Metalic Sand
who is Emo-Beas?
What are the guild quest like? I'll be able able to help later tonight 1am EST- whenever
What are the guild quest like? I'll be able able to help later tonight 1am EST- whenever
So I decided to jump right in and have no idea what I'm doing.
The first questline I managed to find had me go up to a scarecrow but the game did not tell me what to do. I thought I missed something so I forfeit the quest thinking I could restart it but I don't even know how to do that.
So now I've just been running around in circles with no direction at all. Hmmmm.....
Cant never find anyone for an invite on EU GAF in-game so pleae send me a msg when you're in. Fers is family name, Refia and Ferria my chars. Thanks![]()
We finished out I think a total of 6 guild quests last night. Had a group of 20-30 lvl 50-51s doing the 3k mob quest. It's pretty rad to have your whole guild in an area just laying waste to stuff.
is there a reason why my FPS is stuck at 24fps? (using 2xTitan X's @4k))
and where is Vsync?
is there a reason why my FPS is stuck at 24fps? (using 2xTitan X's @4k))
and where is Vsync?
is there a reason why my FPS is stuck at 24fps? (using 2xTitan X's @4k))
and where is Vsync?
This is exactly what I had to do to get fullscreen mode working.Are you playing on a TV through HDMI? Some games (Crysis 1 and 2 for example) have this weird glitch where the game locks to the lowest available refresh rate (24hz on TV's). I don't know if this game has that glitch but that could explain it.
The only way I could get around it on the Crysis games was to create a weird resolution (1916 x 1080) and that would go at the full 60
Are the gathering quests able to be completed by non 50s? I'd love to help with them, but it'll be a hot minute before I get to 50. Taking the combat leveling slow.
Is there any like Caves for me and my friend to explore? I'm level 17 and he's 14 and we feel like we're starting to lose quests to kill shit. D: We're at the first city, near the quarry.
Most of them are based around high level mobs, so unless you're in the mid-40s, nope.Are the gathering quests able to be completed by non 50s? I'd love to help with them, but it'll be a hot minute before I get to 50. Taking the combat leveling slow.
The game doesn't really guide leveling through quests. The quests don't even provide combat (leveling) XP outside of the initial tutorial batch of quests.Is there any like Caves for me and my friend to explore? I'm level 17 and he's 14 and we feel like we're starting to lose quests to kill shit. D: We're at the first city, near the quarry.
1-13: Misc Quests
13-16: Quarry.
15-18: Imps of west Heidel.
15-20: Scarecrows.
20-24: Arlund Rebels Castle and Surrounding down stream areas South of Heidel. If full check ridge line.
21-25: Fogans East of Glyshi Town.
24-28: Blood Monk Fanatics South of Glyshi.
28-32: Red Orcs West of Glyshi.
32-36: Kuruto Cave North East Calpheon / North of Fort.
36-39: Possessed Humans Kapras Cave, North East Calpheon, West of Crafting Florin Village.
34-40: Plagued people 34+, Kuruto 38+, North west of Calpheon.
39-40: Giant hill trolls, North West of Calpheon.
40-44: Chimeras, Southeast of Calpheon just up hill outside gate. (Fast)
44-46: Giants / Primal giant post of South Keplan Town (pain)
44-46: Sonil Lizards, South West of Keplan Town.
46-50-55: Manysha Spear-man / Manysha Forest, South West Calpheon.
48-50-55: Catfish South West of Keplan Town.
48-50-55: Skellies South West of Keplan Town.
50-55: Shadow's North East Treant Village in Caves.
50-55: Treants North of Treant Village.
50-55: Misc Endgame zones surrounding these areas.
13-16 at the quarry
16-19 at scarecrows
19-25 at alrhundi rebels
25-29 at monastery
29-32 at red orcs
32-35 khuruto
35-39 refugee camp
39-45 chimaera
45-47 manshaa forest
47-50 catfish
Tamed my first horse last night. I was still salty from my failure within the last 15 minutes of CBT2 which would have completed the special event. There were just too many people competing to have time to figure things out. I think I have a good grasp of how everything works now. Time to stock up on sugar and rope!
Another highlight of yesterday was a strange encounter I had out at sea. Someone randomly climbed onto my raft in the middle of open water just as I started to move to another location and asked "Where we going?" Pretty far away from land so it took me by surprise.
Stuck at work for the next 6-7 hours but it's Friday so I'll be playing all weekend. Going to continue building my fishing empire while helping out with guild expansion quests and whatever else strikes me.
Is there any like Caves for me and my friend to explore? I'm level 17 and he's 14 and we feel like we're starting to lose quests to kill shit. D: We're at the first city, near the quarry.
What the hell are nodes? I don't think they've actually explained that.
What's the consensus on using an Xbox controller vs mouse keyboard ?
Personal opinion..don't use a controller. At least for rangerWhat's the consensus on using an Xbox controller vs mouse keyboard ?
Would also like an NA invite
Family name: Adventus
Character: Xenorpha
I tried adding the 5 officers in NA GAF so I could message for an invite, but it doesn't seem to be working.
If anyone sees this while there is still space:
Family Name - Lowertal
First Name - Saphrie
Would love to join![]()
I'd like an invite. Family name is IDeimos
What's this limiting guild member thing they have going annoying,that and the energy to chat...people have so many questions to ask because of the overly complicated stuff that is not explained well,or at all and all of a sudden you have to wait like 3 minutes to say one phrase...
What the hell are nodes? I don't think they've actually explained that.
Best way I can explain it is they're like building "roads" between locations. Cities are hubs that are free connection points. You need to build a "road" between the cities and the nodes, which cost Contribution Points. However, it's not permanent, and you can take them out whenever you want. Once you build a "road" to a node, you can click on them and activate resource locations, which you can send workers to.
Workers are NPCs you can hire to farm those resource locations. You can hire workers in cities from an NPC. You need "Lodging" in the cities to hire workers. You can see which houses have lodging through the map when you click on a city. It's the little houses, and under that there's a subset called "Lodging". Explore the menu and you'll see what houses do.
That's a very basic description of nodes and workers.
Personal opinion..don't use a controller. At least for ranger
Can someone invite to NA guild? On now
Family: Galactus
Name: Chatterly
Sent a whisper. Please respond so I can invite.
You have to add by character name even though it says family name. It's a bug.
Sent you a Whisper. Please respond so I can invite.
Invite sent!
Thanks!Invite sent!
Sorceress or Tamer. Tamer is a bit like a dual-wield warrior with a pet, whereas Sorceress is a rogue-like character with black magic. Despite conventions, sorceresses are more like rogues than mages.
You have to add by character name even though it says family name. It's a bug.
Sent you a Whisper. Please respond so I can invite.