes that you've already viewed should be absolutely 100% unacceptable. I mean its just so obvious and easy to avoid, and with no arguments for keeping it the way it is whatsoever.

Did seriously no one out of the 100 people they had working on the game think maybe they should put checkpoints right after the story sections?

But i guess it doesn't matter. As long as the graphics are pretty and the story is interesting, it'll get praised as a perfect game, no matter what.


I think I'm about halfway through. I loved the first part but its kind of fallen off since I got to
Finkton Docks & have been trying to get this guy's tools..
. The color in this game is amazing
I'm where you're at. I think the environment here is fantastic, though yeah, not as exciting as the earlier parts. New guns are always fun, though. Just started using the handcannon.

My least favourite part was going back and forth for the shock jockey vigor. That was a mediocre section for me. Hopefully it was the average middle fetch quest part people have mentioned.


Wow, did they really not put a checkpoint after the story sequence before the boss I was talking about? Seriously if you're going to take away my ability to save myself, at least put some decent checkpoints in. I mean that should be freaking game design 101 here. Unskippable cutscenes that you've already viewed should be absolutely 100% unacceptable. I mean its just so obvious and easy to avoid, and with no arguments for keeping it the way it is whatsoever.

Did seriously no one out of the 100 people they had working on the game think maybe they should put checkpoints right after the story sections?

But i guess it doesn't matter. As long as the graphics are pretty and the story is interesting, it'll get praised as a perfect game, no matter what.

Who said it's perfect? I don't think anyone is claiming that.

Just the things it does well far exceed the things that most games do in those areas..thus the bad, aren't really all that bad.

If the setting was dull, and narrative was just simply "good" (not as big of a milestone as it turned out to be) than trust me, this thread would be a flame thread from top to bottom.
Wow, did they really not put a checkpoint after the story sequence before the boss I was talking about? Seriously if you're going to take away my ability to save myself, at least put some decent checkpoints in. I mean that should be freaking game design 101 here. Unskippable cutscenes that you've already viewed should be absolutely 100% unacceptable. I mean its just so obvious and easy to avoid, and with no arguments for keeping it the way it is whatsoever.

As a trophy collector I was also sad that they didn't have a collectable menu per chapter or at least some sort of tab where you can check your progress on achievements if you so desire. A recent title like Dead Space 3 did it right in that regard.

Come on guys, it's not hard.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What's your overall opinion of the narrative as whole? Do you think this is one of the best the medium has to currently offer?

I thought it was great, and indeed one of the more thought provoking and insightful endings the medium has to provide. In execution I think there's room for improvement. As with BioShock 2K have a tendency to introduce tangent narratives in their games that dip into less interesting territory. They always pick up, but I think there's area for overall refinement there, and maybe a bigger internal focus.

I don't really think Infinite put anything new on the table in raw execution. It's not like it revolutionises the medium. But the content is ambitious and the execution is very good. The ending is largely responsible for how my positivity. They wanted to tell a story, were very heavy handed in including a scripted narrative in an interactive work that's also still a "video game", and managed for that narrative to come to a very satisfying and discussion worthy conclusion. So in that they succeeded, and that makes the game worth playing.

Infinite is a game that plays like a 7/10 but it's written so damn well that it doesn't matter.

The inner critic always tries to attach a score, because I write for a website and if I were single handedly reviewing Infinite I'd have to :lol. And as important as so many aspects of the game are, I am very much for critiquing where critique is warranted. And some parts of Infinite I don't like all that much (see: side quests, checkpointing, and damage stacking). As much as I enjoyed the experience entire, that experience also included a couple of moments where I booted up my save and went "what the fuck? why am I so far back?", and a couple of moments where I feared quitting, not knowing when the game would next checkpoint.

On a side note, much of why the story elevates Infinite so much is identical to why I adore Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Two very bold stories that bring it all together with an excellent, memorable ending.
As a trophy collector I was also sad that they didn't have a collectable menu per chapter or at least some sort of tab where you can check your progress on achievements if you so desire. A recent title like Dead Space 3 did it right in that regard.

Come on guys, it's not hard.

I justwant to know in which fuckin chapter are the Voxophones I missed.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Woke up, and ready to continue this (so far) masterpiece :D


I just got spoiled by a Steam screenshot. Thanks, person. :( I saw
... Is that a huge spoiler, or an easter egg? I'm guessing it's the first...
combat scenarios got a bit tiresome but it definitely plays better than a 7, the variety of vigors really make for some fun gameplay that sets it apart from your standard fps

the bucking bronco one especially reminded me of all the fun i had with bulletstorm


combat scenarios got a bit tiresome but it definitely plays better than a 7, the variety of vigors really make for some fun gameplay that sets it apart from your standard fps

the bucking bronco one especially reminded me of all the fun i had with bulletstorm

I swear some people standards are way to high, because some make Infinite combat to be something straight out of the bargin bin.

Woke up, and ready to continue this (so far) masterpiece :D

Where are you currently in the game?
I just got spoiled by a Steam screenshot. Thanks, person. :( I saw
... Is that a huge spoiler, or an easter egg? I'm guessing it's the first...

It's moreso an easter egg than an actual spoiler, but the story gives its presence context.


The final fight is AWESOME. Played a second time, just for funsies.

I thought it was as boring as the final fight in Bioshock 2. Using
to paint targets in that generic FPS way was kind of embarrassing considering the stronger narrative elements of the last act.


I thought it was as boring as the final fight in Bioshock 2. Using
to paint targets in that generic FPS way was kind of embarrassing considering the stronger narrative elements of the last act.

You didn't have to use
. You could've used the skylines and done it yourself.


You didn't have to use
. You could've used the skylines and done it yourself.

Okay? It doesn't make the final fight (wave combat, protect the reactor zzzzz) any less boring. Bioshock's weakness has always been the combat, even going back to the first game, and no amount of executions or new 'gunfeel' (hate this word, haha) will change that.
actually maybe it's just me but this is some of the best fps gameplay i've had in years. it's impressive on it's own, let alone a bioshock game (which had such mind numbingly dull gameplay in prior games)

it reminded me a lot of bulletstorm


Wow, err. I hooked up my controller (ps3 with motioninjoy as a 360 controller) and all my settings reset.... to what i think are the xbox settings?! Everything was on low, while i was playing on high


I swear some people standards are way to high, because some make Infinite combat to be something straight out of the bargin bin.

Where are you currently in the game?

I see where there coming from though. I too actually really enjoy the combat, but it's still by far the least interesting and impactful aspect of Infinite and because they rely on it so much, it takes away from what the game does best.
Oh there was a scene after the credits? I hate when games do that and make us miss out on it if we skip the credits. Games are getting too large nowadays and I don't want to spend 15 minutes waiting for credits to end (30 if it's an ubisoft game where they thank the entire company on each game).
This is a really stupid complaint. Nobody's forcing you to sit there and watch the credits. It's the twenty-first century. You can find something to entertain yourself for fifteen or thirty minutes in the mean time.
This is hilarious.
My least favourite part was going back and forth for the shock jockey vigor. That was a mediocre section for me. Hopefully it was the average middle fetch quest part people have mentioned.
Heh. It may be because everything was entirely new for me and I'll dread it on my second play through, but I really enjoyed that part. The ending fight is an amazing culmination of the entire section.

It's 8:00am where I am. Time to play some Infinite!
I see where there coming from though. I too actually really enjoy the combat, but it's still by far the least interesting and impactful aspect of Infinite and because they rely on it so much, it takes away from what the game does best.

i think that speaks more for the quality of the plot than the gameplay though, that it's so engaging that moments that take you away from it disappoint some gamers.

i would have liked less combat scenarios but the gameplay itself was fun.

except for those big hand dudes on hard. fuck them.
How far am I from the end? Just
defeated Lady Comstock for the third fucking time (first fight was infuriating because I died a couple of times, ran out of money because I'd just bought upgrades, and had to reload to a much earlier checkpoint before I'd explored half of Emporia; after that I just abused Charge or sniped her from range whenever she was rezzing) and went through the gate of Comstock House
. An hour? Two? Been pleasantly surprised by the length of the game.

On the combat: it's fun when you spam your favourite Vigors, and the sniper rifle, carbine, and handcannon are pleasant to shoot. The bigger areas with lots of skylines and Handymen are good, frantic gaming where you have to think and act quickly. Most of the rest of the shooting feels a little bit of a chore, though, and it's a little too easy to pick people off with ranged weapons and/or Undertow.
I'm not getting the bewilderment about this game. It's fun and looks nice, but I don't think the themes and setting are something I would really need to revisit.
Mainly the setting and the narrative (specifically the build towards how it climaxes is the main draw)

I've watched about 25 mins of walkthrough from the beginning and I get the gist of the premise and the philosophy behind everything. Maybe it's just me - but it looks very familiar to previous Bioshock games in that respect. Obviously, the setting is different at face value, but the atmosphere and ideological meanderings looks pretty similar.

Is there enough that sets it apart from previous games?
I'm at the part where I have to
find the 3 tears to get into the Comstock building
. How many hours do I have left? I only have a day left to finish the game.


Are there any plans for a soundtrack release with all the anachronistic versions of modern songs? I'd love to own some of them.
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