So I dug this quite a bit, it is a comic book ass comic book movie!
This is SOOOOOOO sloppy though. For all that budget spent on giant cinematic fight scenes and needlessly excessive show off effects (like the Professor X....err, I mean Hawkeye Mansion, the underwater Civil War....errr I mean DC supermax prison, random easily defeated zombies coming outta nowhere, etc) they could have split this plot into two films and probably come out ahead. BA versus the merc army then BA versus the crown of......old egyptian versions of the 7 deadly sins?
Still, it was really fun and fuuuuuuck did they show some violence. 'Bout 30 min in I was really regretting taking my 4th grade kid but fortunately the cruelty kills kinda fell off after that. He was pointing out all the marvelesque stuff though (is that Wakanda? Is that Ant-man?). The kid didn't bug me as much as some and I though BA stayed present throughout. Rocks charisma was on mute though, hopefully they can let him unwind a bit. I NEVER wanna see "pre-Cap Steve Rodgers" Rock again though, that was Mummy 2 levels of uncanny valley
I dug the "twist" such as it is, that stuff hits hard when you are there with your own son. But can the SHAZAM powers be passed on like that? I thought they needed the staff? Was that a safety upgrade made after BA or was the staff just how you make more Shazams, not necessarily how you can transfer the power? And what was Hawkman anyway? A budget Tony Stark techno genius or still an alien?
Anyway, despite all the narrative issues it was a damned fast paced action fest. Soundtrack was just bombastic as all get out as well. Sarah Shahi remains a most underappreciated goddess and the cyclone chick pulled off that curly red hair better than Ariel, Starfire, and Batwoman/girl combined.
AS I expected, this BA is not, and never was, any kind of villain. He shows about the level of respect for life any of these jackasses do when they roll into a densely populated urban environment and start punching holes through skyscrapers. So I suspect the level of "disagreement" betwixt BA and any of the JSA/JLA folks will be whether or not to just kill the bad guys and whatever contrivance to justify keeping them alive the writers can slap together (because lets me honest, if the heroes just decimate villain henchmen, I suspect the henchman union will lack for members soon enough).
I did like the subtle(ish) political themes and the admonishment to "clean up your own damn house" versus reliance on fickle external enforcers, as well as a jab at comic book focus on the US (and Europe a bit) versus the rest of the globe.