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Bioshock Infinite |OT| No Gods, Kings, or Irrational Games

Can someone give me some advice on some of these achievements I have left? I've beaten the game on normal already. I'm about to start 1999 mode. Here are the achievements I have left:

Would I be doing myself a disservice trying to go for all these achievements in my 1999 playthrough? Would I be avoiding a lot of needless grief if I just went for them using chapter select before/after I finish 1999?

Beat game on hard
Beat game on 1999 mode
Beat game on 1999 mode without buying anything from a Dollar Bill store


20 skyhook executions
30 kills with crank gun
Lure 3 enemies into a vigor trap 5 times
Kill 20 enemies with (spoiler) allies brought in through a tear
Kill 30 enemies while on a sky line
Kill 10 enemies with environmental hazards
Kill 20 enemies by knocking them off Columbia
Kill 5 enemies while they're falling
Kill 5 enemies while drunk
Kill (spoiler) a handy-man by only shooting its heart
Find all kinetoscopes and telescopes
Find all voxophones

A lot of the weapon/kill stuff can be grinded and then just restart the checkpoint. So if for say the crank gun, what you can do is load a chapter you know has plenty of patriots, grab the Crank Gun and then repeat. I would advise doing this before you start 1999 mode, because I'm sure it'll be easier to do on Normal. Same with the Skyline stuff and Skyhook executions.

Knocking 20 enemies off Columbia, just use Undertow during the end game (or on anybody on a barge).

A trick for killing enemies while they're falling is just use shock jockey on enemies near an edge (again, a lot during the end of the game), and then use Undertow. They will fall to their death and you will be credited for Skeet Shoot.

As for shooting a Handyman only through his heart, there's a video out there that makes it really easy, in the Place of Zeal, the first handyman you fight appears, and there's an elevated spot you can jump to and when the Handymen jumps up to follow you, when you jump down, he just stays still. With the Sniper, you can shoot his heart without a fight.


Would I be doing myself a disservice trying to go for all these achievements in my 1999 playthrough? Would I be avoiding a lot of needless grief if I just went for them using chapter select before/after I finish 1999?

It's hard to track which voxophones/etc. you already have so you'll probably have to go for that on a new playthrough anyway. And the kills trophies aren't hard to get on 1999 if you make a deliberate effort to get them, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Use fire or electricity on the reanimated corpses so it burns the body away and they can't be reanimated again. Also a fully upgraded charge is supposed to be great for that fight.

This is what I did. It just takes forever. Once all the fodder is gone I use the equipment that makes meele strikes cause vulnerability and just kite it around. It takes so long though. Wish there was a better way.

EDIT: 15 hours for 1999 mode so easy/normal should be pretty a bit less.

Ein Bear

Just about to start my 1999 run. Anyone got any tips on which weapons/vigors to focus on upgrading? Feel like the going will probably be easier if I pick a handful of things to concentrate on, instead of spreading myself too thin.


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
Just about to start my 1999 run. Anyone got any tips on which weapons/vigors to focus on upgrading? Feel like the going will probably be easier if I pick a handful of things to concentrate on, instead of spreading myself too thin.

Someone way back in the thread said he cheesed the game using Bucking Bronco and Charge. Its the next setup I'll try for when I do my 1999 run.
argh, the bird, the cage, they both represent Elizabeth's confinement and she unwittingly wears it around her neck like a leash, it doesn't matter!


Reposting this since the other thread is dead. No story spoilers.

Now that I've finished the game, I can pop in to this thread. I think it being a shooter was fine, however there should have been less of it. The first time I got to fight enemies while also flying around on the rails was incredibly fun. I still think the best fights were when rails were present. (Hell I just liked riding them like a rollercoaster even with no ememies around). However there were many times where it felt like the enemies were there just to either prolong the length of the game or just to keep you busy shooting stuff. It felt unnecessary.

Basically, keep the shooting, just have less of it.

edit: An idea of how they could of toned down the shooting/violence.

If I go into a store with patrons and attempt to steal from the register, everyone will start to attack me. What if I could just draw my weapon and everyone would start to back off. I could shoot them, but it would give me the choice not to. At the moment, they won't stop at all until you kill them.

And this brings me to another point. Why is there no way to put away my gun? I felt weird walking into innocent situations (bars, stores, etc) with a gun drawn.
I wonder if Irrational is collecting data on how many players chose which necklace. I half expect to see an infographic about it at some point.


Just finished the game.

What fresh sorcery is this.

How can a game be this beautiful. We don't need next gen, we need more of this.

If it weren't trapped in its old fps and loot trappings that I feel run antithetical to what it aims for, it would have been the best game ever, now it's just an okay game with the best story and art direction ever.

I saw the final conceit coming because I already picked up on some of the hints all the way in the beginning, but still very expertly done.

Also, how nice is it to have a game with actual in-game time denouement, it's just so much more fulfilling. All game designers that came before are retroactively retards.


I thought this was funny

Ken Levine’s Secret Notepad of BioShock Ideas

BioShock – A city under the ocean (not Atlantis) is populated by murderous psychopaths. Everyone here also has superpowers. A little girl and her dozen twin sisters wander around needing to be rescued. Andrew Ryan talks to you about why his city is so great. After you kill everyone in the city the moral of the story is that killing children is bad. (Chance to prove that videogames can have moral messages just like movies?) I think this game could give people a lot to think about, like how it’s dangerous to give everyone in a city inherently destructive superpowers.

BioShock Infinite—A city in the sky is populated by an evil Tea Party analog (to prevent moral ambiguity make sure their eyes burn and they roar like monsters so there’s no confusion over who the bad guys are). Everyone still has superpowers like in the last game and they use them primarily to destroy things. This is our chance to finally prove that videogames are art and can be as deep as political cartoons. (Possible moral: next time you build a city 10,000 feet up in the sky make sure it has a big fence because otherwise immigrants will just hop over.)

BioShock Beyond—A steam powered city on a hill (a steam powered hill?) is run by a guy named Edward Jonathan. The city is divided into two factions: Jonathan’s religious cult and a rebellion of evil witch scientists. Everyone is still a murderous psychopath and they all still have superpowers. After you exterminate the evil witches you learn that they were actually not evil and that Jonathan is the real bad guy so then you get to kill all of his people too. The moral of the story is that evolution is real and that through the power of science we can give ourselves totally sweet superpowers. I like this part because I get to make up my own science and you get to listen to a dozen audio logs explaining it.

Super BioShock—A city in Earth’s orbit (note to self—research if steam power works in space) has fallen into chaos because everyone got superpowers and turned into murderous psychopaths. An oil tycoon named Benjamin Peters is destroying all of the city’s surrounding wildlife in order to drill for more oil… except that it’s not really oil. It’s the very substance that gives people superpowers and makes them crazy! You must stop him at all costs, even if it means killing every last human being in the city (fortunately it does!) You’ll be given choices throughout the game to use steam or gas powered machines. If you use gas then at the end of the game it turns out you’ve released so much carbon into space that Neptune melted and flooded Earth.

BioShock Unleashed—A city was built in the lowest circle of Hell by a guy named G. R. Inch who is determined to destroy Christmas. This actually isn’t hard though because everyone in his city has superpowers and is mentally unstable. It’s your job to find the little girls wandering around and give them dolls (or other female-appropriate toys). If you give them male-oriented toys then you get the bad ending where independent women overthrow the patriarchy. (This is bad because if little girls aren’t characterized as weak and passive then we won’t have anyone for you to rescue.) But either way the game ends when you realize that Mr. Inch was right all along and Christmas is just an opportunity for the bourgeoisie to exploit the working class and that you have been a drone of commercialism all along. Hopefully we can slate this game for a holiday release.

BioShock—Whenever the next generation of consoles come along I figure we might as well just reboot the franchise. There are a few ideas I have that I think could improve it too, like maybe a villain named Robert E. Bart.


i dont know about you guys but as long as everything else is different, i dont care about the base template

I don't either.
It's a great template and a great excuse for me to explore insanely
well realized fantastical cities lol

I'm not sure how much of these spoilers are really big spoilers or what people can guess, but just to be sure, tagged. Don't untag these until you guys beat the game, just in case.


Ok, what the fuck?

I'm on a fight that I think is near the end:

The fight where you control the songbird. How the fuck do you win this? This is nearly impossible, and I'm about to throw my controller across the room. The game's been a cakewalk until this, but this is just silly. The fucking square button does everything, so it hardly ever registers when it's supposed to attack a zeppelin. And on top of that it's just nearly impossible to keep going with this many enemies. I really don't get it...


Ok, what the fuck?

I'm on a fight that I think is near the end:

The fight where you control the songbird. How the fuck do you win this? This is nearly impossible, and I'm about to throw my controller across the room. The game's been a cakewalk until this, but this is just silly. The fucking square button does everything, so it hardly ever registers when it's supposed to attack a zeppelin. And on top of that it's just nearly impossible to keep going with this many enemies. I really don't get it...
Make sure to attack the ground as well because the people on the ground take the most health of the ship. Don't just aim at the airships. Also the cooldown is quicker when attacking the ground. A lot of people have had a problem with Square/X not registering.
Are you on normal?


Ok, what the fuck?

I'm on a fight that I think is near the end:

The fight where you control the songbird. How the fuck do you win this? This is nearly impossible, and I'm about to throw my controller across the room. The game's been a cakewalk until this, but this is just silly. The fucking square button does everything, so it hardly ever registers when it's supposed to attack a zeppelin. And on top of that it's just nearly impossible to keep going with this many enemies. I really don't get it...

is simple. take out the
zeppelins by yourself as Booker, don't use Songbird as the cooldown can be a killer. Take them out immediately when you see them encroaching on the sides of your ship because they'll infinitely respawn enemies. Then, use Songbird to wipe out large groups of enemies on the ground and the big cannon fire ships by the bow.

is strategy for 1999 mode, should be easy for you


Ok, what the fuck?

I'm on a fight that I think is near the end:

The fight where you control the songbird. How the fuck do you win this? This is nearly impossible, and I'm about to throw my controller across the room. The game's been a cakewalk until this, but this is just silly. The fucking square button does everything, so it hardly ever registers when it's supposed to attack a zeppelin. And on top of that it's just nearly impossible to keep going with this many enemies. I really don't get it...

Place Return to Sender traps on the core, use songbird to take down the gunships and enemies on deck (especially when the Patriots start appearing), and take down the Zeppelins by yourself.


Ok, what the fuck?

I'm on a fight that I think is near the end:

The fight where you control the songbird. How the fuck do you win this? This is nearly impossible, and I'm about to throw my controller across the room. The game's been a cakewalk until this, but this is just silly. The fucking square button does everything, so it hardly ever registers when it's supposed to attack a zeppelin. And on top of that it's just nearly impossible to keep going with this many enemies. I really don't get it...

I used Winter Shield gear (shirt slot), which grants brief invulnerability when jumping to or from the Sky-Line, plus RPGs, Possession and Shock Jockey vigors. I was just jumping around shooting rockets and vigors. :) It was a cakewalk on 1999 Mode.


This is so fucking stupid, I hate when games do this. I still can't do it...

How the hell do you take down a zeppelin without the bird? I fired like 20 rockets into one and it did nothing. I don't get this at all...


This is so fucking stupid, I hate when games do this. I still can't do it...

How the hell do you take down a zeppelin without the bird? I fired like 20 rockets into one and it did nothing. I don't get this at all...

Remember when you took one down earlier? Go on the zipline, enter the zeppelin, and sabotage the controls. It is a bit obtuse, I've seen other people confused about it as well.
I'm replaying this again and all I can think of is how awesome it would be to play this with the Oculus Rift. Flying around on those skylines, oh man...


This is impossible. There's no way you guys did this on a harder difficulty. What the fuck...
I wonder what you're doing wrong. It's not that hard at all.

Take out the Zeppelin's yourself, only use Songbird to clear the deck when you're doing something else so you don't have to worry about cooldown when you really need him. Shoot Patriots from the back. Everyone is going to focus on the ship, so you're basically free to do whatever you want without catching much agro at all

El Odio

Wait, you actually can down the Zeppelins yourself? I tried jumping on one from the sky rail but there was no place to dismount.


I wonder what you're doing wrong. It's not that hard at all.

Take out the Zeppelin's yourself, only use Songbird to clear the deck when you're doing something else so you don't have to worry about cooldown when you really need him. Shoot Patriots from the back. Everyone is going to focus on the ship, so you're basically free to do whatever you want without catching much agro at all

Sure I'm free, but it takes mega fucking bullets to kill everything, and I can't seem to get enough damned ammo, and if I go up to a zeppelin everything is around the core beating the shit out of it.


I'm thinking about buying this Season Pass, but something isn't totally clear to me. I heard it was for three EPISODES, but couldn't find the source. Now the Season Pass store doesn't make this explicit. It just says "three add-ons". Is that ambiguous to anyone else? I just don't want to pay for weapons, skins, and shit. I want to make sure I'm getting three brand new episodes.


Sure I'm free, but it takes mega fucking bullets to kill everything, and I can't seem to get enough damned ammo, and if I go up to a zeppelin everything is around the core beating the shit out of it.
Just stun shit with electric and run, don't bother with them.


I'm thinking about buying this Season Pass, but something isn't totally clear to me. I heard it was for three EPISODES, but couldn't find the source. Now the Season Pass store doesn't make this explicit. It just says "three add-ons". Is that ambiguous to anyone else? I just don't want to pay for weapons, skins, and shit. I want to make sure I'm getting three brand new episodes.

Three all-new add-on packs will provide hours of additional gameplay and continue the player’s journey in the sky-city of Columbia with new stories, characters, abilities and weapons.

That's all we know right now.


Steroid Distributor
Been playing the game on hard and haven't found it challenging at all, but then I got to
the boss fight in Memorial Gardens.
Thanks for the ridiculous difficulty spike, Irrational. I was thinking of replaying the game in 1999 mode, but I'm definitely not gonna bother after this bullshit.

What hard fight?

I have always hated hearing people say that if the game is too hard then you are playing it wrong but I learnt my lesson with this game.
I was playing it wrong.
If what you are doing isnt working then think for a moment how you could change your attack strategy and see if that helps.
There are several easy methods of attacks for every encounter.
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