Too many Brits hogging the air in this thread.
Technically, Disney owns all of it now. I know Ron Gilbert said something along the lines of if he ever came into a VERY large sum of money he'd look into it, but I have a feeling all those IP are done for a while.
I had a small shimmer of hope Disney Infinity could bring them back, but I know I'm just being crazy.
The thread hasn't gone full English until Currygan somehow finds his way in here.
Weird for a thread about a game with more American flags than... Something with a lot of American flags.The thread hasn't gone full English until Currygan somehow finds his way in here.
Never go full English.
What is it about?
I'm looking at the Green Man Gaming pre-order bonuses and the only one I haven't played yet is The Darkness II. How is it? Worth the time playing? Haven't played the first one. Otherwise I'm thinking of just grabbing Bioshock 2 so I can nab Minerva's Den during the next Steam Sale.
Using time travel to foil the world-domination plot of a nefarious purple tentacle creature.
I'm looking at the Green Man Gaming pre-order bonuses and the only one I haven't played yet is The Darkness II. How is it? Worth the time playing? Haven't played the first one. Otherwise I'm thinking of just grabbing Bioshock 2 so I can nab Minerva's Den during the next Steam Sale.
I suppose that Amazon is the best place to preorder at this point with the XCOM plus $30 in 2K bucks? Any good 2K games worth spending that on?
Sure, but do you even slide bro?
Call me Elizabeth, because I would tear that up.
Ya. 2K deserves respect for having the balls to let this happen.
For some reason it has only niw occurred to me to suggest "I'm Comin to Join Ya, Elizabeth" for an OT title
greenmangaming has a very good offer as well, for $60 you get 3 extra games with bioshock infinite, xcom enemy unknown, bioshock 1 and an extra game of your choosing, i believe they have spec ops the line, civ 5, bioshock 2 and the darkness 2, you can also get either $15 GMG credit or $14 dollars backI suppose that Amazon is the best place to preorder at this point with the XCOM plus $30 in 2K bucks? Any good 2K games worth spending that on?
Didn't they force a multiplayer mode and request changes to the SP? I wouldn't call that having "balls".
"Maybe we would have saved some money or sold some more games, I don't know, but I really like what we did because hell, to be honest, most of us developers are not benefiting other than having a job afterwards from the sales of our games, and the fact that 2K to me really puts quality first and really puts this debate that we were having on meaningful topics first, was pretty unique for a publisher."
"(multiplayer is) "tacked-on… bullshit, should not exist… there's no doubt that it's an overall failure.
They took a hell of a lot of risk with the project that other publishers would not have had the balls to take," he said. "I'm proud of what we were able to achieve, and it was not easy."
The Darkness II isn't nearly as good as the first, which isn't available on PC (a shame).
Just finished that first section in Bioshock.
Damn I forgot how great that was and how good it looks.
Also, I was playing with vsync off, and if that's what I can expect form infinite in terms of framerate, I will have no problem with it at all
I replayed the first 2 hours of Bioshock a few months ago on a hallucinogenic substance. It was intense and overwhelming. Made me look at the game in an entirely different way.
It amplified all the emotions of confusion and loneliness that are so masterfully presented.
I never gave Bioshock a proper playthrough in 07, I played it a few weeks after coming off Call of Duty 4 and my mindset just wasn't right for something like Bioshock. All I could focus on was how not fun the actual gameplay was, I couldn't fully appreciate the atmosphere. I ran through it like a corridor shooter.
King Bookah and Queen Elizabeth
Didn't they force a multiplayer mode and request changes to the SP? I wouldn't call that having "balls".
Replace that meat with some good 'ole American bacon and you've got yourself the strongest argument for English cuisine.
Call me Elizabeth, because I would tear that up.
Just introduced Bioshock to my fiance. She's new to gaming and still has trouble with the dual sticks for FPS (plays Skyrim 3rd person).
She absolutely loves it (despite not able to play the game well), mostly due to the atmosphere. She skipped quite a bit of material due to not being used to exploration type gameplay, but found much of the beginning moments in Rapture to be terrifying.
..You mean like that bacon right there in the picture?